:rofl: Sometimes, I wonder the reason why Gilly played that scene so well...

ervie: Well, well, well...I'm pleased to know you're in love with Toomtam and Vill, too! Lol, I knew it! I knew it was a KA-team scene! Please do share your #1 scene with me.

You've got me interested.
I'm so looking forward to the beach scene, too. :woot: It is really funny the way Vill falls, and I just can't help but giggled and blushed at how Toomtam attacks her! :blush: :coverlaf: As for your
"I just can't wait to see Thit attack Gan with his love bullets" statement, ooh! I like the sound of that!

Yes, I work tomorrow, too. Thank goodness I don't work early! Night! See you later indeed. :tearybye: