[Ch7] Roy Ruk Raeng Kaen (Samun Karn Lakorn)


sarNie Granny
yeah slap is bad but o' well , he a manwhore might as well fit the discription as an abuser too HAHA


sarNie OldFart
Kim123 said:
How do you watch ch7 Lakorns live?
I buy a subscription with Dootv. It's not that expensive considering how much you get to watch with it.

I don't know if any other sites although there used to be free ones.


sarNie Adult
aiyaja said:
I buy a subscription with Dootv. It's not that expensive considering how much you get to watch with it.

I don't know if any other sites although there used to be free ones.
Ohh, I don't know how to read Thai and buy subscription. I'll just wait until it uploads


sarNie OldFart
Gosh. Couples that I like or think have good chemistry or make my heart jump either don't like each other, don't care for each other, or what? They don't follow each other on IG. Haha. Toomtam and Vill was one. Vill followed him after a long time working together but he never followed her. And then now Michael and Pooklook. They don't follow each other at all but Michael follows Om and Now. Lol And Bo.


sarNie Oldmaid
aiyaja said:
Gosh. Couples that I like or think have good chemistry or make my heart jump either don't like each other, don't care for each other, or what? They don't follow each other on IG. Haha. Toomtam and Vill was one. Vill followed him after a long time working together but he never followed her. And then now Michael and Pooklook. They don't follow each other at all but Michael follows Om and Now. Lol And Bo.
I don't mind that they don't follow each other or good friends offscreen as long as they have good chemistry onscreen. Offscreen friendship is a bonus but not necessary B)


sarNie OldFart
It's true though. I think with friends, you have that line you may mentally never cross because you can't view them that way. Like Matt and Great, they have good chemistry but to me, it's not burning with passion between a man and a woman. Mike and Pook, psshhhhh, look at how hot they are when Mike gets all aggressive towards her. Haha.


sarNie Granny
My mommy told me , girls & guys cannot be friends b/c the urge/temptation create atmospheres for body exploration to feed our curiosity ^^


sarNie OldFart
I agree! It's always BS when I'm dating someone who has a girl as their best friend. I have a guy as a best friend. He now has a gf so I stay away because I know how it'll feel to be in her shoes. Even though my intentions are innocent, I am still considerate over others' feelings. I can't stand girl best friends who still cling onto their guy friend already knowing that he's involved. I know some will throw the insecurity card at me but it has happened where someone left me for their best friend once that best friend became single. There's either unrequited love involved or they're both too afraid to risk their friendship. Yaddy yaddy yada. Lol. It's impossible for them to be just friends! Unless they're like brother and sister.  


sarNie Granny
A single handsom guy w/ a beautiful single girl can not be friends lol , it like putting two fighting fishes in a bowl , regardless of the gender , they will chase each other w/ tail nibbing ^^^ mommy know best.


sarNie OldFart
Yes, I agree with you guys.

At one point or the other, on one side or the other, there's going to be attraction. I had a guy BFF. We were really close; we practically grew up together. Been friends since 5 years old. We've never separated until he and I had to go to college and departed our own ways. We didn't see each other as much but still kept in touch as much as we could. After a few years, we both graduated and hung out like usual. We became even closer because we've both matured and shared the same morals and ideologies and stuff. Out of the blue, this one autumn Sunday, I looked at him and he seemed different. It was then I realized that I was beginning to like him more than a friend. It just hit me. I never thought that would ever happen, but it did. Come to find out, he had always liked me but didn't pursue me because he didn't want to lose our friendship. Well, he's dating someone else now and that was many many years ago but yeah, from experience, boys and girls can't be just friends.

And these types of relationships hurt the most too. When you lose him, not only are you losing a man you care for but also a best friend. It's like taking a huge chunk out of your heart.


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh man do I know about man and woman's friendship aka bestfriends relationship.
I married my bestfriend and now we're divorced. We talk here and there but that relationship that we build since kindergarden is finished. He was one I love most but also the one who hurt me the most.


sarNie Granny
believe it , any man I claim to be friend there are motivate behind it , woman are calculative , well, at least for me lol , those guys friends are spare tire lol


sarNie OldFart
It's like you took the words out of my mouth Aiyaja. I've friend-zoned by best friend for years. Sometimes, I can tell he has feelings for me but I don't look at him the same way. I can't see us together, but sometimes, the attraction comes out of nowhere. Lol. It's human nature to feel attracted to the opposite sex. It's not like I want to look at him differently but it comes and go depending on how much time I spend with him. When he recently broke the news to me about being in a relationship, I was somewhat upset for ONE second because it kind crushed hopes of something more even though I want nothing more. Lol. I was happy afterwards but I just can't help but feel like I lost someone great. When something or someone is taken, it becomes more desirable. Why? Idk. Lol. But I'm happy for him.   