
- Marina ♥
Yahoo for the ratings! :D So proud of Sood Sai Paan and especially Toomtam. He's definitely my favorite actor now & I still have a lot of hope for this lakorn, LOL.
I'd probably drop it already if Toomtam & Vill weren't the leads but for now, I'm still madly in love with SSP :D
Fighting, SSP!
Here's a beautiful MV Achimay14 made :) It's so touching & incredible~


sarNie Hatchling
huajaikaungtur said:
Yahoo for the ratings! :D So proud of Sood Sai Paan and especially Toomtam. He's definitely my favorite actor now & I still have a lot of hope for this lakorn, LOL.
I'd probably drop it already if Toomtam & Vill weren't the leads but for now, I'm still madly in love with SSP :D
Fighting, SSP!
Here's a beautiful MV Achimay14 made :) It's so touching & incredible~
Oh My Goodness... I had goosebumps watching it... It was beautiful and touching... thank you for sharing huajaikaungtur   :thumbsup: 
Been reading all the post and I also feel this is one of the best threads here... gonna miss reading awesome thoughts from all of you when this lakorn ended...  :teary:   ok not yet! LOL


- Marina ♥
@lilyjoonki: I so agree with you! The video was too incredible, moved me so much! Too beautiful and no problem :)
Agreed, I haven't been on asianfuse in a while but since this thread, I've been checking asianfuse everyday. I'll miss everyone so much, awww. hahaha xD


sarNie Adult
Awww don't say like it's already the end. *sniff sniff tears* We still have another 3 episodes to go (hoping Maiko's assumption to be true). The MV is so sad. I don't know if it's Gan biased or not, but it looks like it. We can see how Gan is in pain and hence the reason for her "stupid" actions... Vill is wonderful. The reason I watch lakorn usually is because of the pra'ek. But in SSP it's because of Gan. You can see from the MV that she's actually strong willed.


sarNie Hatchling
Am I the only one who thinks what Toomtam will do in episode 15 is all part the family's plan to show Nee's true colors? Lol. Thit already knows that Wason and Nee used to be an item so why would he be stupid enough to blindly marry her still? The script writers can't possibly be that insane. I think the grandma is also playing along. Because once Nee knows that Thit is poor again, she is going to kick his butt to the curb. I don't even think the marriage license is official. It's probably a fake one just to get her hopes up. I just hate how they're focusing too much on Nee! I agree with everyone. They really could've taken this lakorn to a different set of directions. There are ways to give Nee screen time while still giving Gan and Thit the spotlight. Sigh. This is my first Channel 5 lakorn since Roy Leh Sanae Rai. And it will be my last. Haha. I'm sticking to Channel 3. I'll only watch if Toomtam and Vill get paired up again. 


Sawan said:
Am I the only one who thinks what Toomtam will do in episode 15 is all part the family's plan to show Nee's true colors? Lol. Thit already knows that Wason and Nee used to be an item so why would he be stupid enough to blindly marry her still? The script writers can't possibly be that insane. 
Yes, It's part of Thit and Khun Pra's plan in order to reveal Nee's true color but I don't think the Grandma or Mom knows.  Thit and Khun Pra is taking the plan to the MAX in order to reveal Nee's ugly color, but I am so afraid the Grandma is going to have a heart attack in panic even before the truth is revealed. LOL.Poor Grandma.
That is one beautiful MV, huajaikaungtur! Toomtam and Vill needs to be in another KISS/SLAP lakorn but please don't let an EVIL sibling or PSYCHO character steal the show again!!!!!!! It totally ruins the mood. :yuck:
@songielove, I have something to get back to you regarding some posts about Toomtam.  Will write to you in a later time. :)  Thanks everyone again for contributing to this thread.  This is indeed a heated discussion thread with many different inputs and ideas. We ARE COOL like that. :dance1:  :dance1:  :dance1:
:heart: LOVE TOOMTAM+VILL! :kiss2:  :heart:


sarNie OldFart
Wooooootttt! Episode 16 is fully up ja, reading it now and will come back to post up the summary but just to let you guys know, it's PURE BLISS JA!!!!!

Omg, I feel so silly giving up so early right when the storm was about to pass!!!!
Anyway, Toomtam posted up on IG saying goodbye to Thitit, I'll translate that too later on! So I'm guessing, SSP has wrapped up filming then!!! :weep: :tearybye:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Kind of going backward, replying to the most recent comments first. xD Well, I'll catch up to the other comments in a bit...right after I eat. :yummy:
Balu_bear said:
Yes! I will miss all of you too. This is the first time i'm join in a discuzz about movie, so exciting, so much love and emotion. I will miss all of these times we are spending together!!!! If only SSP can get more longer!!! Hiz hiz hiz
Awh, Balu_bear! :kiss: :grouphug: Haha, I wouldn't mind the Nee troubles so much if only we get plenty of Thit x Gan scenes! :lolyup:
KimBerry said:
My gahd You made me nervous there aiyaja! Welcome back on board..
Let's not quit on SSP now ok? We are so close to the end of the string..with Nee dangling and helpless.

@Maiko otp means "one true pair". So toomtam & vill is OTP! ☺ They need to be in another lakorn though that focuses on them and not on secondary characters, like the story must revolve around them..(front and center) they shouldn't be a prop in their own lakorn.

I loved the pacing of the story in the first 8 episodes, I wish they'd keep it that way. Something came and ruin "gan/thiti's marriage, and it all goes downhill from there. By something I mean nee being totally evil with no remorse. But there had been times where she got scared and I loved that..I just wish they showed something redemptive in her character.(that you can almost love or feel bad about her but no) They could've really done a lot more to show us how much gan love thi and vice versa even with nee in the picture, i am happy with what we did get but I am greedy...I wanted more.

In any show, almost always they rush the ending and everything becomes perfect in a blink, I wanted a good transitioning but if that's what for us I guess I am still grateful because It made me know how great toomtam and vill (huge fan now) are and get to meet the most wonderful people online. One of the most welcoming and friendly thread I've been on as a fangirl. <hugs>

This thread is going really fast. Thank you na ka everyone for the photos and great insights. Sorry for my long post. I feel like I've been posting a lot but I really don't, but you guys always beat me to what I wanted to say, i just go on nodding on my computer screen and laugh. This is real life. Mabuhay!
Awh, thanks for explaining that to my small brain, KimBerry! :kiss: I can't believe you remembered that I asked! I'm touched, since this thread jumps quickly and not everybody read all the comments hehe! Agree about Toomtam and Vill! :yes: Everything! They totally need to reunite with more screen time, please! Aw, I'm happy you think this thread is one of the most welcoming and friendly ones! :blush: As for the last part of your comments, hehe, that's too cute! That's what I do, too! :grouphug:
Sawan said:
Am I the only one who thinks what Toomtam will do in episode 15 is all part the family's plan to show Nee's true colors? Lol. Thit already knows that Wason and Nee used to be an item so why would he be stupid enough to blindly marry her still? The script writers can't possibly be that insane. I think the grandma is also playing along. Because once Nee knows that Thit is poor again, she is going to kick his butt to the curb. I don't even think the marriage license is official. It's probably a fake one just to get her hopes up. I just hate how they're focusing too much on Nee! I agree with everyone. They really could've taken this lakorn to a different set of directions. There are ways to give Nee screen time while still giving Gan and Thit the spotlight. Sigh. This is my first Channel 5 lakorn since Roy Leh Sanae Rai. And it will be my last. Haha. I'm sticking to Channel 3. I'll only watch if Toomtam and Vill get paired up again. 
No, you're not, Sawan, I think that, too. (Even before Aiyaja posted up the spoiler summary for episode 15. xD) I sincerely hope so that the marriage license isn't real... :nono1: Or else, I'm going to be mad with Thit forever! Though, it's the scriptwriter's fault! :loool: I :heart: the sound of your last sentence (bolded part). Like very, very, VERY much!  :yes: :thumbup: :spin:
Marina, thanks for sharing the MV with us. Golly, the quality is amazing! I'm so jealous  of Achimay14's good quality files! I want those kinds of files! :woot: She did a fabulous job; I hope it won't be her last SSP MV! :D I think it's beautiful, but since I'm not familiar with the song, I couldn't hear the lyrics too well. Still, such a gorgeous MV!!! :thumbsup:
And personally for me, I wouldn't have watched SSP in details if Vill wasn't in it. :) But because it's her lakorn, I'm freakin' satisfied I watched it in details since episode 1; I've also discovered my love for her partnering up with Toomtam haha. :wub: Well, this thread bought a lot of us together, and it is full of so many good memories. :D It's not the end yet. And even when SSP reaches its string of fate, I believe we're still be here for each other. Kisses and hugs to everybody here! :wink: :kiss:  :grouphug:
Lilyjoonki, I think this is one of the best threads here on AF, too. :yes: ^_^
Bun-bun, I pray I'm correct... :worthy: SSP better have 17 episodes!
Haha, I think the same, too, D~D. But knowing Exact...I'll prepare my heart for it if the marriage license turns out to be real. (No! :no:)
DaisyDukes, poor Grandma indeed! :lmao2: :lmao3: And I agree; Toomtam and Vill totally need to reunite in another slap/kiss lakorn, which should focus on them ALL the time. :dude:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
Wooooootttt! Episode 16 is fully up ja, reading it now and will come back to post up the summary but just to let you guys know, it's PURE BLISS JA!!!!!

Omg, I feel so silly giving up so early right when the storm was about to pass!!!!
Anyway, Toomtam posted up on IG saying goodbye to Thitit, I'll translate that too later on! So I'm guessing, SSP has wrapped up filming then!!! :weep: :tearybye:
OH, MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aiyaja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're scaring me here! I'm in tears! :lmao: What will happen?!!!! Is episode 16 really the end of SSP?!!!!! T_T :teary: Will wait patiently for your summary, then! :woot: :nailbiter: :spin: Ooh, how can I possibly enjoy my meal now? I can't think straight, can't eat properly! You better cure me, Doctor Aiyaja! K, k, patience, then! :D


sarNie Adult
Squealing to what aiyaja just said !!!!!!! If she's happy than this means that it's good !!! Will we be satisfied ????

I'm actually really SAD that its comming to an END. Thit and Gan character will always be with me. Lots of L VE for them.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
D~D said:
Squealing to what aiyaja just said !!!!!!! If she's happy than this means that it's good !!! Will we be satisfied ????
Grrr, I hate how slow and stupid my laptop is!!! Loading takes a long time! Yikes, I'm scared episode 16 is really the end...meaning, no episode 17!!!! As for the bolded part in your post, that's a different story, D~D. :loool:


sarNie Adult
Yeah !!! Ends @ EP 17 !!!!!!
If aiyaja is happy about ep16 already than EP 17 can perhaps mean that their could be more Thit and Gan ????? Yeah !!!!! I'm so happy !!!!


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
aiyaja said:
No, it's ending at Episode 17 ja guys!!!! I'm literally typing up the summary as we speak for Episode 16!!!
*Calm tone* Ahh... *SCREAM!!!!* OH, YEAH!!!!!!!!! My assumption is right, Bun-bun!!!! :woot: :yahoo: Thank you, Art!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe, and thank YOU, Aiyaja, for setting one of my fears to rest. :phew: Now, I can eat in peace again, without any fear of a heart attack. :dance1: I'll wait patiently for your summary for episode 16, then. ^_^ Hehehe, Art, glad you extended the number of episodes for our sakes! :worthy:
D~D said:
Yeah !!! Ends @ EP 17 !!!!!!
If aiyaja is happy about ep16 already than EP 17 can perhaps mean that their could be more Thit and Gan ????? Yeah !!!!! I'm so happy !!!!
Better be! :rant: Maybe it's pure bliss for Aiyaja because Nee dies in episode 16? :ghehe:


sarNie OldFart
Episode 16 Spoilers! The bolded areas are what made me happy. It's not as happy as many of us expect but hey, better than nothing. :dance1:
Episode 16: Thit takes Gandamanee to go live at the old bakery. The place is covered with dust and needs cleaning. Thit tells Nee to help him clean a portion of the house while he cleans the other portion. Nee only cleans a little and gives up, almost regretting her decision to risk everything for Thit's money. Thit comes back and asks Nee as to why she hasn't finished cleaning her portion. Nee says her wound still hurts, so can't do much. Thit understands and tells her they would need to go out and buy some tolietries and groceries to make dinner. Nee is shocked and miserable but has no choice but to go. While at the store and market, Nee is irritated and doesn't want to buy non-brand names, but Thit tells her they need to budget and save money.

Nee is in front of her mirror brushing her hair wanting to return to Soorayagan as Thit walks in already dressed in his pajamas. Nee tries to convince Thit to return to the palace and win his Grandma's heart. Thit informs Nee that it won't change anything because his Grandma keeps her words plus he knows that his family doesn't like her, so he won't go back to people who are unwilling to accept her. Nee asks Thit if he even cares about his inheritance? And eventually, since Thit is the only grandchild, the inheritance would have to go to him. Who else would run the business? Thit says, he doesn't care about the money because he already has Nee next to him and about the business, Khun Pra is still there to manage it. Nee is dissatisfied.

The next morning, Nee tries to cook breakfast but can't. Thit comes out dressed up and Nee is a bit surprised asking him where is he going. Thit says he has a friend outside the city that he needs to meet for job prospects, so he'll be gone for a week. Nee asks to go with him because she's scared and not used to this place yet. Thit tells Nee to have Won come stay with her if she's scared. Nee knows that Won has already died, so she becomes even more afraid. Thit leaves.

Nee goes to Soorayagan to beg the Grandma and Mom to have mercy and sympathy for Thit. Nee explains that Thit dearly loves his Grandma and wants to come back but is afraid the Grandma won't accept him. The Grandma tells Nee, I will only take Thit back when he divorces you. The Grandma tells everyone that Khun Pra will be coming tomorrow morning to sign a new will.

The Mom is worried about Thit and goes to visit him but only sees Nee. Nee tries again to persuade the Mom in helping convince the Grandma to take Thit back. The Mom doesn't say much and leaves.

That night, the Grandma isn't feeling too well. She thanks Nom Sai and the Mom for being next to her through thick and thin and says that she may even pass away tomorrow or the next day due to her old age and declining health. Both Nom Sai and the Mom comfort her saying she shouldn't say such things. Nom Sai tucks the Grandma in bed. The Grandma tells Nom Sai to leave the door unlocked in case she may need something. Nom Sai and the Mom go back to their own rooms. Before Nom Sai goes back to her room, she does her regular check up of the palace and turning off lights. She feels as though someone is watching her. She looks but sees no one. As she walks pass Thit's old room, Nee is in there pouring sleeping medicine into a cup. Nee quietly takes the cup into the Grandma's room wickedly cursing the Grandma to die, so she can stop being in the way of her money. Suddenly, a strong hand grabs her and it's Thit who comes out of the covers. Nee is totally shocked. Thit asks her if she's trying to kill the Grandma? Thit tells her that he's been at the Soorayagan palace the whole entire time waiting to catch her. Nee panics and runs out of the room just to find the Grandma standing outside. The Grandma tells Nee that Nee can't get out of this one. Nee runs downstairs and bumps into Nom Sai and the Mom who are shocked to see her here but Nee can't continue running because Khun Pra has already brought the police and they finally capture her. Nee looks at Thit with angry eyes, Thit can't help but feel a bit guilty for doing this to her, but knows that it is the right thing to do.
Thit explains to the Mother and Nom Sai that it was all a plan to fake marry Nee. The marriage license they signed was fake. The Mother and Nom Sai are shocked. The Mom scolds Thit for risking too much. It would be really bad if the plan backfired and the Grandma was really hurt. The Grandma tells them not to blame Thit, it was she who had asked Thit to carry out such a plan.

The Father, Rat, and Thit go to the police station to try to bail out Gan. The police won't allow Gan's bail because there are separate cases. Nee is in jail as an attempted murder on the Grandma, which has nothing to do with Gan being in jail for attempted murder on Nee, so until someone can provide evidence to prove Gan's innocence, the police can't allow Gan's bail.

Thit goes over to Gan and tells her to be patient that she'll be out once the police can gather evidence to prove her innocence. Gan thanks Thit and says she'll have hope and be strong. As the police bring Nee to the cells, she and Thit pass each other. Nee asks Thit if he's satisfied seeing her like this? That she regrets loving him with all of her heart and staying loyal to only him. Thit looks at her and feels guilty. Nee tells Thit that if she has to be in prison until death then Gan will suffer the same fate and won't ever be able to have happiness with Thit. Thit regrets ever trusting Nee.

Khun Ying Kainapa is at her palace looking at Weelaiwon, who is still unconscious and is on an IV. Rampoie and Ying are talking about Nee's capture and Gan's unapproved leave and hope that Won can quickly gain consciousness to be a prime witness to prove Gan's innocence.

The police bring Nee into Gan's cell. Gan can't help but feel sorry for Nee and tells Nee that she'll try to help Nee once she's out. Nee asks Gan, how can she be so sure that she'll be out of jail? Gan looks at Nee and says of course she's going to get out, Nee should know by heart that she didn't commit those crimes. Nee becomes agitated and strangles Gan. Gan yells for help and the police break them up and take Nee to the cell next to Gan.

The Father is at home praying to the real and dead Mom feeling guilty that he's to blame for both of the twins' mishaps and misforutnes.

Weelaiwon finally wakes up and remembers getting away and crawling to Ying's palace before blacking out and goes to the police station. Won tells the police everything that Wason's real killer is Nee. Not only did Nee kill Son, but also Urai. The police are a bit hesitant in believing Won and ask her why all of a sudden she's coming clean? Won tells them that Nee also tried killing her too, so she can no longer stay silent.

The police along with Thit, Rampoie, Ying, Won all go to release Gan. Nee is shocked to see Won. Gan is happy to be released but hides her feelings a bit in consideration of Nee, who is still locked up. One of the police officers opens up Nee's cell telling her that she has to go to court. Nee comes out and as the police officer isn't paying attention, she steals his gun and locks her arms around Gan telling everyone to back away or else she'll shoot. Nee takes Gan and they run. Gan tries to convince Nee to stop making things worse. Nee tells Gan to shut up. Thit who is worried about Gan tells Nee that he'll give her everything if she releases Gan. Nee laughs and continues to edge away with Gan in her hands towards a street. A car quickly comes and hits the both of them, both landing on the ground with their heads diving in first.

Both are wheeled away at the hospital. The doctor comes out saying one is more injured than the other and may suffer some head complications. The doctor doesn't specify which one since he doesn't know either. Nee slowly wakes up and observes the room. Nee sees Gan still unconscious on the other side and knows that Gan must be more injured than she is. Nee is about to kill Gan again but a doctor comes in asking her how she's doing but doesn't know which name to address her by. Nee sees this opportunity and says she's Gandawasee Girinayson.
Gee, more drama. :rolleyes1: And not much scenes of Thit and Gan again. Things just don't end that simply do they Exact? :numchuck:


sarNie Adult
OMG!!! this just wont end huh ???
Maybe they are gonna put Thit to the test to know who is his REAL Gan.

Thank u!!!


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Hehehe, thank you, Aiyaja! :kiss: Yes, more drama, but that would be the ultimate test for Thit...will he be able to see through Nee's manipulation and lies? Will he choose the real Gandaowasee this time? Boy, you better not fail!!! :smack: I have faith in you! Hmm, I like the scenario! Haha, I'm happy we get one more episode! :woot:


sarNie Juvenile
Ahhhhhhhhh! Ending at ep17?!!!!

I was SOOO SAD (you wouldn't believe it) that Toomtam said goodbye to Khun Thi, but @Aiyaja, you bring me right back up with the confirmation of ep17. Khop Khun na ja. My SSP girls, your happiness makes a difference to me in this world. See, our plan of openly showing our love and support to SSP has paid off. P'Art listens and Exact knows. I said to keep the faith~~!^^

I'm going to go bask in my cloud 9 and until i can compose myself. Will be back ka.^^


Wow...things were about to get better and we leave with Nee pretending to be

Gan is so...ugh...