sarNie Oldmaid
never...guess that's because i'm
...i'm thai/british
hey, my mom and other other relatives are from there, too. and sadly, no, i DONT look laos. =/ im part laos and part vietnamese from my dad's side. but mostly laos. =Dhere's me:
it's a little fuzzy. Hey do you guys know what part of Laos you're from or your parents are from?! Mines are both from the south, Savannakhet
Can someone tell me what a "Lao girl/person" is suppose to look like?
To white people, Asian people will always be mistaken for either Chinese, Vietnamese or Japanese just b/c those are the nationality they are familiar with.
When another Asian tell me I don't look Laos. I get offended. It's like, what do they expect Lao people to look like? Short and dark with a flat nose?
what's wrong with bein' mistaken for a "Hmong or Meo or any of the 'hilltribe groups'"? why would that be offensive to the point where u would smack them in the face? :unsure:lol I haven't had anyone mistaken me as Hmong or Meo or any of the hilltribe groups yet :yahoo: if they do I will smack them in the face...muuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...stupid idiot get it straight![]()
Yea, when people see Asian person they automatically put them in the Chinese and Japanese category majority of the time haha. Just like when you say egg roll they automatically say CHINESE hehe