[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie Egg
brandygirl said:
I hope he doesn't give the "this is not my baby" dialogue
LMAO! can't wait to hear the recap on today's episode. Sucks that I don't even understand thai & im still trying to follow along with a lakorn that just went Hayward! in their storyline. thank god for the good looking cast lol


sarNie Hatchling
Same here, I don't know a word of Thai, I don't belong to the region and here I am totally hooked and getting all riled up because the storyline is illogical
The irony!!


sarNie Adult
So I'm following live updates by checking IG and from the looks of it, Som either falls on her own or Wee accidentally pushes her ?
Don't take my word for it yet but this is purely from the pics I've seen, anyone who has watched the episode live please clarify.
Here's the pic I saw :- (The reason I rule out Chit is because we don't see her go back to jail so I'm assuming that's why Wee is seen in prison, purely my assumptions)


sarNie Hatchling
I think her mom pushed her from the ig pics. Becuz when som fell, her scarf was in her mom's hands. I think chitchaba saw but she probably won't say the truth becuz she want wee to experience the feeling of being accused and the hard time in jail?


sarNie Hatchling
:eek:fftopic: guys suggest some interesting lakorn, i meant INTERESTING LAKORN... :beer:  that aired in 2015. glad if it has subs :thanks:


sarNie Hatchling
Why is everyone (who watched the live episode) not commenting here
And the rest of us are drawing our own conclusions from our imagination - how desperate are we


sarNie Egg
holy smokes! Som is such an annoying character but damn what a way to go to just fall off the stairs like that, ok I cant be cruel but yayyy for Chit & Wee lol


sarNie Egg
brandygirl said:
Same here, I don't know a word of Thai, I don't belong to the region and here I am totally hooked and getting all riled up because the storyline is illogical
The irony!!
lol!!! because Tui is a damn hottie & im a sucka for that hahah


sarNie Hatchling
Lol...how long is wee gonna be in jail this time haha! I agree Som is an annoying character but comparing to other n'rai in other lakorns, I think she's a lot better. Omg I hope everyone die soon so there's more time for wee n chit


sarNie Hatchling
Okay so it seems like the world know chit is pregnant. lol... som told the truth to wee that chit didn't push her. Took her forever loool. Wee is in prison tmrw's ep..and how he kick asses in there haha like chit. The bad guys r hiring ppl to assassinate wee in prison. N kaokrua need to die. She already got too much screen time


sarNie Hatchling
Well obviously he can't use the "whose baby is it?" Line lool since he built such a tall fence around his expensive cow n watch over it day and night haha so it seems chit is the only one knows that wee didn't push som. I wonder if she really going to let kaokrua blame it on wee like how she did it with chit? And can anyone translate the convo btw chit n wee when they're in living room n wee confronted chit about the pregnancy? Pretty plzzzz

Did chit say she was gonna kill the baby in the preview? o_O


sarNie Oldmaid
You ladies comment is really funny.  Like the cow fencing too HAHAHA :woot2:
Have not watch today episode yet, but glad to know that n'ek Som is dead.  Now when is n'ek mother going to dies? So I can celebrate. :bopping: :rockon: