Whew, that was a wild ride. This episode had it all: drama, romance, action.
The romance department can make the strongest of us squeal like a little girl (that high pitched sound you heard? That was you. And me) so it's great to see that the relationship story between Nai Singh and Noona made some serious progress. When Noona sat alone that night after the party and realized that she has to leave tomorrow- leaving her dad and the amazing Nai Singh behind- the reality settles in. She feels the same way about Nai Singh! I love the way their sweet scenes flash back to her, showing us how much they've grown. I needed to see that Noona reciprocated the feelings even though we know that she feels the same way.
Drama department, a couple of things. I love when Na Ram says to his daughter that he no longer has regrets ever since he reunited with her. Such character growth, especially for a man with so many regrets. Another scene that was done well- Khun Nong giving Rassamee a piece of her mind! There's steely reserve under all that quiet and calm facade. Effective in letting out all of that frustration and giving ungrateful Rassamee a reality check- that the person insulting others is Rassamee, who also doesn't realize that Na Ram has not committed himself to any other women, not even Khun Nong who poured her heart out to him. Perhaps this tongue lashing is effective for some people, but Rassamee has thicker skin than that. Regardless, it was a great moment to see Khun Nong let it go.
Speaking of Rassamee, I actually felt an iota of pity for her, after all, she has a daddy complex too, deep down I'm sure she craves for praise and love from her father too. Because even the Big Bad loves his son (although he has a funny way of showing it, I actually lol'ed during their telephone scene.) In a gruff tone he said something along the lines of [You're my bloodline, you cannot die, you must survive. I LUB you. But I'm SO mad at you]! LOL. I can't help but laugh. But Rassamee, her narcissistic tendencies woke me up real quick though, she loves blaming people and take no responsibility for herself. We'll see whether that changes or if she'll forever be..selfish.
Talk about action! I didn't realized I was holding my breath until the preview for the next episode came on. I could do without Adisorn trying to have his way with Khun Nong, but I can always watch Na Ram and Nai Singh kick some butt. Speaking of these two, in many ways, I think that Nai Singh is the man that Na Ram always wanted to be. While Nai Singh has a capable foreman on his side.
Last but not least, the camera loves Nadech. He does not have a bad angle. Half the time I'm too busy drooling over his handsomeness. And like everyone mentioned, love the dancing scene. Noona stepped up her game but only to be driven to blushing by the swoony-eyed Nai Singh. This episode brought the fun, lovable and excitement. Now who's ready for the real ending? Lol

Lakorns always keep me guessing. I sure hope next week will give us a rewarding ending- one that we think our characters deserve.