All righty, where to start? It's been a while since I wrote detailed "analysis" for lakorn episodes. But
Sud Sai Paan is totally worth my rant.
In the beginning, I was skeptical of Exact's shifting the setting from modern day to period(ic) times, but now I don't mind it anymore. Modern would have been nice, too, but there is a certain appeal to the time period of
SSP (2013). The wardrobes for the ladies are way nicer on screen. Although, I do raise eyebrows at how cheap Exact is in using the same backgrounds over and over again for some scenes. :lolyup: Sometimes, the setting seems too crowded or small. Not a big issue, though.
Toomtam and Vill's chemistry is a pleasant surprise. I was quite worried about them lacking chemistry, but boy, I'm so happy my fears were proven wrong.

Off screen...they're still super cute, although I would have to be honest by saying that their off screen chemistry isn't as noticeable as their on screen chemistry. They're really compatible on screen together. :wub: I love how Vill has chemistry with nearly all of her co-stars. It's almost like each one is better than the last...almost! Vill and Toomtam definitely know how to make my heart race...especially Toomtam. Glad to see plenty of jealousy and hard-core loving in
SSP so far.

It's been such a long time since I am obsessed with a lakorn! And I'm extremely happy
SSP is a surprise to most people. Glad most of us are loving it right now. Please don't mess it up, Exact! :spin:
I understand why the first episode is so fast-paced. Exact will use a lot of flashback scenes in the later episodes to further explain Thitit's (Toomtam) intimate relationship with Gandaomanee (evil twin/nang'rai Vill) during the time they were in "love." Plus why Nee is, trampy and messed-up hehe. She's not quite evil, yet, but she's s a troubled girl. Watching the opening makes me feel like...she was raped by another guy or something during the time she was with Thit. :no: :teary: Epp, poor's all acting, but I still feel super bad if Nee really went through that terrible situation.
My thoughts are kind of jumbled right now. My
SSP fever is not making me think clearly, so some wording sounds super weird. :lmao: Toomtam and Vill did a great job convincing me they loved each other in episode 1. The lovey-dovey scenes are squeal-worthy. :wub: And those kisses! Hmm, Nee seems like she used to be super happy with Thit...or is she already a temptress who was just messing with his heart?

Don't know. :shrug: I guess I'll find out sooner or later.

Exact did a fabulous job allowing Toomtam to show off his hot body right away. :drools: If he really was bare-bottomed when he just woke up after a night of "loving," wowie! Delicious eye candy! :blush: I couldn't see well enough (darn you, glasses! For getting in the way of his perfect bottom!), but that was a real nice treat hehe. Love it when he pulled the towel to cover him up.
I actually thought Thit's friends (Geng, Zen, and the other guy) would have more time on screen, but so far, they're just background actors.

Maybe they'll get more screen time in later episodes? It does seem like it during the wedding scene. Vill's not the best dancer out there. I cracked up watching Gan dancing with her friend's boyfriend. I frickin' love Thit's aggressive and determined behavior towards Gan. :wub: So hot! I love watching the parts in which he keeps grabbing her and pulling her arms during their first meeting. All right, in real life, I understand Gan's fear towards a stranger doing that to her. But come on! If he was as handsome and as hot as Toomtam, I don't care!

I'll lead him on. (<----Not serious about could change in the future hehe.)
Ek, I smiled like a fool when Thit surprises Gan when she reaches her house. Vill's acting was perfect during this scene. I loved it when she yells, then her eyes widen when she sees it is the same stranger grabbing onto her. Dang, Toomtam is so hot during this scene. :heart: it when he pulls her into a kiss. I did love Gan and Thit's first kiss scene, but I was hoping for a different angle of the kiss.

I would have preferred Gan's eyes widening even more in shock before she pushes him away. But love the :

se3:! I love Vill's portrayal of Gan running away in fear. Her cries and stumbling were perfect. It was hecka hilarious when she keeps turning back to look at Thit while running hehe! :rofl: I melted when Thit climbs over the gate to fun after her. :faint: Hmm, too bad Exact rushed Thit's departure, therefore, we didn't see him leave her house. :no:
Nee's dancing cracked me, too, when the scene shifts to her in the nightclub. The guy whom Nee kisses in the club (Ninenote) is so handsome and cute! He has a very hot bod! :drools: So far, Vill is doing a fabulous job playing twins. She makes me dislike yet pity her Nee character and love her Gan character. Although...I hope Gan's character has more of a presence in future episodes, because in some scenes, she's just there in the background. The only time she truly shines is when she bumps into Thit. :wub: Hope for more character development for her. :yes: I love Vill and think she's perfect for the roles in
SSP, but she still needs to work on her facial expressions in some situations.

Some of her facial expressions aren't too convincing hehe. So far, Vill's n'rai portrayal stands out a little more than her portrayal as the real Gan. I adore Nee with her guys, but I hecka :heart: Gan and Thit's interaction more though hehe. :wub:
Toomtam didn't impress me too much in
PRPR, but he is doing an awesome job as Thit in
SSP. He is certainly growing as an actor. He's not perfect, no, but his portrayal is outstanding. He is certainly convincing with most of his expressions and emotions. :yes: :spicy: He has a lot of appeals. I love the way Toomtam expresses Thit's anguish, anger, and frustration towards Gan.

Thit and Gan's second meeting in Gan's garden is beautiful! I really prefer Exact using a different song for the closing credits, but Bankk Cash's song is beautiful and catchy every time I hear it. It does sound too modern for
SSP's period(ic) setting, but it matches it so well! :yes: The instrumental is beautiful, too. My heart races when it plays whenever Thit encounters Gan or whenever there is an intense moment between those two lol. Anyway, back to the scene in the garden. Loved it when Thit pulls Gan into a hug and touches her face. And when he leaves her in the garden, wowie, his tear is perfect! I :heart: the music that plays when he walks away...does anybody know if it's been used before in an other lakorn? I won't be surprised if it has been used before. I wasn't too impressed with the dramatic and suspenseful music at the beginning of episode 1 (when Gan and Thit first meet each other), but after that, gosh, all the music scores are beautiful! The music in the garden scene is just hauntingly, the instrumental of Bankk's song is wonderful.
I heart Gan and Thit's third meeting as well. Lol, when they bump into each other, I swear I saw Vill smiling hehe. But when the camera shifts to her face when she sees that she bumps into Thit, her expression is all good.

Lol, Gan is actually the one asking for trouble when she runs after Thit. :whaha: Loved it when Thit intimidates her by walking up close to her. :drool: And Thit's annoyed and angry expression when Gan walks away from is just so ekkkkk! :spin: I positively smiled like a fool when he pulls her arm around and yells at her. And the kiss! Wowie! Only the first episode, and Vill and Toomtam have had more kisses than any other pra'nangs! (I'm exaggerating here hehe!

) I do enjoy the angle of their (Gan and Thit's) kiss much more than their first kiss, but I still wanted to see a whole lot more.

ervie: Ekk, I swear it seems like every episode will have a :

se3: or kiss scene between Gan and Thit. :wub: I'm not complaining, I'm looking forward to it! :yes:
Okie, back to their second kiss. Funny, doesn't seem like Vill wanted Toomtam to stop kissing her. :lolyup: She wasn't even hitting him hard enough! Love both their expressions when Thit stops and pulls away. Gan's one tear-streaked eye expression was too perfect! Although, it would have been better if her tears really did fall hehe. Poor Thit gets slapped so many times.
Vill's portrayal as Nee is funnie, cute, and refreshing. I love how it's a new role for her, and I personally think she's doing a great job so far. She pulls off the fierce nang'rai look really well. She's not perfect yet, but she is outstanding. There are some areas in which she needs to tone it down, but she's still doing a wonderful job. :yes: Nee may be slutty and trampy, but she certainly is a hawt, sexy temptress. And Vill looks good with the red lipstick most of the time. Although, I prefer lighter lipstick for her. I love her ticked-off, angry, and annoyed expression when Nee notices Thit in the nightclub. :bravo: Now, that's how a nang'rai is supposed to look hehe. Too bad Thit didn't catch up to her. Lol, funnie when Wasan (Nat's character) smiles when he realizes she is pretending that her leg got hurt in their collision.
Love all the scenes from the opening and closing credits! :wub: Can't wait to see all of them! Every scene matches the song's music and lyrics perfectly! :yes: Vill's streamy scenes with all the guys are so hawt!'s not going to end on a good note for her... :no: All righty, that's enough analysis for episode 1. I'll write my analysis for episode 2 later. ^o^