JEALOUSY JEALOUSY JEALOUSY! That’s the best word I can use to describe ep 10 lol My goodness I’ve never in my life seen a p’ek react to the n’ek being with another dude like Artit did. He literally got physical sick by seeing them together. He started throwing up and losing his breath

He was legit losing it. It’s funny cause just like Non said, the one they wanted to react (ling) wasn’t showing much of a reaction but the one who shouldn’t care is the one freaking out the most. Poor Artit is so confused with how he’s feeling. He’s not understanding why he’s so upset with the fact that Pang is dating someone else. In the beginning when Pang asked him if you hate me so much, why do you follow me around everywhere, even Artit himself has to pause and think to himself. He’s like girl I’m just as confused as you are! It’s so funny how scared Pang is of Artit. She knew the second they were gonna be alone that Artit was gonna explode. I think she secretly gets off on making him mad lol And hopefully the mom backs off from Pang now that they think she likes Non. Next episode might be even crazier cause we’re getting another character in the mix thats gonna add more to the fire. Yayyyy I’m so happy Deaw is in this too! He’s such a hottie. Didn’t even know he’s was gonna be in this unless I don’t remember seeing him in the BTS for this