thanks CherryApple for those pics. cherry looks pretty even without makeup on. micky looks cute & kong looks good too.
thanks p.jib for those screencaps & mv (loved it!) i totally felt sad for nim in this episode.
everyone's else comments are great like usual. loved to read all of you guys inputs. :wub:
gosh, this episode torn my heart to pieces.

my heart ached so much for nim. i was crying along with her when she was crying & eating at the same time. damn, that was such a heart breaking scene. you could totally feel her anguishes & sorrows. cherry's acting was awesome! her facial expression to her crying to her choking voice were all great. i cannot help but cried along with her. i couldn't believe mek can be this mean. :angry: i loved that pom, his fiance, & friend all supported her though. it was so nice of them to help this couple out. they all so cool!
my other heart broken scenes were when nim walked into the restaurant and tried to apolpgize/explain to mek, but he just gave her that cold stared and won't give her a chance to explain. on top of that, that stupid n'rai told her to get out. i felt so sad for nim in this scene. she just stood there until she finally gave up and walked away. the next scene was at the pier. she was so happy that he rescued her from those bad guys & thought that he finally forgave her. but nope, he was even more pissed. i'm assuming that mek accused nim of planning all of this kidnapping again with his brother. he made her cried once again. damn you mek! lol. i was saying that a lot throughout this ep. my heart really ached for nim here too. one moment she was smiling, then bamb she cried.
despite a lot of sad moments, there were some cute & funny scenes too. i loved how in the beg., mek just turned around & walked straight to nim and gave her that KISS. it was so sweet! :wub: but he had to ruin it by saying something to her to make her cried. damn you mek! lol. nevertheless, i still love him.

also, i loved the scene when he came to her rescue. nim beating those guys up with the stick. you go, girl! anyways, it was so cute when she teased/smiled at him. she was just so excited that he came to help her despite being mad at her. i loved how he kept on holding her hands too. it was such a short happy moment for nim. the other one was when he came to the press conference. nim was all happy and smiling when she saw him. btw, is this press conference for them to explain that all the time she was gone because they were filming a lakorn about her being kidnapped? i really don't like that news reporter lady. she seems like she wants to cause trouble for them.
another cute scene that i loved was the flashback scenes. cherry looks so cute with the glasses on. it was so nice of chakrit to help & cheer her up. no wonders she consider him her knight in shinning armor.

i thought it was so sweet of her to keep that little flag that chakrit gave to her with the ice cream. she went all out to keep it nice & neat too.

i think nim is so cute. it's like she got mad crush on mek & tried to do what ever to win his love. her face lit up when ever he is neared her. that's why my heart break for her when mek make her cried.
now i cannot wait for next week. haha...i loved when they show in the preview showing her taking her shoes off to climb on top of the table to choke mek. i guess she is very fed up with mek's attitude & rude/mean remarks to choke him like that. he totally deserves though for being so mean to her.
everyone, i only just finished epi 5.2 but i already want to kidnap Mek...everything about this man makes my heart melt, like sugar in hot water...hahahah....his gazes, eyes, lips..i can feel his love, and the sadness in his eyes...those eyes and stares sends shivers...muahahah.....i would just have to kidnap Chakrit / Mek...
this drama is a very touching love a woman, i can feel Nim's love n emotion, each romantic scenes makes my heart pumping blood faster like running a marathon.....i am!!!!!!
haha...i totally agreed with you 100%. my heart melt & pumping like crazy too when i watched ep. 5. they are sooooo SWEET!!! :wub: i made a lot of ohhhh... and awwww.... sounds that my sister thought i was crazy or something.

yup, mek's eyes do make you shiver. i was acting like i was nim in those scenes. he surely captured my heart. :wub:
omg, just finish ep6 n cry dis scene tho. heart break dis ep n very sad but love it lols. cherry act very good the scene she's eating......... cry w/her
omg, that part make me cried too. my heart totally ached for nim. i agreed that cherry's acting was so good. you totally can feel her sorrows/pains.
I kinda felt sorry for the girl who is Chakirt's first love..she love him so much, but becuz of that selfish Da, she ran off to marry someone who she doesn't even luv and be abused by him...
i felt so sorry for her too. the way her husband beat her was horrible & sad.

p.jib mentioned earlier that she is a two-faced though later on in the lakorn. i guess we won't be feeling sorry for her in the upcoming episodes when she try to take mek from nim.