- Marina ♥
I'm so hyped for this lakorn~ The newbie main characters are looking good especially pa'ek, omg
I'm excited!
I'm excited!
oh the drama was there all right and it totally ruined the potential of buang rak. it turned from something romantic to completely emo! disgusted at exact for always ruining their could've have been a decent lakorns. this was when their emoness was starting, so true to what you say. there's just going to be more drama and murder-emoness to this remake. i must read the summary later.What's I think the old version didn't seeing this much drama. The new versions is to much dramatic on here though
can't wait to watch this. when it air?
via sanook, buang rak's FB confirms an airdate of 0ct 30!!!when will this lakorn air?
yes, nok sinjai plays as praek's mom. i would rather have the moms switch Nok Sanchai plays p'ek mom?
hhhaaaahaaaa! fortunately for me, i can stand bad acting like it's nothing. that's from over a decade of watching lakorn. i'm more picky on looks, and both pranang pass my examination. and true to what huajaikaungtur says, kangsom does grow on you .his always mean look like pepper and his unlevel eyebrows are so hot! well his eyebrows are even, but when he's serious, one is always raise higher than the other...Gawd, I don't think I wanna watch this lakorn anymore. Paan Paan's acting is horrible. She can't even talk without breathing so heavily! Crying? Not even close to tears.