this lakorn is excited me... somehow i feel lil odd, but i will watch it for P'OM no matter what!
as i watched the Lakorn i can see that it went well with the tittle"snitch" bc not just bad or good roles, they all snitch for their own love(feeling).
my main focus are Pupah and Maka

Pupah- HANSOME ofcos!, hot temper, confidence, faithful, best at many thing without trying hard.
Maka- HANSOME (but he's not my type of Handsome, srr Kan's fan) as his role in the lakorn, i think Maka is Jealous of Pupah a lot, the way he looked at Pupah and he also trying to do thing better or compete with Pupah in everything. he doesnt seem to show it yet, but i feel like Maka is the mean one.
Pupah and Deun is a Beautiful feeling when they together.
Pupah and Nuna is cute but no feeling in it.
Nuna- i feel srr to what happened to her, it was her fault, but she blaming Deun for what happened. now i don like her anymore
older brother- less confidence
youngest brother- Over confidence and annoying!!!! lol
this all just my own opinion! so dont mind me

more episodes to come.. m so looking forward to it.