sarNie Juvenile
I have it on repeat also!!!! hahaa its just a great song
oh yea i totally forgot about that song while they are driving. another phantom song that is gunna drive us crazy.
you know i thought the slap that jamie gave him seemed like he didnt expected it and that it really hurt too... hes just takin so much abuse from the girls!
yea... when they were going on interviews i was thinking HELLOOOO you know the son of the "great hotel owner" why not go get a job from him... damn being prideful. haha but since he will be gone, they probably will go there since they gotta meet up again somehow right??
cant wait for the new episodes
oh yea i totally forgot about that song while they are driving. another phantom song that is gunna drive us crazy.
you know i thought the slap that jamie gave him seemed like he didnt expected it and that it really hurt too... hes just takin so much abuse from the girls!
yea... when they were going on interviews i was thinking HELLOOOO you know the son of the "great hotel owner" why not go get a job from him... damn being prideful. haha but since he will be gone, they probably will go there since they gotta meet up again somehow right??
cant wait for the new episodes