Hey Bou, i'm happy you love Jib too. Jib started off as nang aek from la korn "Kwar jaroo diangsa" with Veeraphap. i like her since her first la korn, she was really cute and adorable and young, she was like 14 years old that time,her role was very sad,even though she died at the end but she was the main nang aek. and i like her even more in her second la korn "Kama thep luang" that she's nang aek. it's the la korn of her that i like the most. she play with Kaid. there were many love scenes of Jib and Kaid. it was a cute romantic la korn,my favorite type of la korn.and i follow and watch all of Jib's la korns. she get to play as nang aek and supporting actress back and forth. the la korns she was nang aek are:Look Long with Veeraphap,Maetang rombai with Au,Benja kita krum ruk with Au,Ruk lone soi with Tle,Bunteukruk congBounlue with Nam,Yodchai naicong with Utsadawoot,and latest:Fah Hin Din Srai with Pai
i am happy she get to come back and play as nang aek in a drama la korn like Fah Hin Din Srai again ,because lately she mostly get to play a comedy la korn, but i really don't mind what style la korn she play as long as she is in it ,i'm happy and waiting to watch it.