I feel the same about each lakorn you mentioned, minus Rang Ngao as I didn't watch that one. My order of favorites of their lakorn together goes OR > SB > SSH and I predict I will like 365 least. And to answer your last question, I don't think 365 will be as good as SB. Lakorns produced like SB and the type of audience reception for it comes every once in a while. To a lot of lakorn fans, that version has gone down as one of the greatest of all times.i don't know how many times i repeat this..i'm ann's fan..only watch ann's lakorn..
i've heard people said that nampueng kom,JLR and jai rao was so good...i try to watch it but i can't..i really want to watch JLR,but i don't know why,i can't watch it even just a teaser..
the only lakorn that i watch without ann was songkram nang fah because its aired in my country,and weewa wah woon,but its only a teaser..lol..
i can't watch other lakorn especially if ken with other nang ek..its ok if ann with other pra ek..lol..
RANG NGAO - i love it..i like when ann play a strong nang ek and want a revenge..i laughed when i watched ken R ann..lol,its so polite..
OUM RUK - this is the cutest ann's lakorn ever..honestly,i knew ann&ken from here and firstly i thought they were a couple in a real life..they look so close together especialy the scene when ann pretend to delivery at shopping mall and ken carried her...and i still cry at the scene ann and her baby leave a hospital..
SAWAN BIENG - this lakorn make me addicted...its like drug + ecstacy..i can't leave my computer until i finished watched it.i skip my lunch..never got enough sleep...just for Sawan Bieng..all cast in here was great..ken was really great in here..
but for me,its at the beginning..they focus on ken character..
half of the end,its focus on ann's character..so its balance..so lets say them both is the key of this successful lakorn..
all cast was great..leela also the great nang rai..kid acting was superb especially when he's gonna die and he's ask an apologize from narin..oh,that part was sad..
the proposal scene was the best scene ever,its has romantic,sad,happy at the same time..
p/s : never forget the force kiss and underwater kiss.. :wub: :wub:
SOOT SANAE HA - i only watch ann part..i think this lakorn is special for her..i even see ken as supprting role only.she's so funny here,especially the kidnap scene..i laughing out loud watching this scene..
i'm shocked when i watch the kissing scene at the end..i thought ken will never do that kind of kissing after he got married..so,i think we got a chance to see it again in 365 Wan Haeng ruk..
365 Wan Haeng Ruk : like i said before,i think i'm gonna love this lakorn more than SB because they will have so much sweet scene + ken look hot like kawee..and there's gonna be a drama too..
oh,both of them was soooooooo good in drama..
ken is the only actor that ken make me cry..for ann,its no doubt..that her strengh..
i can't wait to watch it now..maybe p'aew will give us another surprise gift for chrismas just like she did for Soot Sanae Ha..
do you guys think 365 will be huge hit like SB???!!
Most lakorns in ch3 start with a 7 and end with a 10, ratings for Sawan Being were good cause of the sadist storyline, thailand will tune in to sadist and action lakorns, like JLR and Sawan Being, they got great ratings.I feel the same about each lakorn you mentioned, minus Rang Ngao as I didn't watch that one. My order of favorites of their lakorn together goes OR > SB > SSH and I predict I will like 365 least. And to answer your last question, I don't think 365 will be as good as SB. Lakorns produced like SB and the type of audience reception for it comes every once in a while. To a lot of lakorn fans, that version has gone down as one of the greatest of all times.
But then again, I'm finding it really hard to gauge the reception of it. I'm sure millions of Ken Ann fans are awaiting to tune in and will enjoy whatever may be in the lakorn... It'll be successful for sure as the Ken-Ann fans army will make up the majority of the ratings, it's basically guaranteed that it'll open with at least a 7 and end with at least a 10. Their last one, SSH did really well but no where near the monster that was SB and I think the reason behind is that many viewers became attached to the characters like Kawee and Shane and Pat. You wanted Kawee to change and be a good person/father/husband, forgiven, and understood. You rooted for Shane and Pat to be one big happy family etc. SSH i think was successful because of the core Ken and Ann fan base built from their previous lakorns. It didn't explode because it didn't have that great of a storyline or characters that other viewers, who aren't die-hard-i'll watch anything Ken and Ann does together, can root for.
I don't know how everyone's experiences are with lakorn watching, but it's actually not that popular? to many. Sorry, it's strange to describe because I know that it is watched by millions of people... but it's actually an activity that's kinda lame i guess...Like a lot of my friends who live in Bkk don't watch lakorns, but when they do its because that specific lakorn is the rage. One friend who never watches lakorns got into Jam leuy rak and never did she watch anything again. More recently another friend is into Wanida but she's not a frequent watcher. Sawan Bieng was like that, special... 365 I have doubts. Storyline sounds stressful and blah...characters as far as lead goes... to be seen... Does the story span a decade or something? Why does Ann have short hair? Usually when the lady cuts her hair is after she'd been married for a while no? I thought this lakorn was going to be like a fantasy, where Ann's character falls asleep and dreams about bad stuff that could happen to her married life? Not sure where i remember reading this though...
We'll see how it does...365 is going to be tough for me to watch. Even as a fan of both, I couldn't watch them break up! Or watch them in a storyline that isn't compelling. I like my story lines to have the pra nangs build up to their love... not start it right off the bat then go downhill from there. Especially when it has to do with a homewrecker. Sometimes viewers get hooked to that type of drama revolving around the good wife and nasty homewreckers ie Mia Luang and Tanya, Peck, and Pinky's lakorn hehe. Maybe this lakorn could ride on that wave...
Not all action lakorns but a good majority of them are top rated like Cheer and New's lakorn right now, Kom Faek, Suu Yip Ta are all successful. As for sadist lakorns it's the same a majority of them will get high ratings, sometimes there are fails like Jum Luey Kammathep.^that is not always true. there are many action lakorns that have done poorly in ratings. it just really depends what the people are in the mood for.