omygosh totally a Don/Da fan! <3
I really wanted them to get together at the beginning but i was SOOOO not expecting that
r scene!
when Da reach out and let Don hold her hand that was so sweet and touching that they both let each other help one another! Don gets to show that he really is a good person, i love what he said. They are very cute together.
Gale is very cute! ^^
and i know that their issue was serious with her getting pregnant but i'm glad they didn't draw it out for forever - she wasn't forever stubborn and her dad understood that they are trying to be responsible for themselves so he didn't give them a terribly hard time. truthfully, i was really worried about what Chuck would do and how he'd react to the news! >.< he's done so much to help Don, but when it comes to hurting his sister...
imagine that - he already knew everything! 0.o
never underestimate Sia Chuck. I love that he trust and undersands Don, and he gives him the chance to take care of Da, as the person who he knows best.
If Chuck was a real person, dude, i'd totally be like Khun Sri and snatch him lol. Except it would be because he's such a fricken GOOD person, so self-sacrificing, generous, a great friend and all, i don't know if he can exist. T-T
I loved Por, he did fantastic.
it was funny how after he gave Tawan her house back, he came and visited and was nervous about seeing her because he didn't have a reason to see her.. haha.
i didn't like how he proposed to Lin-Jong. why'd he have to put more obstacles in the way? but i guess this is drama...but everyting woulda been simple if he just, you know, was honest about his feelings!
At first i didn't like Tawanchay (the character) but Taew did a great job, she's grown on me. Taew and Por make a nice couple too.
it's funny seeing Lin-Jong as such a gentle lady in here but such a b!tchy n'rai in TB!