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I was laughing too when i saw it live (couldn't help stare at his nice six pack and that nice nice linea alba) but that sleep next to each other scene stole the show for me .. she finally let loose of her guard and allowed this moment to be theirs -- to shower him the love she couldn't show in front of him.roselovesice said:OHEMGEEE! Today's episode was nofneneaiviaeviaejvejviefveanvjoanvo;anvoa -- Bittersweet like Ceci said. Well, a bittersweet beginning like said. 555
Anyways, I wish Ang would smile more when she's tending to Kobori's needs. I'll be more at ease with her being more happy instead of always having that grumpy face on. 555 I think the BEST part in this lakorn was when he was taking a bath outside and they blurred his white shorts out. That was hilarious. HAHAH. I definitely didn't think beyond that until I realized the blurry part. LOL Okay, that wasn't the "best" part but you get what I mean, hopefully.
Anyhoo, I love Kobori. He's a major sweetheart. I love the part when he woke up and saw her sleeping next to him. He's such a silly man. Wanting to sleep on her spot. Sometimes I feel like Kobori is quite the challenge one because he can never seem to put his clothes on. ROFL Maybe 'challenge' isn't the right word but you may get what I mean. HAHA. But yes, todays episode was cute. It was nice of Kobori to give her his paycheck and then for her to put some of those money into his wallet. That boy is poor. Sad.And the ending of todays episode....Kobori isn't stupid to not know anything. He's not as naive as Ang. Smh sometimes. 555 Other than that, I am excited for tomorrows episode!! PREGGO SYMPTOMS!!! Woot Woot! But then again, we're so close to the ending! TT______TT Just thinking about it right now is making me rather teary. I can't do this! Okay. I've have enough of the death talk. lol
I'm somehow felt sad for Ang today .. It's like she wanted to love him so much but couldn't b/c she afraid that if she gives him too love it might creates more hope for him .. and if things were to go wrong, she wouldn't want to see him hurt. In a sense, she worries about him more than her.
I really like the part where she pleaded the spirit to help protect Kobori from getting hurt during the bombing and that she rush to see him after the bombing is over to see if he's alright. She was reliefed to hear his voice after searhing for him all over ..
I like that part when he returned from the base all tired and sad. The moment she saw him return and the moment he heard from granny that she came to look for him the night before was so beautiful as well. The way she looked at him with concern and the way he looked and smile at her with happiness lighten up my day. I don't want to think of the ending at all .. i want to stop time like Kobori said to give these two time to love and share their feeling for one another. Also, when Kobori felt dishearten after he handed her his pay-checkcash.. i thought Ang was not going to come back as well but to my surprise .. she came back with some water .. i felt happy upon seeing this as if i'm in Kobori's shoe.
Oh, I really don't like seeing the two trouble uncles at all - they always show up at the wrong time
I have to say ... that today episode really shown the true feeling of Angsumalin to Kobori even though she didn't say much beside that scene where he told her that she knows how to love .. but not with him. It was bittersweet in this part b/c he never really confirm her feeling until the very last breath of his