Well, I live and grew up in a community mostly made up of minorities as well. From elementary to middle school, I was completely surrounded by minorities like myself. Caucasian people
were the minorities at my elementary and middle school. However, I went to a high school outside of my community where there's an large variety of people. It was a HUGE culture shock at first, don't get me wrong, but I grew on it. I have plenty of Caucasian friends as well as African-American, Asian, Latin/Hispanic friends.
I think it all starts with you and how much you are willing to accept about other people. Of course they are different from you, everyone is, but isn't it our differences that make life more interesting? I think that society also has created a huge barrier between Caucasians and minorities. A lot of people have had it buried in their heads that Caucasian people are racist and think that they are superior to other races. Of course some of them are like that, but there are other people of minority races that believe this, also.There are always going to be good people and bad people, regardless of race.
I think there's still a bit of animosity from previous events in History that the Cauasian man (figuratively speaking) has created. People won't admit that there's still that underlying bit of animosity, but there is. It's just that no one has the guts to say there is.
I also think that a lot of us (minorities) tend to write Caucasian people off before even getting the chance to know them. Most of the time, it is due to past experiences. But we shouldn't let some poor choices that those people made affect what we think about a certain race as a whole. We wouldn't want anyone to do that to us.
Okay, so I guess I turned this into a huge philisophical rant, so I'll stop before I go any futher. I highly doubt anyone read this whole thing, so it's cool. My advice would be to step out of your comfort zone and attempt to get to know some of these people. Of course you'll run into some that you would rather not associate with, but in the mix of that are people that could potentially turn in to some of your best friends. It may seem a bit drastic and aimless, but I really think that reaching out and meeting new kinds of people will really make you a more open-minded and level-headed person.