Basically everything everyone said... but wow... When Paeng was crawling on the ground holding her stomach and crying out for P'Lor... it was one of the saddest scenes I've ever seen. It was so real and painful to watch. Pooklook had no reservations at all. I can tell she went all out for that scene. It hurted to watch it. And when P'Lor found her..... goodness gracious!
As for Peun... till the end she did not admit to her wrongdoings. She placed herself above everyone so high, she thinks that she's not at fault at all. Her tears and begging for mercy was all a show. All she wanted was to win. I am glad everyone around her left her side. She doesn't deserve to be around people. I'm happy that they didn't kill off her character. But instead made her live in loneliness. This girl had everything. A dad who cherished her, a man who loved her blindly, a sister who was always loyal to her... but she threw it all away for some nice clothes and red lipstick. Blahhhh!
Lor is such a "loog poochai oak saam sork". When he loves someone, he does it with all his being. I honestly believe that he probably has love for Paeng long before he realized it. Peun was just always in his face. I seriously loved his parting words to Peun. Esp. when he called her, "E CHUA!" (you bad beep) Weir's words were so on point and his eyes were deadly.
I think this was one of Yui's best roles too. Besides her role in Nang Tard. It seems she does rather well in n'rai roles more than her n'ek roles.... but then when she plays the tortured n'ek, she's pretty good too. Yui's one of the best criers... like I mean she cries so ugly and real, you can't help but applaud her natural tears. Her veins and eyes pop out and everything.