It's going to be 4AM and I'm up finishing ep.4...You can see Phee's changes from being a player to a one hearted man. He's changing into a person who is falling in love especially with someone he can't get. This makes Phee even more determine to win Khwans heart. Sergeant Lamai is on point with his words of wisdom lol Phee is in love !!!!! And he's going insane, short tempered angry with no reasons. For me, Episode 4 captures the actual beginning of K'Phee and K'Khwan's love story. She's starting to like him more and shes even letting her guards down. Phee said he'll help Pranod with Salakjit but he's having problems himself trying to pursue Khwan so idk why he's even offering to help n'Pranod 555 lor lin lor lin hahaah Pranod reminds me of another version of my cutie Alex Rendell
Khwan played the part where she spanked Pranod very well lol I bet her little nongs were giggling at that scene because they all have experienced that as well 555 ahaha Jk she was like a mother disciplining her son for ditching class. Oh yhea btw. James Mint and Pranod looked like a little family at the market !
I squealed at the part where Phee stole Khwans meatball out of her bowl and she took it back. They were def flirting haahah
D Phee's receiving brownie points already
I wanna lol at Rampa. She's at the Palace acting like a devoted soon to be Jutathep daughter in law lol how pathetic ! It's sweet how Phee doesn't like eating anything too sweet yet he slurped Piangkwan's dessert that she made the first time
Rampa can go ahead and learn Phee's favorite desserts haaha he can eat whatever Piangkwan makes for him......We all know that Phee is annoyed of Rampa but he's grateful that she does what she does for him....boy wait until you know how evil she is lol
The tiger's cave scene where Khwan and Phee were dancing is so romantic. In that scene, he wanted to confess his love but got rejected instead aweeeee. He slowly becomes weak when Khwan stabs him with her words !!! Phee is def a hottie when he's piss tho !!! Eeeeeks ! His jealousy spoke for him when Piangkwan went to go see Sia Peng :0 he's like I can give you far more then what sia Peng can give you !!! Wowwsaaah ! That should've made Piangkwan question what he has to offer ? That Sia Peng doesn't have ?
*blinking cursor I'm blanking out lol
Oh yhea I love the ending scene for ep.4. Khwans day is already ruined by the previous night because of that nasty Sia Peng. Chai Pee brought a smile to her face and brighten up her day by so many notches !!! Piangkwan is falling in love yal ;p lol
Nuff with my wall of texts :S
Okays 99 nows !!