[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie Elites
the most painstaking is probably the fact that i love p'tui and kwan so much but have to see them be subjected into this horriibly scripted lakorn. seriously, i was anticipating this lakorn soooo much!!!! but now i just want to watch all the side characters get shot one at a time...and have chit and wee go there separate ways until there is only the house left. lol might as well since the writer is getting all kill happy right now anyways...


sarNie Oldmaid
LOL we're all here for that reason too, right now we just enjoy ranting with each other more and we can't take this lakorn seriously so might as well enjoy complaining about the side characters and find away to kill them off ourselves. :woot:
Some of us here should offer to send in our own scripts if they will cast Tui and Kwan again.  I'm sure it will beat the shit that is going on in MSRFS. :dance1:


sarNie Oldmaid
Maya_Fantasy said:
Yep one year I went back to Thailand, but instead of going out and enjoy myself I stayed home and wait for the lakorn to come on.  When it did we(family and friends) gathered and glued in front of the TV and not move to even use the restroom until the commercial come on.  And when the episode was over we went crazy saying it was too quick and can not wait until the next episode airs.  You can hear pin drops around the neighborhood during the lakorn time, but when it was done, boy was it noise, peoples start to come out from their house and talk about the episode HAHA that was crazy time.
And OMG the irony I remember it now, I believe it was Honey old lakorn too OMG HAHAHA :whahuh: :lmao3: I don't know if anyone know or remember it was the one she was a ghost and like to wear black gown all the time.  She also has a sister and I believe Samat Prayakarun was also in it. WOW :lolyup:
Hey, hey I still cleaned using that method. :lolyup:  LOLz
Are you talking about Jao Sao Suit See Dum, Bride in Black? That song still haunts me to this day lol. I think China Doll did a cover.
MSFRS is so bad that even Sarn stayed away :loool:


sarNie Oldmaid
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Are you talking about Jao Sao Suit See Dum, Bride in Black? That song still haunts me to this day lol. I think China Doll did a cover.
MSFRS is so bad that even Sarn stayed away :loool:
Yes that is the one.  It was so good when you watch it live, and we were so into it.  But after that I rewatch it again on tapes, it wasn't as exciting for us to go head over hill for it like when you enjoy it with the whole town. :D
Yes Sarn got the right ideas to travel instead of stuck with MSRFS and at home like us. :yuck:


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh is that where Sarn went? Aww lucky her.
I remember watching that lakorn when I went home for summer, I was sorta young :coverlaf:. Ch3 should remake that but with veterans like Anne/Rome :yes: . I would like ch 7 but they'll ruin it <_<


sarNie Oldmaid
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oh is that where Sarn went? Aww lucky her.
I remember watching that lakorn when I went home for summer, I was sorta young :coverlaf:. Ch3 should remake that but with veterans like Anne/Rome :yes: . I would like ch 7 but they'll ruin it <_<
Yes she on Asian tour right now. I believe she said Japan, Thai, Cambodia and Vietnam.
But the original one was done by Ch7.  Ch3 will have to buy the right for it if they going to remake it. 
Wait didn't they remakes that one already?  I thought they did once already. :scratchhead2:


sarNie Hatchling
I thought there would be some progress in their romance after that kiss and reluctant hand-letting-go scene
Hell no
The man goes through all the motions with Som without ever once considering how his actions impact Chit. Not once while going through the marriage rituals did he think of her, he's shown to be genuinely happy to marry Som
So all his "feelings" now for her are because she was wrongly accused and spent time in jail and she's pregnant
What a person
What a relationship


`my dragon's blood is blue`
phatman said:
I still have a whole bunch of vhs' but no VCR....so sad.
I have a VHS to DVD converter, lolol But no VHS left. Maybe I'll go hunt for some at the old video shops and buy my favorite lakorn! 
Aww Kwan's graduation... I wonder who all went to give their support to her. Wow, there are a lot of her FC surrounding her.
As for MSRFS, I think that this WILL have a happy ending because of how lakorns work. They don't want to disappoint ppl with an open ending. Which is fine in some cases but if the writer is reaaaaaally good at her craft, she'd spin an amazing ending and tie up all the loose ends. (Which I doubt, but can hope)
Chaiyong, Chaiya should be killed by the henchman.
KK goes crazy psycho over her mistakes.
Pattawee grovels and begs for Chit's forgiveness.
Chit, keeping their baby but staying mad for a bit.
They both realize they love each other when the baby comes out.
The Dr. remains single.
Tawatpong (reporter), Goes on to become a successful news reporter.
Khun Ying & Khun Chai FINALLY gets married.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
I have a feeling Chaiyong is going to kill his baby boo though. Poor KK. She has no one left. That's her karma. She was always the one pressuring Som into doing the wrong thing. tsk tsk. Shameless mother.
While she was crying at Som's picture she says, "I loved you so much. I was okay with you being ignorant... but you listened to others more than me..." ??? I was like, ARE YOU CRAZY. She's dead because she listened to you. So just because Som followed her own good morals, KK thinks that she's being a traitor? Crazy lady, I tell you.


sarNie Hatchling
The mother is a total whack job.

And when Som confessed to Wee that it wasn't Chit, why didn't he ask her who pushed her then and why she let Chit take the fall? Wouldn't that be logical?

Oh wait, this is the writer and directors discretion to make Wee successful but with a low IQ


sarNie Hatchling
The mother is a total whack job.

And when Som confessed to Wee that it wasn't Chit, why didn't he ask her who pushed her then and why she let Chit take the fall? Wouldn't that be logical?

Oh wait, this is the writer and directors discretion to make Wee successful but with a low IQ


sarNie Egg
kwan's graduation ceremony is soo cute, wish I was there. I think it's so awesome how fans can meet our thai celebrities in person, has anyone here ever met 1 before? I hope its not as difficult as meeting a holly wood actor lol


sarNie OldFart
I don't think I care to meet any of them really lol. I was never into them to the extent of wanting to meet anyone. Seriously, knowing me I would not even recognize any. If I ever go to Thailand and runs into Kwan, I would look at her thinking she has pretty hair and go on my way. I am pretty much like that. I guess, to me I see them as a human being not this big star in real life. Even if I happen to see a some Hollywood star I would not even care. Trust me, if Michael Jackson doesn't impress me I don't think a whole lot will. Michael Jackson walked past me while others were screaming their heads off I fought off a yawn lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
I met a few and the one i met are very friendly and laid back. They're not divas nor do they act like they're above you. The one i was very impress with was Donut. She's very bright and wordly.