today episode was so so sweet .. i love how he hugged her tightly and said once again 'I MISS YOU SO MUCH. This is one of those moment where I get to worry about you.' -- *Sighed* tearing up my heart when i'm with KOBORI/HIDEKO... I'm tearing even at such happy moment T_T .. why? why must it comes to such bad ending T_T
Another favorite part of mine was when she returned from the two uncles' place .. he came out from behind the bushes. She asked him why didn't he return to the base -- he answered, "I thought you need my help to destroy the place so I waited for you." She's touched by his worrisome. Then she answered, "Why didn't you go in. The mosquito are biting you." He answered, "I'm worry about you a lot. What if those two run away then what will you do? I hesitated .. can't go back to the base. I would have gone after you if you have not return by now."
I also love that part as well when he answered her mother back, "i'll take care of Angsumalin as much as my life." and then when she's pregnant .. he just have to say, "i'd love him/her as much as i love his/her mother" -- KOBORI!!! I don't want to think of the ending T_T They were so so so so so sweet as a couple .. *sighed*
oh, i always love how manly he dragged her out .. after he changed his mind suddenly from telling her to follow through with that escape plan. I tell you, I'M SHIPPING BIE AND NOONA .. Noona seems to bring the BEST MAN out of Bie :wub:
I'm going to cry a river .. i enjoy their special moments every now and then with this big smile on my face .. and then when each episode end .. the smile turned to a frown .. then the tears start rolling down .. why? Last time i cry, think, and feel this miserable was when Jao Nang Noi and Jao Noi got separated .. I'm going to cry so much and feel so depress after Koogum comes to a closure