This is a good question.
I'm going to lay out some of the most prominent issues with being a dude. Might be more info then you were seeking.
First the man in the modern world is almost being forced to become more metrosexual and by that I mean more sensitive, more clean, more understanding, fun to talk to, humorous, more womanly basically. This is a problem since men was not this way for eons. Ever seen fight club? That is what happens.
Second, men have to deal with all the BS stuff these days that has to do with finding a mate. Long gone were the days when you could just go talk to the girl's father and give him some cows and take the girl home. Hell how about just clubbing the girl and dragging her to my cave? Now days men are forced to play mind games with girls which we usually lose anyway. Alot of cultural creations such as Valentine and new cultural mores just on a rat race on trying to gain points with the girl, is tiring and confusing for the modern man.
Third, Men have to deal with more expectations. Whether you agree with the fairness of it all, there are more expectations placed on men then women. There are of course exception to the rule but generally across the globe, men have more "pressure" to succeed. This is also why men are often better treated in the family then women. Sure it is nice for men that they have more access to resources but its not all so cherry with the added pressure unless of course the family is already rich and the man can't really screw up. If a woman doesn't make it people in society are more forgiving then if a man fail or is seen to be a loser. Remember I'm making a general all across the board case here.
Fourth, men have more problems connecting with other men. This can leads to emotional problems as society tells men to repress their emotions to be "manly" where women generally more friends and they are generally open enough to talk out issues. For an example, think of a guy who is broken up by a break up. I don't think it would be easy for him to talk to his friends about the anguish. At least not easily whereas females have an army of emo girlfriends to assist in such problems.
Fifth, job discrimination exists for both sexes. What is your opinion about a male nurse vs a female nurse? Although I admit this is not a very strong case.
Sixth, men are more discriminated in the parenting world. Even if the man may be equal to or better equipped to be a parent, the courts favor females. Why is that? Well I don't know either but it may just have to do with our perceptions on which sex is the better parent.
Seventh, in sexual cases, men are not treated fairly. Just imagine a case where a male teacher having sex with a minor vs a female teacher having sex with a minor. The courts are more tougher against men. Now I actually don't believe that the woman should be as toughly punished as the male but my point being, things should be fair in the courts but it ain't.
Eight, women have the sex card. That pretty much explains it all. It is a very powerful card that gives alot of power to a woman if she uses it wisely.
Thats all I can think up for now. I could write up a similar list for women too. I just wanted to make a point that things aren't so simple in the guy world either. I know alot of women wishes they were males instead. Yea well ladies, the scenery isn't that rosy on the other side of the pond.