i had a blast this weekend. lmao seeing a lot of ppl wasted and drunk. lmao and they are supposely good role models there were like a zillion children there and gee they sure made a big fool out of themselves. i stayed away from drinking because i know when it is right to drink though i am underage. anyways i got 200 dollars just from them[drunk ass bastard

] and i am going to use that to buy me a copy of sawan bieng. oh i was having fun watching them play texas holdem and i got an additional 20. yeah we dont gamble much money since its family.
about the baby shower i won a 25 dollar visa card. lmao. and i knew sure knew nothing about my aunt. i think the hardest game for me that night was the animal baby name. ie: cow the baby term for cow is calf. and one of my little cousin was so cute so she started. for deer she put bambi. and one of my other drunk aunt for whale she put shark. i swear i love it when ppl are drunk, they do, act, ect as a dumbwit. lmao. anyways i just wanted to brag about the 200 i got and what i was going to spend it on. lol

but it ended up something longer. :loool: