Does anyone in here smoke?


sarNie Hatchling
Dont' know if im allowed to post this kind of topic but.. does anyone in here smoke cigarettes or weed? I used to smoke cigs but quit cus my lungs were tarred out... so i started to smoke weed occasionally. Hey its mother nature grass :D


sarNie Hatchling
I tried it, but i couldn't hang. Couldn't tolerate the smoke and the smell of weed and cigaretts. Tried it once and I never did it again. Never really had the interest. <_<


i second hand a lot... i have this weird habbit of liking the smell of cigaretts. but i've never tried it ever in my life. it's a good promise i made in 6th grade.


sarNie Adult
i smoke when im unhappy or stressed out weed not really any more lol sometimes before skool loooool


sarNie Adult
I've tried weed once I can't handle it one night of weed n dancing with guys I hardly know nearly ruin my relationship thats was the bigget mistake I ever made. Ok thats my weed story hehe...


Sarnie Clown!
Hmm...I've had various interactions with a lot of different things. That being said, before I say anything, I want to know what this thread is for? Are you thinking about taking up smoking? Looking for advice on the best type of cigarettes? Maybe trying to figure out the best way to roll a "bowl?" Why are you curious about this? I'm surprised no one asked yet why she wanted to know.


Sticky Rice
^ she/he was just curios mardie goshers....anyway

yeah i've smoked weed and cigs before they taste good =)

har har jk jk no i haven't and i dont plan to :D


sarNie Juvenile
... second hand smoking is so unfair that people who arn't smoking are damaging their health because of people that do smoke. also now in new zealand it is illegal to smoke in side pubs and bars basicaly public places except for outside but it is still looked down upon...

i wonder if they put > smoking can damage your sexual desire organs or ability of sex < (it is true) will people stop buying/smoking the stuff?


sarNie Elites
SMoking is BAAAAAD!

and besides my body reacts weirdly when sumone is smoking a lot next to me.
I get nose bleed >< So dont smoke near me!!!


o my pee!! gosh golly that's bad.

they've banned public smoking for all facilities in my state and also some private functions, it's basically go smoke outside and 25 feet away from the buildings.

pink mafia

sarNie Juvenile i try to bring as little harm to my vocal chords as possible...but like a lot of people here..i have second hand smoked..i try to avoid that as much as possible too.


sarNie Elites
o my pee!! gosh golly that's bad.

they've banned public smoking for all facilities in my state and also some private functions, it's basically go smoke outside and 25 feet away from the buildings.

thats super! then i wont have to worry abt bringing tissues when i visit u!