Omg, at first i didn't think i would love junjee and gam and top and wawaa couple, but now I'm so in love. Love how wawaa beats top up and how he always gets in her way. And junjee and gam, can already sense the romance.
also loving great and eye. So mad at p nud for seeing someone else better than his sister. Didn't he see how awful peach treated nate before and he didn't even say anything, instead he blamed mor wat, but now that nate doesn't accept peach, p nud has a right to be angry? Come on. He is too blinded by love and they're saying that nate and mor wat are being blinded by love? Peach is such a *****, she should've at least learned from her mistakes, guess ugly people will always be ugly (meaning in her heart). I have a feeling she is only using p nud to get back at nate and to get mor wat back.