Lady Dila said:
Ah no no...CORRECTION!
She's TOOOOO GOOODDDD for him.... :yes: :yes: :yes:
nothing wrong with an older woman and younger man pair up at event and in lakorn (so the keywords here are "pair up, event, lakorn"
) it not real life so who cares, as long as they look good together.
another thing is Ann still look beautiful so it doesn't matter, it nadech who looks way too boyish and cartoonish all the time yet still very handsome
, so it his fault lol ( i can see the claws of nadech's fan girls coming out now lol)
actors can't just "survive" in the entertainment industry base on look
only.....oh ooopss sorry, this is modern thai lakorn world so actors can
survive in the entertainment industry base on look
knowing how much their fans "treasure" their youthful look and physical
appearance nadech and his koo kwan better save some money for a face
lift in 10-15 years
lol , just joking people