well...girl it all connects...that's the point, u can't go around isolating issues. n i can see that u don't have anything against "legal" immigrants, as it seems ur family was prolly rooted as one, as many of us are of course.
but i don't see where ur frustration about paying the taxes are... u don't think illegal immigrants pay taxes as mentioned before. u don't think that getting paid $3 an hr. is not considered being taxed. whatever the employer saves from not paying the "illegal" or undocumented immigrants eventually goes to taxes as earned income. so they are being taxed, just not through formal documents, like us.
as for welfare and government assistant; well girl, what do u think taxes go towards; i'm sorry it's hard for some to see the full picture and make a connection, but i guess that takes practice and more awareness.
if u don't see the connection between taxes and government assistance, let me ask, why are u soo concern about everyone having to pay taxes, if u don't quite seem to know what the taxes go towards anyhow...? *confused*
so i guess i'm paying too close of an attention to what ur saying and taking it a few step further than ur able to see. sorry to confuse ya.
n i'm sorry...where did u get those facts that SE asians are the majority on welfare. last time i checked SE asians are still the minorities in this country. wows...that's a new fact, i must say. because where i get the official census, it's "WHITE AMERICANS" that are the a majority, and they are the primary receivers of government assistants. i can provide u with the OFFICIAL/LEGAL census website as well, if need be.
i apologize if i sound a bit frustrated with this issue, but i just wish ppl would take their whinings about "illegal" immigrants this and that a step further in the thought process before they go "illegal" immigrant bashing.
n u know...why is english the first language we learn? i know u're simply trying to be realistic based on ur experiences, but not everyone goes to a all-english speaking school. most kids...especially ghetto kids, which i'm proud to say i'm one of them, grew up in a school that speaks tons of languages. n i'm thankful for that. because i can actually travel and speak those languages myself. what's even better is that i can actually put those languages to good use here.
in the end, this country starts yelping for a labor force that's bi-lingual, tri-lingual, and so on. so, it can only benefit us, that more languages are to be learned. english should not be the only language, but i agree, english must be learned too at some point or another.
as for the cuban and chinese immigrants that get deported, they actually sit around in detention centers before even being deported. do u truly understand the steps and process to deportation? as for mexican immigrants, they are also detained in south san diego right at the border as well before being sent back. u should try watching some of news on teh spanish channels, even tho u may not understand (or u may) the language, but u'll always see a huuuuuge line up of ppl being deported back to mexico every dayam day. so don't think that mexicans get the full stay. well... let's just say i'm quite familiar with the reality of living right off the mexican border. i dunno what state ur from, but if u were right off the border too, maybe u'd get a different piece of reality.
just because u came here legally and work n pay taxes, i don't see what makes u any different from an "illegal" immigrant. the only main difference is, the illegal immigrants actually pay a higher tax than u do. they suffer the hardships of a shiety ass life in the states even when they work hard. for some of us, we may have it bad too even tho we work or asses off, but u gotta say, even our lives a bit better than the conditions of living of most undocumented immigrants. try getting to know some undocumented immigrants first hand first n maybe u'll realize a lot more about the issue. it's always easier to be on the other side, especially when the grass is greener on ur side.
n please no need to apologize for ur parents being priviledged. it's like saying, "oh i'm sorry u were born poor n i'm not". that doesn't do shiet for those who need to eat or have a place to live to survive. apologies aren't needed, u didn't choose to be born priviledged. but u can at least acknowledge that that priviledge comes at the cost of somebody else. -_-
elites are elites for a reason...they reaped it off of somebody else at one point or another in time in order for them to have what they have, and that goes for elites in any country: thailand, america, cambodia, laos, south africa, tazmania, argentina...u name it.
u don't even have to apologize for ur opinion. it's not ur fault that u were raised to beleive what u believe or grew up having the experience that u have, but hopefully u can learn to move beyond that, n open ur mind up to question the reality around u just a bit more...that's what living n learning is all about