sarNie Hatchling
why does ang have to trade kobori's happiness for her freedom?????? seriously, like kobori said, there's no need....how can she even think that he's those type of man? but i guess bipolar ang just needed an excuse for supposely treating him well and enjoying his company (she should just admit she love him already!). ang is so silly for trying to get close to him by asking him about the coffee in japanese & kobori is so cute for teasing her. he should've said “愛してる” instead of "コーヒー". LOL
ah, this scene is so cute. i can't believe exact jammed all the kobori-hideko love scenes into one single episode.
it was all great but at the same time....vanus is gonna return and koo kum is gonna end! :teary:

ah, this scene is so cute. i can't believe exact jammed all the kobori-hideko love scenes into one single episode.
it was all great but at the same time....vanus is gonna return and koo kum is gonna end! :teary: