Lol You girls are hilarious .. but I have a few "I hates too" ugh...
I hate when I lay in bed for only like 10 minutes feeling like I've been up for hours
I hate when people cut me off to the point where our BUMPERS TOUCH! (Freaken Texas Drivers)
I HATE when people drive out blocking the road trying to turn into the other side
I hate when people freaking honk at you at a RED LIGHT! (Damn Son it's RED FOR A REASON!)
I hate when people run stop signs and when you look at them they are all bitching because they almost hit you NOT TO MENTION RETARD IS ON THE PHONE LOOKING THE OTHER WAY!
I hate when people PUT ON MAKE UP and TALK ON THE PHONE and try to drive at the same time
I hate when someone almost hit you completely their fault and they blame it on you
I hate being carded when I buy cigarettes for my friends (I don't smoke ew)
I hate When I have to remind my roommate every freaking month that the rent is due .. When they are grown and should know!
I hate when my roommate drinks and leave the empty beer can's in the kitchen expecting me to clean up after them and their friends (That's sick dude.. I am allergic to alcoholic beverages because of the high yeast and I start getting sick off it!)
I hate when People call me during the time they know I'm driving to pick up my sisters (Damn yo... that's a ticket in a school zone! For driving and being on the phone!)
I hate when I tell people, "Oh I have to drive here I'll call you later" FREAKING minutes later they text me! "You can't talk but I can text you right?" (OMB im driving arse how in the world you expect me to text!)
I hate the old perverts at the laundry mat who sits there and stare at my ass (sorry for the language)
I hate the old perverts at the laundry mat who check my sisters out (they are your daughters age freak.. I am your daughters age!)
I hate when my team members are late and I get in trouble for it..
I hate when I'm being told what to do.. I do it.. GET Bitched at for doing it the way they told me to do it!
-when im being called short (yes i know im short but dont call me that. you may think its cute but i dont think so)
-when i have to wear 3+inch heels/boots all the time because im short
Lol Penny?! You think you have it bad! That's not so bad!
I HATE when I walk into a photo studio with my husband and they ask "Do You need a Stool for your daughter?" (Beeeeep!) LOL
I hate when we go to a restaurant and they ask, "Sir do you we need a kids menu and a booster seat for your daughter?"
I hate when girls come up and pat me in the head... "Aww that's so cute .. how old is she?" (Lady .. I'm his wife!)
I hate when WE go to parent conferences for my sisters and Teachers go, "Hey Jennifer/Lisa .. are you here with your dad." Looking at my husband ... Me: I'm not Lisa/Jennifer.. I'm their older sister and that's my husband " =/
I hate When I drop off my little sisters and I get in trouble for trying to drive off "I don't even go here!"
I hate When I have a job interview and the first question they ask after my name, "Are you 16 or older?" (Well if I wasn't why would I be applying for this job yo.) LOL
I hate When weird people hit on you...
I hate when people come up to me speaking spanish and when I don't respond ask, "habla espanol?" and follow with, "Are you chinese?" Eff dude .. if you think I'm chinese why would you be talking to me in spanish ... and NOT every ASIAN has to be CHINESE!
I hate when people shower and leave the drain clogged and don't clean up after themselves there's bunches of dirt (wth!) and oils all over the bathtub!
All I has for now -.-" LOL