True story.
I know a guy who was going to be a doctor. However, halfway through school, he switched. I asked him "why?" because it wasn't because of his grades. He told me that he was confused. All his life, people have told him he was going to be a doctor to the point where he actually thought he wanted to be a doctor. Halfway through school, he couldn't tell if being a doctor was his dream or not so he switched out. I asked him how he finally decided. He told me that he went home and confronted his dad about it. He said the hard part was that there was all these pressure for him to be a doctor in order to take care of the family and I think it was getting to his head. He didn't exactly grow up in the best of conditions and his dad considered him to be the shining star that will rescue the family. However, he told everything that he was feeling to his dad and his dad said he never knew he felt like this. My friend then told me that his dad said "being there for your family and making a sacrifice is one thing. but don't make your life miserable because of it. your family is your responsibility, but it is not your burden." Then he switched out of being pre-med and he has ABSOLUTELY no clue what he's going to do now. I thought he would be freakin out, but he said it was the most wonderful thing ever.
So here's what i've learned from him. The first thing you have to do is make sure what you want out of life is what YOU YOURSELF want. Not your parents, not your friends, not anyone else. This does not mean you have to disregard your responsibility. It just means you have to think harder to find ways to incorporate your own thing.
Secondly, this is YOUR life. No one else is going to live it for you. This is harsh, but you'll outlive certain people and you'll die before others. So others will not be able to live your life.
Thirdly, while you are young, explore all that you can explore. The great thing about being young is that you can fuck up and still come out ok. Just no killing people. Killing people is bad. But otherwise, go exploring whatever your heart desires. No path is ever straight and narrow.
And if you're wondering who that friend is, it is....ME!!! Just kidding! It really was a friend. Did you really think I was that cliche?
And dfemc, I still understand less than half of everything that you say but ironically, less that half of everything that you say is of any importance and I think I understand the part that is nonsense. So um, stop being so circular.