
Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Sood Sai Paan Episode 16 Ratings:  6.8(6.1,6.9)!!!!

Credits to ไก่ลูกแมว @ Pantip.
:yahoo: :clap: :clap2: :bravo: :weep: :dance1: :dance2: YAHOOOOOOOOOO! That is super amazing and awesome!!! Horary for SSP team!!!! :grouphug: Worth the wait, huh, Aiyaja? :lolyup: That's the highest rating this year for an Exact lakorn episode (that I know anyway! :coverlaf:)!!!! Oh, yeah! :dude: I'm with you, Aiyaja! Let's show our love and support for SSP and Toomtam and Vill! Time to bother, annoy, demand, and ask Exact for what we want!!!! :rockon: :fanfic:
phatman said:
And you know I will. Haha. I won't confront them face to face, but I will go on fb (using my siblings accounts) and shoot them down like never before. Haha.
:rofl: :lmao3: I love your cowardly methods!!!! :highfive: :kiss: I would totally do the same, too!!! :D
Lovinglakorn said:
Exact better watch out cause I'm on my way to flood your Facebook. Thank you aiyaja.
I'll be there with you, dear! :wink: :yes: :grouphug:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
.....Well, I did it! :D Anybody else willing to help me out by showing support and love for SSP and Toomtam and Vill? :spin: I pray that Exact sees it! :blush: Here's my post for Exact & Scenario's Facebook:
Exact & Scenario, congratulations to Sudsaipan (สุดสายป่าน) for reaching a rating of 6.8 for episode 16!!! Sorry for sounding obnoxious, but Sudsaipan/สุดสายป่าน is really popular over here in the USA for us. We love it, despite the ups and downs of the lakorn, and there are a lot of fans who love the pairing of Toomtam Yuthana Puengklarng (ตูมตาม ยุทธนา เปื้องกลาง) and Vill Wannarot Sontichai (วิว วรรณรท สนธิไชย)!!! =3 I just want to let you know that we're rooting for you to release an Official Uncut DVD of Sudsaipan and to pair up Toomtam Yuthana Puengklarng (ตูมตาม ยุทธนา เปื้องกลาง) and Vill Wannarot Sontichai (วิว วรรณรท สนธิไชย) again, pretty please! ^_^ :D Toomtam (ตูมตาม) and Vill (วิว) are simply amazing and phenomenal and wonderful together! We've been really obsessed and crazy in love over them and Sudsaipan. We just want to let you know that there are people overseas who love them together and support their lakorn whole-heartedly. Thank you, Exact & Scenario!!! :)
สุดสายป่าน 6.8 (6.1, 6.9)
Fighting for Toomtam and Vill! :wub: Hoping hard for a reunion! ^_^


Maiko^_^ said:
:yahoo: :clap: :clap2: :bravo: :weep: :dance1: :dance2: YAHOOOOOOOOOO! That is super amazing and awesome!!! Horary for SSP team!!!! :grouphug: Worth the wait, huh, Aiyaja? :lolyup: That's the highest rating this year for an Exact lakorn episode (that I know anyway! :coverlaf:)!!!! Oh, yeah! :dude: I'm with you, Aiyaja! Let's show our love and support for SSP and Toomtam and Vill! Time to bother, annoy, demand, and ask Exact for what we want!!!! :rockon: :fanfic:
:rofl: :lmao3: I love your cowardly methods!!!! :highfive: :kiss: I would totally do the same, too!!! :D
I'll be there with you, dear! :wink: :yes: :grouphug:


sarNie OldFart
Here is what Vill said on her Instagram when she posted up the photo of Thit and Gandawasee.
"Ratings for Sudsaipan, right now, is 6.8, everyone! Thank you very much for always following and giving encouragement. There's only one day left for the finale. Let's all experience the goosebumps together, okay?! This
Monday, September 9, 2013, is Sudsaipan's grand finale. Let's make the ratings shoot up! If you don't watch it, you may regret it. See you then!!"
My friend translated it on Vill's IG.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
phatman said:
*Giggle* Hehehehe! Come here, you! :grouphug: :kiss3:
Well, I'm going to sleep in a little bit. Good nite, world! :goodnite: Everybody, have a good one! :grouphug: But first! Here are two videos regarding SSP. The first one is a preview of the big finale on Monday. There are a few scenes that aren't shown in the original preview in episode 16. Thit is so handsome, while fake Gan is so beautiful!!! Our last time seeing them together until the next time! :spin: People living in Thailand, please tune in to support SSP if you love it. :) I know I cannot and will not miss it live (yikes...hopefully, buffering won't be terrible that day! :nailbiter: ) And as for the second video, it's about how they pull off the effects of the two twins. Playing twins isn't easy! Vill is a hardworking gal!  :wub: I wish the best for her! I'm so looking forward to both Vill and Toomtam's performances for the finale! Love the both of them very much. :blush: 

Credit: exactchannel.
Credit: TvyimChannel.
aiyaja said:
Here is what Vill said on her Instagram when she posted up the photo of Thit and Gandawasee.
"Ratings for Sudsaipan, right now, is 6.8, everyone! Thank you very much for always following and giving encouragement. There's only one day left for the finale. Let's all experience the goosebumps together, okay?! This
Monday, September 9, 2013, is Sudsaipan's grand finale. Let's make the ratings shoot up! If you don't watch it, you may regret it. See you then!!"
Haha, I agree with her...I'm sure I'll get goosebumps! :lolyup: I'll regret it if I miss it live! Yeah, let's make the ratings shoot up! I'm so happy she posted that to promote the finale! :D
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sarNie Adult
Hi everyone! Guess what I did today? I presented a proposal for a research I'll be conducting and I use a scene between toomtam and vill from epi 2 as an example of how I will teaching lessons using YouTube videos. The audience love it!! Hehehe....Definitely was the correct strategic decision to use Gan and Thit confrontation as a set induction


Expired Sarnie
grand finale... i dont know if i am relieved or sad that ssp will come to an end oon monday.

rooting for a reunion soon. exact&scenerio here i come to harass u on fb lol


Tomorrow when I will go harass exact's fb with Toomtam and Vills pictures and made requests too!!! THEY need to pay attention to fans like us who care very much deeply about these two and the lakorn!!!!!!!!!

I cannot wait for the grand finale. So excited!!!!^^


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
cikna said:
Hi everyone! Guess what I did today? I presented a proposal for a research I'll be conducting and I use a scene between toomtam and vill from epi 2 as an example of how I will teaching lessons using YouTube videos. The audience love it!! Hehehe....Definitely was the correct strategic decision to use Gan and Thit confrontation as a set induction
That's so cool and amazing, Cikna!!! :clap2: Hehehe, you should let Exact know...I'll definitely use your experience as an point for them to pair up Toomtam and Vill again. :lol: Ooh, which scene did you use in episode 2? Hmm...plenty of racy confrontations between them in that episode!!! :woot:
fun said:
grand finale... i dont know if i am relieved or sad that ssp will come to an end oon monday.

rooting for a reunion soon. exact&scenerio here i come to harass u on fb lol
Both! :D I'll be happy to have my boring life back, yet feel so empty without Toomtam and Vill in SSP to brighten those dreary Mondays and Tuesdays. :weep: Yay, I'll be there with you on Exact & Scenario's FB, Fun. :lolyup: :dance1:
DaisyDukes* said:
Tomorrow when I will go harass exact's fb with Toomtam and Vills pictures and made requests too!!! THEY need to pay attention to fans like us who care very much deeply about these two and the lakorn!!!!!!!!!

I cannot wait for the grand finale. So excited!!!!^^
Yes, they need to pay attention to us! We have to make them realize that we care about their other actors/actresses out of The Star circle. I'll be there along with you, DaisyDukes.
Oh, I dreamt about the finale for SSP...especially about Toomtam and Vill. :wub: Er, but the dream involves the scene in which Vill wears the wedding dress as fake Gan. But it was more like a behind the scene dream about how Toomtam and Vill practiced for the ("epic") scene between Thit and Nee. xD Ah, awesome dream hehe.


You guys may think otherwise, but I'll be glad it's going to end. Haha. Man the pain they put us all through....


sarNie OldFart
Maiko^_^ said:
The two words that come to my mind whenever I think of Son's acting are "stiff" and "robotic." :loool: But he's passable for a comical role; he actually suits that kind of role more than a dramatic and intense role. :) Still stiff though. :facepalm: As for the Mos/Vill pairing, don't worry, you're not missing anything special, DaisyDukes. :D Hmm, even though I did enjoy them together, I would say that they don't have that much chemistry. :lol:
First of all,  :thanks: for sharing the closing party pics!  Looks like they had a wonderful staff.  
I'll have to agree on Son's acting.  Yes, he's quite handsome, but over the years...he still hasn't improved.  I only watched him in KLP and then some parts of YYTTPF (only because it's one of my all time favorites starring Tang & Mam).  I don't even remember Vill pairing up with Mos LOL!  
aiyaja said:
Here is what Vill said on her Instagram when she posted up the photo of Thit and Gandawasee.
"Ratings for Sudsaipan, right now, is 6.8, everyone! Thank you very much for always following and giving encouragement. There's only one day left for the finale. Let's all experience the goosebumps together, okay?! This
Monday, September 9, 2013, is Sudsaipan's grand finale. Let's make the ratings shoot up! If you don't watch it, you may regret it. See you then!!"
My friend translated it on Vill's IG.
AWESOME! "Let's all experience the goosebumps together, okay?"...Vill is too cute! 
Hopefully I can find time to come here and spam with you all during & after the finale.  


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
phatman said:
You guys may think otherwise, but I'll be glad it's going to end. Haha. Man the pain they put us all through....
It's totally understandable, girl! :wink: I'm both happy and sad it's ending. Happy that we won't have to stress over the craziness anymore, but sad because I'll miss Toomtam and Vill (and Gilly!). :spin:
ceda_lee said:
First of all,  :thanks: for sharing the closing party pics!  Looks like they had a wonderful staff.  
I'll have to agree on Son's acting.  Yes, he's quite handsome, but over the years...he still hasn't improved.  I only watched him in KLP and then some parts of YYTTPF (only because it's one of my all time favorites starring Tang & Mam).  I don't even remember Vill pairing up with Mos LOL!  
AWESOME! "Let's all experience the goosebumps together, okay?"...Vill is too cute! 
Hopefully I can find time to come here and spam with you all during & after the finale.  
You're welcome, Ceda_lee. Yes, I hope you can join us for the big finale! Like Vill said, "Let's all experience the goosebumps together!" :grouphug:
K, I'm off to work! Have a good day, everybody! :D


sarNie Adult
It's been such an emotional journey on here. I will miss all you girls/guys! Thank you Maiko and Aiyaja so much for everything. You guys were definitely the mother and father of this thread. I've really enjoyed Sudsaipan with everyone through the ups and downs! I'm soooooo ready for this drama to end!!!! But I know I will feel the post-depression when it ends. (It's usually like that. lol) My mondays and tuesdays won't be the same. ): Do say hi if you catch me anywhere else. :) (Just saying this now in case I don't say it later)


sarNie Juvenile
Ohhh, you girls.... :teary: I'm so proud of everyone for staying on board until the end [...of the string, i want to add :coverlaf: ). This isn't the end though. After Thit and Gan gets their happy ending, we will cry in rejoice for the recollection of their destined fate and love.. and then do a few rounds of Thit/Gan marathons for weeks to come.-- At least that's how i will deal with my SSP withdrawals. At the same time, i will continue to love and support Toomtam and Vill in their individual activities. I am already missing seeing the two of them together in- and outside of SSP.. So we fans will definitely meet each other again in their prospective works na. ^^
Thank you @aiyaja. I came into the thread wanting to ask about the ratings yesterday, but then i just enjoyed hearing from you girls and completely forgot. Was only reminded when i saw all the celebrations on IG.~~~ Yayyyyyy for a 6.8!!! Exact and our SSP team better know how much Vill + Toomtam (together as a pair-- bolded, underlined) are loved. Surely they will give us this OTP again... and again! 555 at Vill. She's so cute. I am already getting goosebumps thinking about a 7-rating for the finale. I'd like to think we can surpass a 7, no? Come on Thailand!
I will also be doing my part re: flooding Exact's FB with SSP/Vill+Toomtam applauds and requests. Yes, let's all do our part!! Let them know that they have a fanatic following in [insert your country here]. We desperately need that uncut DVD! :spin:

P.S. @cikna, please elaaaaaborate! XD I want to hear more about the ways in which SSP/Thit+Gan/Toomtam+Vill can be scholarly applied to teach/learn about society! I love hearing stuff like this because i used to do the same in my undergrad years! :fanfic: 55


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
xox said:
It's been such an emotional journey on here. I will miss all you girls/guys! Thank you Maiko and Aiyaja so much for everything. You guys were definitely the mother and father of this thread. I've really enjoyed Sudsaipan with everyone through the ups and downs! I'm soooooo ready for this drama to end!!!! But I know I will feel the post-depression when it ends. (It's usually like that. lol) My mondays and tuesdays won't be the same. ): Do say hi if you catch me anywhere else. :) (Just saying this now in case I don't say it later)
:cry1: :cry: :lmao: I know! It has been quite emotional for all of us...we all need to gang up for the finale now, ok? :grouphug: It's been so quiet the past few days, and it seems like there are some fans who have lost hope in SSP, but we must show our support and love for it still. Everyone on the SSP team has worked so hard! :bravo: And, awh, darling Xox!!!! The bolded part of your quote is so freakin' true! :lolyup: Mmm, I love the sound of that! Hehe, just kidding, but it does sound so pleasing to my ears, thank you! :blush:  :D :yahoo: :dance1: :kiss: I'll feel the same way as you do after the finale, dear! I'll definitely say hi to you in other threads or somewhere else. :wink:
And Songie, yes, we totally need that uncut DVD release of SSP; they've cut too many exciting scenes! And yes, I agree with you that Cikna needs to elaborate more on her proposal/project/experience! I so want to know more! :woot:


sarNie Adult
aiyaja said:
Here is what Vill said on her Instagram when she posted up the photo of Thit and Gandawasee.
"Ratings for Sudsaipan, right now, is 6.8, everyone! Thank you very much for always following and giving encouragement. There's only one day left for the finale. Let's all experience the goosebumps together, okay?! This
Monday, September 9, 2013, is Sudsaipan's grand finale. Let's make the ratings shoot up! If you don't watch it, you may regret it. See you then!!"
My friend translated it on Vill's IG.
I may regret watching SSP, if they Exact doesn't give  me  MORE of  Thit and Gan time in the final EP. :cry1:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
D~D said:
I may regret watching SSP, if they Exact doesn't give  me  MORE of  Thit and Gan time in the final EP. :cry1:
:whahuh: Toomtam and Vill have both worked too hard for me to regret following SSP diligently and lovingly. I may end up not being 100% satisfied with the finale, but no matter what, I'm proud of both of them. Quite a few people have probably given up on SSP, and while it's true that the second half of the storyline doesn't do justice to Thit and Gan's love story, SSP and Toomtam (Thit) x Vill (Gan) are well worth the time and love I've invested (without pay! :lmao:) into promoting it. :wub: Hmm, I'm sure they won't disappoint me, despite the limited Thit x Gan scenes there seems to be in the finale. Well, Art has surprised us before, so hopefully, that will apply to the ending for SSP. Faith and hope, now, fellow SSP (Thit x Gan hehe) fans! :spin:


sarNie Egg
I agree Maiko, I will never ever regret watching/following SSP.

The second half really focused on unnecessary drama...and maybe because we only want organic scenes for our Thit&Gan.
I really hope that before the first commercial break all of Nee's scenes will be covered.

I really can't say enough how much I love Vill&Toomtam and how great they have been. I look forward to more lakorns with them as pranang. In fact I want one soon. I will miss them.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
KimBerry said:
I agree Maiko, I will never ever regret watching/following SSP.

The second half really focused on unnecessary drama...and maybe because we only want organic scenes for our Thit&Gan.
I really hope that before the first commercial break all of Nee's scenes will be covered.

I really can't say enough how much I love Vill&Toomtam and how great they have been. I look forward to more lakorns with them as pranang. In fact I want one soon. I will miss them.
Awh, KimBerry!!! Come here, you! :grouphug: :kiss: :kiss3: Yahoo! :yahoo: I'm happy I'm not the only one feeling like that! Thankies! ^_^ :clap2: Hehehe, I love the sound of the end of Nee's string before the first commercial break! (Too darn good to be true though! :lolyup:) I can't say it enough, too, of how much Vill & Toomtam have moved me with their awesome chemistry! :blush: :wub: I can go on for a long time, repeating myself about those two haha! Yes, I hope to see a reunion soon, too. ^_^ I'll work hard to convince Exact of how much we love them together! :D


SSP has nothing to be regret for. It has given us viewers more than any other lakorn. ^^ I personally thank SSP for introducing me to Toomtam. ^^ I found another adorable actor to follow.  Vill is already a great actress in my book. :)