I really like this lakorn. Where is everyone? I feel like I'm talking by myself again. Lol. As always, in every thread with Sammy, it's like only me. Haha. This lakorn is super interesting because it depicts real life so well. I actually know some people like the characters in here, well they're not as dramatic, but similar in attitude. I have been on both sides where I have accidentally judged someone or know people who think they're better than others until they experience it for themselves. The plot isn't the most exciting. However, this lakorn is the perfect example of how well a lakorn can turn out with the right script writer and director. It turned a boring plot into a very interesting one and I really have to applaud everyone from the actors to the production crew with an exception of New. I'd replace him in a heartbeat but he's not so bad after awhile.
Nakarin is too good to be true and I actually want to find my own Nakarin who is willing to accept me for me. Here I go again in lala land. This is what lakorns do to me. They set unrealistic standards for my future boyfriend. Haha. I can't wait until tomorrow's episode. There's going to be a lot of bickering between Palai and Nakarin. The kiss scene is coming up! I still love the interactions between Sammy and Matthew more though. Lol. When he touched her arm after visiting her at her home, I was like do that again! Harass her you handsome villain. Lol. In no way do I support that in real life, but I just like my p'eks aggressive. HAHA. I'm imagining Matthew as p'ek in here. Totally ignoring that Pin is his wife.
cr: sammthita
Nakarin is too good to be true and I actually want to find my own Nakarin who is willing to accept me for me. Here I go again in lala land. This is what lakorns do to me. They set unrealistic standards for my future boyfriend. Haha. I can't wait until tomorrow's episode. There's going to be a lot of bickering between Palai and Nakarin. The kiss scene is coming up! I still love the interactions between Sammy and Matthew more though. Lol. When he touched her arm after visiting her at her home, I was like do that again! Harass her you handsome villain. Lol. In no way do I support that in real life, but I just like my p'eks aggressive. HAHA. I'm imagining Matthew as p'ek in here. Totally ignoring that Pin is his wife.
cr: sammthita