

sarNie Adult
i agree with Darvil. eating smarter is probably a wiser thing to do than dieting. unless you plan to stick to your diet for the rest of your life, then you're bound to gain back your weight. but thats my opinion. i personally don't believe in diets. i think if you make smarter decisions about what you eat and drink with the addition of staying active, you should be able to lose weight and be healthy.

i am probably the most unhealthy person here. lols. i get up really late when im out of school, so by the time im up its noon, but thats my breakfast. about 3 hrs after that, i'll find myself having lunch. in between lunch & dinner i have plenty of snacks. i love fruits & veggies. but i don't eat my every day serving of fruit as i should. i don't drink milk or do any dairy products. i pretty much suck. i myself cannot lose weight. but i don't care to. my weight has been consistent for about 4-5 years. all i am really worried about is getting tone and doing some cardiovascular workout to stay healthy. i said i was gonna go to the gym about 2 weeks still in that phase. :wacko:


Milk is sooo nasty. Now, ice cream on the other hand is delicious. That's the only dairy product I do...too bad it's not healthy lol.


Staff member
LOL p'malee yeah we should me and tim has a buddy system going on; we bought some mini equipments like weight balls and etc just started =/ .... we should totally go jogging but where? We live in 2 different towns lmao. Kid springs park! I love that place


Mama Noy ♥️
it's weird cuz i can drink milk [only when i crave for it or with cereal]. i haven't had pepsi/coke in like 6 months... trying to cut down & so far so good! i need to cut down on soda & coffee all together but it's hard... specially if you're in college & you gotta stay up & all that stuff... i'm so not healthy.. i need to play volleyball again... man i suck. lol


Like people said above just eat in moderation and exercise everyday, if you can. Also drinks lots of water like 5 cups in the morning and instead of snacking all the time jst drink it, it'll make you full real fast!

Anyways, i know this doesn't really have to do with diets, but does anyone know what i can do to grow a bit taller? i know its mainly to do with genetics and all but i wanna know what else i can do too, i'm only 16 so i think i have like 2 yrs to grow full height?. I'm like 153 cm atm? (like 5 ft?) I do stretching exercises everyday, anyone got any tips?
ahah i feel ur pain, i'm short too and if i had known the tips to get taller, i would've done it long ago... but from life experience. i've discovered 2 things that i've noticed in height changes... i have a friend who was part of a track team and another one who loves to swim. the chick who joined track, she ran year round, every season!! before she was in track, she was about 5'3ish then after being in track for about 2 and a half years, she meaured at 5'8"...she grew 5 inches!! yeah, i was amazed and sad, because i thought i shrunk hahah... but personally, i can't jog, nevermind run...

the other person who swims also go a few inches taller, i think about 3 inches... but i don't know how to swim :(


grrrrr diets, i've been struggling my whole life. still struggling. i'm trying, trying is the keyword, to eat healthy, i'm drinking loads of water, or at least 8 cups a day. try to stick in veggies and fruits, and eating whole wheat bread if i make sandwiches. i've also started to drink milk, the body needs vitamins ... so i have to give it some... so i've been drinking a cup of fat free milk everyday in the morning before work. for breakfast, sometimes i skip, but sometimes i'd have yogurt, light and fit dannon 0% fat, or weight control oatmeal... lol... now i'm gonna add some vitamins to my daily consumption by taking 1 a day vitamins haha... i need more energy.

what i've been trying to do is cut down on fried foods. eat whenever i want and whatever i want but in smaller portions... to curb the desire... because the more i stop myself from eating something the more i'd want it, and by the time i eat it, i binge. not so good. -_- ... i haven't been to the gym... :( i have to go back.

i'm such a sore loser, i can't stick with what i'm doing for more than 2 weeks... which is the more important part. after the 3rd and 4th week, our bodies are supposed to adjust to the new habits. but that's my problem, i can't get passed week 2, and i'd go back to my bad and nasty eating habits.

i don't have much problems of portions, but the main problem is JUNK food. gee, i'm such a junkie lol... love crispy stuff, chips, fries, and then the sweet stuff like baked goods, and then ice cream :p

on another note, i've done the atkins before, no carbs for about 2 months, i lost 30 pounds... but um after the years, i've gained it all back and trying to go back and do that again just makes me ill... i can't really force myself to eat just carrots, eggs and steak everyday.

ok my post is way too long haha... i'll stop and come back later to ramble :lol:


Mr. Char
It's not late to learn how to swim ;) My mom learnt it at her late 30s.

I don't think 'diet' is a part of my vocabulary. I'm engaged with any kind of food, any kind of drink. But, I haven't practiced any sports for 2 years because of school (Too busy to do mathematics and physics :(). I'm short, I eat a lot and my body is ok (I think...). I just noticed that without sports, I'm feeling less energetic that I used to.

Anyway, if vegetables are parts of your diet, just be careful with what you marry with. For example, green salad is really good, but if you eat green salad with a liter of vinegar, or olive oil, you sure will get some pounds :D

In France, when there is an ad about biscuits, dairies, or any food/drink-related, they put at the bottom of the screen-TV : Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day. They have also a website (in French though), let me post some pictures (if you want to get some ideas, or just if you are curious). It isn't a magic formula for diet, but I guess you are healthier with these advice.

At least, 5 a day

In every meal, according to the appetite

3 a day

1 to 2 a day

Limit the consumption (Butter, oil)

Limit the consumption

Water, water, water, water, water

Limit the consumption (Salt)

At least 30 min a day


hehe cute pictures cappy.

i wanted to learn how to swim in thailand, but what gives, i was trying to swim and a fish stung me hahah.


try to add in lots of fresh fruits & veggies. not so much cooked. they just make you more hungry, b/c the more you cook... the more enzymes are damaged due to the heat. sometimes cravings are more a sign of nutrient deficiency. also, definitely ditch the ice cream, chips, pre-packaged food, lil' ones. :lol: make a more healthier alternative or something -- fresh & natural. they exist. tons of recipes online.

exercise. :p

anywho... goodluck!


sarNie Adult
Gosh...I'm in a wedding next month and I don't know if I can fit into my dress LOL...but yea dieting doesn't work for me. I need to just eat better (or stop eating late at night) and of course get some exercise into my daily routine. I don't do enough activities...just sit in front of a computer all day (both at work and at home ha ha ha).


Staff member
It's only been a week? Since I started my diet and I'm starting to notice a difference.
I've lost some of the fat off my tummy lol it's toning down a bit.
I feel more energetic and I concentrate better.
Of course I diet and work out.
I mean almost everything you eat is a diet.
It just depends on the portions and what activities you have for that day.
For me today I had a really really active day and it's still going
I ate some Mexican food which won't really be bad for my diet cause it consisted of grilled beef and some veggies and lots of spices.
So my active day will easily burn the calories;

Haha I've also been on a military diet cause the hubby is a marine :lol: and I'm following his diet


sarNie Oldmaid
You know I use hand sanitizer to wash my face and it's clear! Drink loads of water too;

Diets work for me =.=; I have to stick dedicated to it though. My plan right now is to go on a low carb diet for 2 weeks to shock my body off soda's and etc (suggested by natty) along time ago. I did it once and it worked great. I'm gonna do it again. Also I got myself one of those big balls to work out with lol.

Another way I work out DDR! It's fun and effected lol Also Pilates =.-
diets and i dont go well together neither, since i love FOOD period.

lol, i own that big exercising ball too...just need to exercise on it...maybe i will go on that water diet too..and no more soda :rolleyes:

a good health is good but i dont think i can go on a diet cuz i just love food besides i eat sleep late every day i tried to go walks every day for 2 months off and on but it didn't work. can't keep it up man all my time i just go on my laptop sw forum bad habits of every thing

^^LMAO same here...i get home..i jump right onto sw, i eat and i sleep late ...bathroom break in between there somewhere... yes very bad habits...i need to change my habits a bit.

anyhow good luck to us that needs to go on a diet!!! it needs a lot of dedication and some movitation..i wanted to say to look good in that bikini...but then again i dont intend on wearing one.. lol

*or how bout post a huge pic of one or many of the hot p'eks for when they do come do their tour we can finally show off our results... :lol:


Staff member
Lol yeah at first I was skeptical about dieting, but then I realize that everything I eat is a diet alltogether all I have to do is portion out right.. this is what I did for today. Since it was a really active day I wasn't to affected.

Homemade Smoothie and Plain Almonds with Yogurt

Snack: Granola Bar & Water;

Lunch: Mexican Food Which Included; Beef, Corn Tortilla, Rice, Hot Sauce

Snack Crackers, Roast Beef, and Cheese

My Dinner Plans

Grilled Onions&Peppers
Grilled Beef
Dinner Roll
15 Oz Salad
Brown Rice

---- Also I will be exercising again; My Huge Exercise Ball, 2 2lbs weight ball, 1 5lbs weight ball, and 1 8lbs weight ball. For 30 Min to 1 Hr
--DDR with my sisters at parents house for 1 hr.

------ go go go lol we should start our own motivation group for our diets :lol:

As for the internet I really don't have anything to do on it. I just record and upload and come back after its done uploading and post the link.

Believe it or not steak is really good for a diet if you are also working out ^__^
there are a number of things you have to has to be a combination of both exercise and diet...

what has worked for me is:

-cutting out sweets! (this one is a biggie!)...the only sweets that i eat are ice cream, cookies, or things like that...whenever i craved sweets and fruits couldn't cut it (if you want it to be sweeter and just as fulfilling as desserts, put the fruits in the refrigerator for a few hours first), i'd allow myself about two tablespoons of some Asian desserts (sticky rice, etc.)...but no american desserts, which are less filling and way more fattening...

-cooking for myself! ever since i got to new york and away from my mom's cooking, i've lost about 15 pounds in about 8 months...when i cook for myself, i can control what i add (no oils or anything) and the portions...always opt for paying a little more and investing some time in rather than buying a really fattening, but quick meal!

-no snacks! i know how all those diet books talk about eating like 8 times a day or whatever (filling in snacks between meals), but that doesn't work...when we snack, we tend to eat sweets and fatty foods and snacking makes you carried's not filling and only messes up all the other meals... so i don't eat any snacks in between meals, and i don't eat unless it's mealtime...

-eat formally at a table! never eat while doing anything else (no tv, computer, reading, etc.), because then you won't pay attention to how much you eat...when you're concentrated on what you're doing (eating), then you're generally more aware of how much you're eating and when you're full...

-never pile the food on! i measure my portions (to start off with, no matter how hungry i am, i always only place one of those large spoonful of rice onto my plate)...then if i still aren't full, then i'll go for seconds...people tend to want to polish off whatever is on their plates, so don't put a lot on to start with...otherwise, you'll feel compelled to finish it all!

-drink water! some people wait until the end to drink water, but don't...i always drink in between the spoonfuls, which helps make you feel full without eating too much... also, never drink soft drinks (big no-no) or even juices...yes, smoothies pile on calories quickly too...if it's sweet, then most likely, it's got plenty of sugars to fatten you up!

-eat at the same time everyday...don't stray from your meal times (i.e. don't eat dinner at 5 one night, then 7 the next)...get your body and brain used to the meal times, so that it won't be calling for food all the time!

-never, ever eat past 6! we're less active at night, so the calories that we put into ourselves at night won't have a chance to be burned off like the calories we ate at noon. eating before sleeping is another biggie and will result in major weight gain! so give yourself hours before sleeping and your last meal...

-know when to stop!!! don't wait until you feel bloated to stop...stop when your hunger pangs cease...

-exercise regularly...take that extra block or those flights of stairs rather than the elevator...every extra step helps! i go to the gym for at least 4 days a week for 1 hour each time...the more you go, the easier it'll be...:)

i don't know, but this combination has worked for me so far...i've dropped from an L to an XS and from 135 lbs. down to 110 lbs...:)


-never, ever eat past 6! we're less active at night, so the calories that we put into ourselves at night won't have a chance to be burned off like the calories we ate at noon. eating before sleeping is another biggie and will result in major weight gain! so give yourself hours before sleeping and your last meal...
There are so many diet myths. It actually doesn't matter what time you eat. It's the portions that matter. Plus. keeping your metabolism running is the key.. so eating at night might actually help b/c it shortens the timespan in which you're not eating..b/c the longer you don't..yoru metabolism slows down... And misc. The new myth that milk helps you lose weight hasn;t even been provened yet. I regret buying nesquick strawberry and drinking milk int he past couple of weeks :wub: Went to the gym and felt :X

i don't know, but this combination has worked for me so far...i've dropped from an L to an XS and from 135 lbs. down to 110 lbs...:)
Damn. That's awesome. It always feels nice after hitting the gym. But to accomplish a 20 pound weightless. Awesome. Not gonna ask how long that took tho. Losing weight is just simple. But hard. There's no complex secrets to it. means sacrficing a lot. I've been going to the gym for the past few months and I notice some differences. But not a great difference considering the amount of time I put in the gym. Which was like 6 days a week and 40 mins a day in the past few months. That's b/c my diet is not so good. I have such a sweet tooth. At certain periods, I would just drink Ovaltine just for the pleasure. And the other day, I finished breyers strawberry ice cream in a few days. ... So obviously we all know losing weight means both eatting healthy AND working out. You can't have one without the other in the formula. Yet, we keep discussing about b/c it's so hard. lol


Staff member
There are so many diet myths. It actually doesn't matter what time you eat. It's the portions that matter. Plus. keeping your metabolism running is the key.. so eating at night might actually help b/c it shortens the timespan in which you're not eating..b/c the longer you don't..yoru metabolism slows down... And misc. The new myth that milk helps you lose weight hasn;t even been provened yet. I regret buying nesquick strawberry and drinking milk int he past couple of weeks :wub: Went to the gym and felt :X
Damn. That's awesome. It always feels nice after hitting the gym. But to accomplish a 20 pound weightless. Awesome. Not gonna ask how long that took tho. Losing weight is just simple. But hard. There's no complex secrets to it. means sacrficing a lot. I've been going to the gym for the past few months and I notice some differences. But not a great difference considering the amount of time I put in the gym. Which was like 6 days a week and 40 mins a day in the past few months. That's b/c my diet is not so good. I have such a sweet tooth. At certain periods, I would just drink Ovaltine just for the pleasure. And the other day, I finished breyers strawberry ice cream in a few days. ... So obviously we all know losing weight means both eatting healthy AND working out. You can't have one without the other in the formula. Yet, we keep discussing about b/c it's so hard. lol
o_O yeah everyone is different. In the past week I've lost 3 lbs :lol: not a lot but considering the fact that I cheated my diet 2 days and didn't work out for a good period of time it's pretty good.
I've used this method in the past. But the thing is as you get older your metabolism cooperates less :lol: when I was like I believe 14? I weighed like 150 lbs! I was so fat. But after dieting and working out and being active I dropped down to 115 in 5 months.

Now I'm working on my metabolism and speeding it up a bit. So I wake up early and eat breakfast then go for at least a 30 minute jog if not an hour and then do some homework and if I'm still tired I take a nap. For like 20 minutes Power napping I guess.

--- I will try to acomplish 5 lbs this week lol. If I can do that I'll reach my goal in less than 3 months :wub: LOL


sarNie Oldmaid
wow thai_lakorn..i think i may have to adapt to your exercise plan too...some if not the entire steps. ^_^

thank you for sharing!

iluvnumandoil...missy im with you on that "im so bad at diet"
...sooner or later i will have to do something bout my eating habits though whether i like it or not!


o_O yeah everyone is different. In the past week I've lost 3 lbs :lol: not a lot but considering the fact that I cheated my diet 2 days and didn't work out for a good period of time it's pretty good.
I've used this method in the past. But the thing is as you get older your metabolism cooperates less :lol: when I was like I believe 14? I weighed like 150 lbs! I was so fat. But after dieting and working out and being active I dropped down to 115 in 5 months.

Now I'm working on my metabolism and speeding it up a bit. So I wake up early and eat breakfast then go for at least a 30 minute jog if not an hour and then do some homework and if I'm still tired I take a nap. For like 20 minutes Power napping I guess.
--- I will try to acomplish 5 lbs this week lol. If I can do that I'll reach my goal in less than 3 months :wub: LOL

Yeah. That's already a great plan. And you sound very determined. I'm sure anyone can do it and drop some pounds. The next big thing is maintaining that weight lost. Some ppl reach their goal, get happy, and then think they can take it easy after all the hard work. But losing weight, exercising, and eating healthy is a lifestyle change. So even after you drop, say 10-20-30 pounds, you'd still have to avoid the sugar or work your butt off :lol: (I for instance, cannot resist sweets, I'd rather exercise). Then wheen you do that, being toned, thinned, muscular, lean whatever each person's goal is... will be more of a long term accomplishment. lol. Just like when you said you went on a diet plan at 14. lol. Should've continued huh. That way, you wouldn't have to start from scratch again. Reminds one summer before my freshman year in college, when I worked my butt off at the gym all toned and healthy. Then I get into the dining halls and ate evrything I could ( :loool: @ myself) I gained like 10 pounds (lol at least it was not Freshman 15). I didn't work out at all during Freshman year. Now I'm doing better. All it takes is just the will. And the old virtue, patience.

Good luck. ;)


sarNie Hatchling
I've been trying to diet but it doesn't really work for me. But in the past two months, i have lost 12 pounds by working out, mostly on my abs. I've been trying to eat mostly grilled or baked food, but sometimes i break the rules and eat fried foods. But the only thing that i can't seem to cut out are sodas and chips. if i can just take these out of my diet, i know i can lose more. I want to lose about 15 more pounds by next month b/c we're heading to the beach and hope that i can achieve that goal by then.