just like how i am SOOOOOOOOOOO sick of all the Hana Yori Dango remakes, I'm really sick of all the Ban Sai Thong remakes too....so i won't watch this...FOR REAL! first two remakes are cool but 3-4-5-6...7? naw...they need something new and fresh.
While I may have agreed on the couple of Ban Sai Thong remake only, I DISAGREED on the Hana Yori Dango remakes. It's important to take into account that they are two different thing and SURE NOT BE COMPARED. Please note that it is NOT a remake of the same people/country. It's Japanese, Taiwanese, and Korean....I would have understand if it's Taiwanese 1, 2, 3...but IT"S NOT!!!
I luv the Jap. and Taiwanese version and I'm aniticapting the Korean one. Not only were they different Country, it's completely DIFFERENT casts, director, producer, actors/actress, and culture...SO bascially EVERYTHING!!!....the Jap. and Taiwanse version may follow the same storyline but their scene are very much different. JERRY AND VIC DID A VERY GOOD JOB!!!
Another remake...I think that they made enough remakes already. I like Num in Ban Sai Tong. Nothing can't beat out the original. Original ones are always better.
Num and Joy are
not the original. Although, I do agreed that the 'original' played by P'Saranyu is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better and is really a killer. Num is very handsom in his role but handsome isn't all to it. I still like Saranyu role better. He is very handsome way back when he was younger. My mom love him in his role as Chai. I was a kid then, but now when I watched Num and Saranyu's version, even though Saranyu's version is a lot older, I still like his more.
Also, I hate Joy's role as Poochingma...standing right next to a handsom guy like Num and was all over him make me wanna puke. Thick lips, all over Num, and horrible at crying...I'm not impressed at all
Luv only p'Num
but if they do, why kwan n weir? i think channel 3 should take it and have ken and ann
I agreed. Ch.3 has better cast.
Ken and Ann would be nice because I luv Ann a lotttttttttt. As good as it sound, and i hate to say this but P'Ann looks mix and is a little older for a schooler. (I"m a super Ann fan and I'm saying this...

) Maybe Aff will be able to pull it off. HOwever, I don't like the Ken and Aff couple b/c watching Jai Rao make me very tired!
It would be nice if the preke is: 1) Chairitk or 2) Aum
and the only N'eke that is suitable for the role is AFF
I agreed with some of you, that it would be better if Ch.3 make it and I have always thought that they have better people in their teams.
Ch.7 has too many younger generation right now - I have no idea where all their old stars went

Anyways, I'm never really a fan of Ch.7 lakorn so if they really did go after a remake, I don't really care cuz I know I won't be watching it.
On the other hand, I like Weir but I don't think he is suitable for the role. If you look at the previous two Chai (Saranyu and Num's role) you'll understand what I mean. I'm not going to explain it, it's too much of a work.....so those who have watched the previous version should be able to had a little grasp of what I'm meaning.
As for Kwan or Pancake...First, I'm happy that some people in the news opposed to P'cake's role and she IS NOT suitable AT ALL.....To me, she isn't suitable for a N'eke role. PERIOD!!..more like a 2nd n'eke role...if she can't be a na'rai

As for Kwan, she look very mix. I just can't see her role as Poochima the same as I can't see P'Ann as Poochingma. I'm a hug fan of Ann and I'm saying this

Overall, I think with good new casts the new version might be good. Then again, I cannot think of anyone in Ch.7 that can really pull the roles off.
There might be some hope of new taste if Ch.3 take it b/c I can think of a couple beside Aff and Chairiti and Aum...it's just that these three are very suitable for the role, in my view.