lol... XD but you see you got your cute lil niece at your FRIENDSTER profile... hehehehe ^_^:loool: you're like my sister... she is very crazy when she have her PMS... and when she got pregnant, gosh... it's like she has PMS for 9 months... I didn't mess around with her during those days... if I did, I'm probably dead by now... :loool:
my eldest bro... he's afraid of me... coz one time when he punch my shoulder, i didnt cut my nails that time and i scratch, pinch him... then my nails embedded to his skin. eversince then, he dont wanna fight with me anymore... coz its like a traumatic experience to him... XD if he dares to tease me or do some nasty jokes... i'll get back at him at night... i'll turn off the main switch of the electricity... in short, he's really afraid of the dark... i like darkness and that's what he afraid most. his daughter... he told me that she's just like me. XD my younger bro is like my VERSUS mode... well, what should i expect... our gap was only a 2 years... and so we really argue a lot... with or without <_< good thing I only have one...and we fight ALL THE TIME! and whenever we fight, he always cry...
when I'm on mine. I'm not moody or whatever.. I just have a waterfall flowing out of me... imagine that-- a waterfall.
hehehehe... same as me... if i have much... i only 3 days of PMS... but if it's not that much... it takes me 4-5 days.... XD