[Ch7] Lueam Salub Lai (Mongkol Karn Lakorn)


sarNie Oldmaid
KhoOnxNouxWanxJai said:
The sad thing is it probably wouldn't even hurt her because her face is just that thick! 
Her relationship with her brother's bestfriend failed because his mother was against it due to the lies that her ex husband spread. They really did love each other but he didn't love her enough to go against his mom, they ended on a very bad term and ended up hating each other. After that failed relationship, she just let herself go and ended up falling in love with a married man and became his secret mistress. Her parent's were so against it but she finally told them that she's going to do what she wants to do and that is listen to her heart even though it is wrong, not what they want her to do.  He wasn't a horrible guy, he was actually a very nice guy who loves his wife but then he fell for her too. His wife finally got pregnant and he left the country to go take care of her with the promise that he would return to her once his wife can take care of herself. Pin promised to wait as long as he comes back to her.
I feel the most sorry for Pin. Being stuck up is not a a crime nor is it a sin. She really didn't deserved that type of ending but life sometime isn't all beautiful and sweet. Palai represent someone who can fall but will pick herself up and rise above it to make her life better while Pin represent someone who would stay where she fell.


Staff member
I feel like Pinpak's downfall came alot from her mother. Her mother was quick to look at her in the bad light if rumors or anything came out. Instead of defending Pin when people started spreading rumors about her having an affair her first question was, "Why does she have all these rumors? What is she doing?" She kept Pin in a marriage that was doomed to fail instead of encourage her daughter to do the best thing for herself. I feel that if Pin had left the marriage sooner rather than wait til all that drama with Fon happen she would have been able to grow past it. I don't understand why Pin seems to have such a bad end =/ she was stuck up sure but as Meow said since when is that even a crime? People like Bua Tong, Fon, Sok, should all have bad endings! 


sarNie OldFart
It's just sad how her mother would believe the rumors instead of trust that her own daughter is innocent. Like when Sok accused her of having an affair on the news, I can't believe she asked Nakarin if Pin would really do that. Nakarin told her to not say that in front of Pin. If she knew that her own mother doesn't trust her and think she'd do such a thing, she'll be upset even more. All the mother cares about is her reputation. I know people like that in real life. They don't care that their children are going through hell. They just want to save face. That includes forcing two people who don't want to be together to be together.


sarNie Oldmaid
Those parents/moms shouldn't call themselves moms/parents. I know many people like that and couples who looks happy to the public but behind closed doors, they are miserable.

Pin looks like a strong person but she is the weakest mentally. I think her stuck up attitude is a building block to help defend herself from failure but the people around her bulldozed it.

I'm liking that this remake gives Palau more flavors.


sarNie OldFart
He doesn't deserve her if he's not willing to fight....sadly the other 1 is only empty promises


sarNie OldFart
Awww, Sammy's so cute when she was playing with the baby. I'd like to see her play a role where she gets prego by p'ek at the end. LOL. When she kicked that bad guy's butt with the stick, I was waiting for her bodyguard self to show up again. Lol. 
cr: porshe_sammy/ as tagged


sarNie Oldmaid
Then they changed the ending. In the original they got together but was later drove apart by his mom.


sarNie OldFart
I honestly don't know, but it seems like his mom will be an obstacle. This version will be quite different though. Maybe they'll give us a happy ending for both girls so that the lesson can come full circle. Never judge a book by its cover and despite what today may bring, tomorrow will always be a brand new day and beginning. 


sarNie OldFart
i do hope it's a happy ending...but I like the realistic ending that...it might not always be a happy ending


sarNie OldFart
But karma exists and good people shouldn't always have unhappy endings, as it does happen in real life. Second chances exist and that's one of the morals of the story. Seriously, this makes want to go tam boon. Lol. No matter how good you are, if you didn't make merits in your past lives, it'll haunt you in your next life.