sarNie Adult
i just got around to watch both episodes 9/10 today. i didn't really like ep.9 that much because of that two-faced Rattha lady. gosh i hate her! :angry: i was basically so annoyed & angry at her tactics of trying to break nim/mek apart. i felt so so sorry for nim. thank God ep. 10 got me to smile back. i loved all those sweet/cute scenes of nim & mek. BTW, is this the only couple that got interrupted 4 times when they're going in for the kiss or what? when ever mek tried to kiss nim, they got interrupted by: 1)the lady 2) the evil Ruttah 3) the phone 4) it was cut off to show the preview of next week. i don't remember any couple got interrupted like mek/nim before. it was so frustrating for me since i really want to see them kiss. beside those interruptions, i enjoyed their hugging and smiles so much. i loved how mek looked into her eyes and smiles at her. gosh he is such a hottie! :wub: these two are so so cute together. the way they stared & smiled at one another make me all giggling and blushing at the same time. i especially loved when mek pinched nim's cheek while making that cute face at her. he was so cute in that scene. i'm just so happy that mek is showing nim his love for her. when i saw how nim all happy, i felt happy too. this woman deserves some happy times after all those cryings and heart broken that she've been through in the past. i loved that mek ignored the phone call so he can be with nim, and when he tried to talk it out with Rattah. i was like finally Mek! lol. i'm just loving these two so much! their chemistry just rocks!!!! :wub:
next week episode looks to be more tears and dramas. i hope it will not be too much though. it's too soon for me to see this cute couple misunderstanding each other again after their short romantic moments. oh, did i mention that i hate Ruttah! gosh she is so evil! hate her hate her!!!! :angry:
BTW, thanks p.jib (or should i say Mommy JLK) and CherryApple for those screencaps; and RAKRY for those translations. gosh i cannot wait to see the karate and the ice cream scenes, and especially the kidnap scene.
i want more cute scenes of mek/nim! lol.
i did read somewhere too that this lakorn might only have 12 eps. like Tuyah here, i don't think 12 eps. will be enough. there are a lot more scenes that we didn't see as yet, so it doesn't make sense if there is only 12. i believe this lakorn should still be 14 eps. 14 makes more sense to me than 12. i hope it will be 14, so we can see more nim/mek.
next week episode looks to be more tears and dramas. i hope it will not be too much though. it's too soon for me to see this cute couple misunderstanding each other again after their short romantic moments. oh, did i mention that i hate Ruttah! gosh she is so evil! hate her hate her!!!! :angry:
BTW, thanks p.jib (or should i say Mommy JLK) and CherryApple for those screencaps; and RAKRY for those translations. gosh i cannot wait to see the karate and the ice cream scenes, and especially the kidnap scene.
i did read somewhere too that this lakorn might only have 12 eps. like Tuyah here, i don't think 12 eps. will be enough. there are a lot more scenes that we didn't see as yet, so it doesn't make sense if there is only 12. i believe this lakorn should still be 14 eps. 14 makes more sense to me than 12. i hope it will be 14, so we can see more nim/mek.