I was reading this thread and I have a couple of opinions of my own, you see. I would agree with you that hmong people complain a lot and boy, can we complain?.pwhahah! BUT?so does every other ethnicity out there. You see, the American people are all complaining about hating Bush and having to spend their own individual money on a currently worthless war and the Laos government are all complaining about all the information being passed across their blinded eyes about the hmong people into the outer world. And every other ethnicity out there has words of their own too. I know, I know, I was shocked too, so you aren?t the only one. But whether you?re white, black, yellow, pink or polka-dotted, we as people, by human nature, COMPLAIN!! Therefore, we complain, you complain, everyone else complains. But note that some of the smarter people out there don?t just complain, they debate with somewhat of a knowledgeable background on the topic to back themselves up. So, anytime now, I would be more than happy to hear your proofs against us hmongs getting nothing done and being stupid, since you?re so smart and proud of it too. And I?m not bashing you, these are your own words.
first off...yes...everyone complains...but after complaining...actually go out there and do something...more often than not...hmong people just sit back and complain some more...thinking if they do enough complaining everything's gonna go away...like it's gonna take care of itself...you want proof that hmongs aren't doing anything?...look around you...you're surrounded by people who proclaims that this is wrong but only a small percentage of them are stepping up to the occasion...in my opinion this should be one of those national news because there is a fair amount of hmong population here in the states...but do you see that happening?...NO!...yeah, you see articles about it and videos but guess what...it's only in the hmong newspaper...and for the past month or so there's been no update in the papers...and those videos?...they're intended for only hmong viewers...is that enough proof for you that hmongs aren't doing anything?...not only that...st. paul has one of the largest hmong population...but i don't see any fliers being distributed to give out information regarding the issue to others outside of the hmong community...i haven't seen or heard of any protestation to get the government to do something...yes, mee moua has done some things but she's only one person and one person can only do so much
Furthermore, I thank you for your sincerity and effort in caring for us, saying that the Chinese are wrong to dig up the graves. But my friend, criticizing us by saying that Hmong people had it coming is another story. Since you know soo much about us already, I?m not going to bother explaining our history to you. But make sure you know enough of something to start insulting people, especially a whole race of people. Cause you might just jinx yourself and have that phrase come kickin you in the butt, literally.
So as this thread shows, recently news of the digging of hmong graves in Thailand have approached the surface; and you say that we had it coming?? Hahahahahahahah. Omg, Please. Thank you for worrying soo much though. So yea, we had it coming?? Let?s take a look at the past 30 years of those back in Southeast Asia, those who suffered through the Vietnam War and made it to Thailand only to have this happen. ?. What about those innocent children in Laos/Thailand who have done nothing wrong but having been brought into the world as a hmong? Those children who have to suffer for other?s wrongdoings; those that right from a toddler had to learn how to hide from people that are gonna shoot them if they get discovered. What about those who have to help bury their own parents, great grandparents, friends, and relatives bodies? And those that starve to death till this day because members of their clan are dying and everyone is scared to find food? And what about those mothers, who did not hold a gun during the war, but their child and their dying husband? What about those mothers who have to bury their daughter who have just been brutally raped and murdered or their son who had just been shot several times trying to help his sister? What about those families that finally get across the river into Thailand, only to be placed into camps? Those families who just wants to live peacefully but cannot, even after death. What about those elderly who may have fought during the war itself, not held a gun since and have flooded themselves with regret? What about those who helplessly cry every time one of their offspring gets murdered? Okay then, what about those men who have to protect and hold the village together when it was their fathers or even great grandfathers who had fought in the war? Those men that have to bravely take the bullet and stand guard every time their clan is being followed, while the women, children and elderly quietly move out in order to survive? What about those men that successfully gets into Thailand and finds out that there?s less he can do for his family because being in the jungle soo long, doesn?t know how to work (as in jobs)? What about them, eh?? Why, after all their sufferings do they have to go through such sufferings again even after death, with the digging of their graves? Again, I would love to hear an explanation of your ?facts? on why Hmong people (not one, but all of them) deserved such fate.
and i stand by my comment that the hmongs had it coming......yes, it's unfair and inhumane but c'mon...can you really blame the chinese for wanting to get rid of hmongs?...can you really blame the laos or the thais?...for as long as i know, hmongs have been jumping from country to country...yes, they were forced out but they should've realized long ago that no one likes to have their country invaded by a bunch of outsiders...and that's what hmong people are...they're outsiders...take your home for example...you wouldn't like it if some stranger of a different culture/tradition/language/etc etc invaded your home right?...i mean all of a sudden they just show up and just started cohabitating with you...sharing your resources and depleating them and not giving anything in return or helping you find more resources...you wouldn't like that either would you?...just like the mongolians, chinese, laotian, and thais don't like hmongs invading their space...depleting their resources and not giving anything in return
Okay, and we might?ve known about it waay before the graves had actually been dug up, but did you actually think we could do anything about it?? (And how did you know we knew? Cause if you knew we knew, then you must?ve known before we all knew, right?) First off, the hmongs don?t even have a land of their own due to greedy people who keep taking it away, so we can?t actually altogether, as a country, go and attack them and tell them to stop. And secondly, the hmong people living over there, can they do anything? N-O! Because the government is after them, duh! And not only is it the Laos and maybe Thai governements, there?s plenty of them; and the funny thing is, they?re all superior to the hmongs over there, so they?re just dumb. Not picking on people their own size but on people who have helplessly suffered time and time again with nothing to counterattack with. So, since they?re already afraid for their own life, even if they had wanted to do something about it, they couldn?t. But no doubt, that us hmongs feel for each other. Duh, that?s why we?re all in here going against you, and some even bashing you. Aniwaise, in order for ANYONE to do something, they need power. And do you seriously think that those still residing in the camps have power over those that are digging up the graves? Even us in the U.S.A., we need power. O, but don?t you worry. There ARE numerous organizations out there, consisting of hmongs and non-hmongs, all over this great big planet we live in, called earth. And they ARE doing something, if not totally going over there first handedly. So my question to you is, you keep telling us to do something?.do YOU have any suggestions? If so, do tell. Maybe we can even start something of our own to help them, you and I. If not, then you should think of one before harshly telling us to shut up and do something about it.
i'm not the only one who knew about it...like i said it's been in the hmong paper...and it's been in there since the summer of last year so you can't be surprised about it...greedy people taking away hmong people's land?...the way i see it was the other way around...and as for them not picking people their own size?...i've said it before and i'll say it again...hmong people invaded their country...of course, they'll want to get rid of them...and not only that but hmongs helped the americans during to vietnam war...what would you do if you were in their position?...would you just let the hmongs settle in your country and potentially taking your opponent's side again when there's a war?...i'm sure you'll be doing the same thing
And since I?m sooo ?immature?, I?m going to have to repeat myself. Concerning your ?facts? on how hmong people are stupid, again, please cite your resources. I?m sure everyone else in here would just love to know. Cause the last time I checked, the hmongs in the jungles?even though they starve and whatnot, they have come up with ways to find and make food from their surroundings, which isn?t much, and they have survived THIRTY years living life like that. The last time I checked, the hmongs in Thailand and overseas, still care for each other otherwise they wouldn?t get upset over such issues, like yours right here. And the last time I checked over here, the population of hmong people going to college, earning a degree and successfully living their life is GROWING! And yes, fyi, we KNOW you?re putting us down?DUUHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
if you see my criticisms as put downs...that's your prerogative...like muddie said...hmongs are not the only ones who can survive the jungle...it's been done over and over again before hmongs ever existed...it's called adaptation and survival...as for hmongs going to college...yes, more are going to college but compare the statistics...i'm sure you'll agree with me that hmongs have one of the lowest percentages in college or with a college degree and now that wannabe gangster rates are going back up again...the college entrance rates are going back down again...hmong people are smart people but the thing is...they don't put that smartness to good use...they waste it away until there's nothing left and that's something to pity
O yes, and another point I?d like to address, I found this quote of yours pretty funny: ?don't go bashing me and my opinion...such stupid hmong people these days?? Pwhahaha?you?re funny?cause believe it or not, you were doing the exact same thing. So do us all a favor and be a little more openminded.
i was being open-minded...but when people start saying crap about me when they don't even know me or what i'm thinking...then it's fair game for me to do it too...why don't you all do yourself a favor and just debate and argue for your points without going all holier than thou
Lastly, congrats on finally being mature enough to leave this topic, anit-hmong (although this message is for you). Cause you see, us non-mature people would like to discuss a serious, global issue here. So about this issue, for further information about the Hmong people in Laos/Thailand, please go to factfinding.org and/or suabhmongradio.com. Remember, this is going on RIGHT NOW!
there's nothing wrong with discussing issues like these and debating about it...the immaturity comment stem from the fact that people weren't pay attention to what i was writing...they see the name and they just automatically labeled me as someone who's out to get them when that wasn't my intention at all...
.........and with that...peace out