I was just beginning to love Palai's new found relationship with her parents, and then BAM! Her father had to pass away. So sad. I really loved how trusting they were of her. They weren't judgmental and gave her a second chance. I felt really happy for Palai for having the support she needed to turn her life around. I freaking hate her cousin though. I also dislike Fon, her friend. They say that your friends define the type of person you are because birds of a feather tend to flock together. They are such a bad influence on Palai. Luckily, Palai is good in nature so she doesn't follow her friends when they try to pull her back to her old lifestyle.
And goodness, her friend Fon needs to snap out of her delusional mind and stop trying to steal other people's husband. There is nothing worse than not valuing yourself as a person and thinking that you're entitled to having things that you haven't worked hard for. I hate characters like her.