Whatever happen to all the jumping smilies? I need the jumping smilies.
I'm so happy I finally caught up and got done with Ep.12 wooooooooweeeeeeeeeeee can't wait for Monday and Tuesday now ^_^
:wub: OMG Nim and Mek made this lakorn so painfully good and sad at the same time. :wub:
And that pictures above is giving me goosebump. Thank you Jubjib for making me feel so giddy right now LOL
Did any of you gals notice that Chakrit sneak in a kiss on Cherry cheek in Ep.12? :wub: Aaaah sooooo sweet of him. He probably wanted to kiss her for real, because that scene seems so real. Both of them did an excellent jobs of showing their love. Too bad Cherry doesn't do real kiss or else their hotness kiss probably burned thru the monitor.

hahahaha :wub: The director should have Chakrit land a soft tiny kiss on cherry lips for us fan to drool along with them.

Oh I said I was going to forward Ruttha's scene... but I didn't, because I love to watch Mek told her off... "It's over between us. How many times do I have to tell you that?" SIKE Ruttha! hehehehe Mek is my P'ek for telling her off like that.
And I really wanted to smack Ruttha's face when she walked in and stand beside Mek at that engagement scene. Damn that scene her face looks so good for a nice big slap.