If anybody knows me...I like to reply to most comments in a lakorn thread that I truly follow.

I meant to say this a while back. Kate Sontichai, Vill's mother, lied to me! She tweeted that
SSP was going to air in June, but it didn't air until July! :coverlaf: Not that I'm complaining. Glad
SSP aired in July hehe.
huajaikaungtur said:
OH MY GAHHH, the pictures just keep getting better!!! Those wedding photos are amazing! Vill's hair is so perfect and Toomtam is so handsome! Both look so great together. Those are really some nice photos

Toomtam looks so nice in the tuxedo, gahhhh, he's too dreamy~
They're so cuuuute! These photos honestly made my day.
Yeah, I don't think Ruan Saneha is done today -.-" Hopefully soon though :/
huajaikaungtur said:
Gahhhh, Toomtam is one fine cookie C: He's so handsome! The first and last photo are sooo .... asdfghjkl! They're too sweet especially the last photo.
I believe this lakorn will be airing in about 2 weeks since Ruan Saneha is possibly ending next week.
*fingers crossed* Please air soon, Sud Sai Paan! Give us a teaser soon, too!
Also, Toomtam & Vill are so cute singing at 1:04 <333
I so agree! Vill's hair is perfect for the wedding, and Toomtam is too darn handsome! Yes, wedding next week, so we'll finally get to see them as a married couple. :wub: Agree with you in your second post about Toomtam and his pictures with Vill. :yummy: Thank you so much for sharing the video! I love the fact that they were promoted together for TV POOl's party event. I wasn't too fond of the top part of Vill's blue dress, but they still look good together. :yes: When Toomtam's part started, my heart just melted. His singing voice is dreamy and beautiful! They both sounded so good together! :yes: The heck, Vill can sing! Why the heck didn't they just let her sing the OST in
Sao Noi (2012) then?!

Sorry, I find her voice better than the singer for
SN's OST. Everyone's voices were beautiful (although Toomtam and Vill's are my bias lol)! I didn't quite like the last girl's voice, but her voice has a certain charm to it...she sounds Chinese. I find all the guys' voices are so squeal-worthy! Toomtam's and the third guy's voices move me the most though. :wub: For the girls...from an unbiased point, Pooklook's voice sounds the most appealing hehe. I find it super cute.

I love my Vill's and the others' voices as well, though.

Eh, although to me, it looks and sounds like they were all lip-syncing. :loool: I think it's obvious, but they all sound wonderful together! Love the song so much that I converted it and put it onto my iPod.
Sweet_09 said:
Awh i cant believe tat i'mgoing to say this...Toomtam is so hot! He never cuaght my attention but by adding View to his side lol tat make a huge different hehehehe! Loved da wedding pichs, View is super gorgeous like always and Toomtam look like a Khun Luang lol
Sweet_09! :yes:
variety said:
OH MY GOD !!!!!!
Gilly is killing me, I am dying now>_____________________________<
Yes, they're killing me, too! Hecka love the behind the scene videos. Thank you so much for sharing all the videos with us,
huajaikaungtur! I love watching all of them! :grouphug: Agree with you (in a different post not quoted here hehe) about
SSP's poster. It does look good. Too bad Exact only made one poster of it haha.
D~D said:
Evil Vill sure did steal the spot light.
Yes, she does. :woot2:
little22 said:
It seems like P'ek will have both sisters as wives eww I can't accept this.
Super late, but when I first saw that scene in the teaser, I actually thought it will be a dream instead of a real scene. I don't think he'll have both of them as wives (although he may have slept with Nee :yuck

. Hopefully he doesn't sleep with Nee later on after marrying Gan. We'll have to wait and see. :nailbiter:
fantastic_27 said:
GILLY WAS AT THE END ON THE BED. OH MY GOSH this drama is so amazing. It's like Fai Ruk Arsoon all over again!!! PLEASE TELL ME GILLY HAD A WOOHOO SCENE BEAUSE I AM MISSING THEM. I don't are if it was the good or bad girl with Guy at least it was View!!!! This filming was quick
Awh, sorry dear, but that was actually Toomtam and Vill at the end of the teaser on the bed.

At least Gilly gets their own special scene.

ervie: Have you seen episodes 3 and 4 yet? Gilly's so hawt! :drool: Yes, filming was indeed quick! Exact is speeding up their productions. :yes:
thatsouthernasianchick said:
Gah, I'm so glad they made Toomtam pra'ek!!! I love this kid!!! Lol! Yes, I said kid because he is younger than me.
Yes, same here! Glad Toomtam's p'ek instead of New (or Pong or Son).

Exact needs to promote more pra'eks for the future though.
Bieluvr said:
Ugh Vill makes me want to kick her so much. Seems so good and cant wait to watch it!!!
She honestly isn't as bad in the teaser as she is in the lakorn. :lol2: I want to slap her Nee character sometimes, but I'm rooting for her in some situations.
fantastic_27 said:
Yea I kinda knew the evil twin slept with Tit, it was obvious. @maiko, Is that Gilly as your Profile picture if it is I am like OMFG GILLY!!!!!!! It's so cute I really miss them UGH gilly need to reunit. (Off-topic)
Awh, no, it's not Gilly. It's Toomtam and Vill.

Heck yes, Gilly needs to reunite. Sadly, I doubt Exact will promote Guy as pra'ek now. :thumbdown: Just letting you know that Guy is going to marry his girlfriend, Haru, in August. She's three weeks+ pregnant with his child. Oh, Guy.

ervie: Congratulations to him and Haru anyway. ^_^ They love each other very much, so I hope they'll last.

I lost my hope for a Gilly reunion, but I'm loving them so much in
SSP anyway!
Asy said:
Eh I thought we all were already informed that they slept together?
Not to the people who don't understand Thai,
Asy. xD My heart breaks to know he slept with Nee, so hopefully he won't do it with her again after he marries Gan. :nono1:
ceda_lee said:
I'm liking it so far. Vill is so pretty. She's such a daring n'ek...IMO. Lots of touchy & sexy scenes coming up.
Yeah! :yes: I love how daring she is in here! My respect and admiration for her has risen up.
huajaikaungtur said:
So far, I'm really loving it. The lakorn is going at a great pace and I'm already loving Toomtam & Vill's chemistry.
Toomtam is playing his role very well ... his emotions are portrayed so well. Vill's acting as the evil twin and the nice one are so convincing. They seem as if they are really two separate people.
I can't wait for the next episode. Really loving it!
Same here; loving their chemistry thus far!
YinGgyTASTIC said:
I find View acting a bad guy is funny. Some of the acting here is funny. lol. But I do enjoy the story line.
Ooh, I so agree. Some of Nee's scenes are hilarious. I'm so happy to see Vill take on the the nang'rai role, for it's refreshing and entertaining, plus it's also a great learning experience for her.

She makes a convincing n'rai. She's seductive, beautiful, funny, and overpowering as n'rai. :wub: I love her as nang'ek, too, of course!
ceda_lee said:
Yes! :yummy: