jun ji said:Lol, awww, thank you thank you! It is always a joy to spazz with fellow fans!
Uh, N'Toomtam is dating who? Seriously? Wow... but she looks so much older than him! Plus, don't shoot me but I don't find her attractive at all but she may have a sweet personality! I just cannot see them together!
Acting in the same lakorn but with different significant others takes a lot of talent and trust. I am sure they both have that. How wonderful for them though, to be able to see each other at work... still, I'm a little sad that he is taken and not by N'Vill. There goes my "hope bubble", :cry1: .
It is, Jun Ji! it is! :grouphug: Yes, Toomtam is dating her. Here are two pictures of May; credits: teddymayfchttp://web.stagram.com/n/teddymayfc/ and May's IGs:

Haha, really? I actually think that May looks really young for her age. :lol2: Lol, don't worry, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
LOL, I understand your pain, for I went through the same thing when I found out Toomtam's actually dating May. If he were still single, I bet there would be even more rumors of him and Vill off screen (there actually already are a few articles regarding Toomtam, Vill, and May xD). I'm crying for both our burst bubbles, but that won't stop me from loving Toomtam and Vill on screen. :wub: Love my Thit x Gan! *Sigh* Usually the guys I want Vill to date are all taken.
DaisyDukes* said:yay! Lol. 555 I am def. soooooooooooooooo tuned in!! 555![]()
hahaha. me too. Anything with Gan and Thit is pretty sizzling. :spicy: :spicy:ervie: :lmao3: Every kiss that he tries to steal and hug and kiss her. 55 so romantic! Lets tune in for that scene then!!
Lol. 5555 He's a jealous man and husband. lol He accuses her as a cheap woman, but he still is so sexually drawn to her. Lmfao! Seriosly, thinking about it he's really crazy himself. hahaha. Crazy and obsessed with Gan. Oh my, all the pain and denials will keep hurting him.hew: But I enjoy seeing him in pain. lmbo. 555
Quite frankly, I haven't been so into a couple this much for a long time. It's been so long, and I feel so emotionally connected to this couple. I am just as into the characters as they are. 555 :rofl: :rofl:
We're on the same page! :lmao2: I love every single thing that happens between Thit and Gan! I certainly agree whole-heartedly with you that Thit's aggressive actions are all so romantic! Even when he's a jerk to her! Still love him! :blush: Yes, anything to do with Thit and Gan is certainly sizzling, even if it's something insignificant or small. Ooh, I :heart: how you said that he's sexually drawn to her...he is! :lol2: Your description about feeling emotionally connected to their characters and pairing also describes my feelings for them... :cry: I need to come up with an even better one to my ears!