I couldn't agree more ladies. I've been listening to the OST 24/7 and it's not making anything better. 555
I don't know if it's a good idea to watch the ending during my New Testament class on Tuesday. I'm afraid I might start crying and screaming in the middle of class. HAHA. But, I'll give it a try. It's worth it, I think. lol :scratchchin:
Anyhoo, oh bittersweet kisses. Those are painful to watch especially for Koo Gum. :teary: I'm just going to pray and hope that their next lakorn together would be super duper romantic and quite different. I don't know if I want their roles to be the opposite where Kobori is mean and Ang is nice. I'm up for anything actually. Definitely hate drama but if there has to be any, it'll be okay. It just have to be necessary. But wait, they can always make another Koo Gum version BUT with a different ending, happy ending, you know..?

That, I don't mind at all. I love seeing Bie play this kind of character. It's super charming, adorable, silly, and attractive. I would love to see him wear uniforms/suits 24/7, especially when he's wearing his green Japanese uniforms. He inspired me to want to marry an army guy. Hahha!

Just kidding. Well it's partially true but I don't want anyone else other than Kobo-Bie. :wub: Or make a Ruk Jub Jai movie/lakorn version. I think it's time to go protest. I didn't get to see the musical and they're not offering us any DVD version of it anytime soon. Therefore, I believe I deserve a movie/lakorn version. 555 I want a lakorn version actually. It'll be more longer and they'll probably offer us more romantic, love scenes.

ervie: lol
By the way, does anyone know when Bie is going to New York? :scratchhead2:
OHEMGEEEEEE!! This totally reminds me of Kobori and Angsumalin except it's the opposite. LOLOLOL It's hilariously cute and funny!!