Hello Ladies! gosh i've been really busy lately and finally found the time to watch the lakorn today. anyways here are my inputs for 11/12:
11) the start of this ep. was so cute. mek should've kissed nim right there instead of backing away like that, but gosh they were so cute, especially nim acting all shy and so forth. i especially loved the park scene. can they both get any cuter/sweeter than this?! gosh i was smiling and giggling like crazy watching how they were so sweet to eachother. it was so cute how nim wrapped her arm around mek while they both were walking through the park. it was even more cuter when he bought her the ice cream like he had done 8 yrs. ago. awwww...they even shared the ice cream too. then it was cute and funny when nim tuck the flower in mek's hair. lol. he looked so cute and funny with that red flower on his head like that.

i found it even funnier that he still had it on during the car ride back home. anyways, loved the whole park scene. :wub: these two have so much chemistry that they looked like a real couple for real. the way they looked/smiled at eachother, the way they touched and put their heads against one another were all so natural. i cannot help but feel like they both are in love for real. great acting from both pra'nang. it was suck that the sweet parts were so short.

i really don't like that news reporter lady. i don't understand what she told nim's parents, but i know it must've been something bad. :angry: i was kind of mad at mek for running off to his ex when he should've been there with nim when she had to face her parents. but i was happy that the part when nim fell down, mek was trying to help her up but the stupid evil ex had to hold on to him so tight. what an evil shameless woman she is! :angry: i was happy that he pulled away from her to run after nim though. that's what you suppose to do mek! a big plus for you. lol. i wasn't so sure, but did mek told nim's parents that he loves her? it sounded like he did to me. if it's true, another A plus plus for him. lol. i just love a guy that is not afraid to tell what he feels in front of others, especially in front of the woman's parents. it was so sad though when he tried to ask nim to stop being mad at him that night in her bedroom. gosh the kneeling part caught me off guard. he is soooooo in love with her. i cried along with him when he was crying by the water fountain and then later hugging his brother while crying his eyes out. omg, chakrit is one great crier! his tears came out so easily. that whole crying part broke my heart. it just the way he cried and his sad expression. poor mek.
12) this episode was so BITTERSWEET!!!!! i cried a lot in this scene too. all i can say is Chakrit & Cherry are great criers and actors. all their bittersweet scenes just tore at your heart so deeply that you cannot help but feel their pains and cry along with them.

at the beg. i loved how mek kidnapped nim. it was so cute when she tried to steal the keys from him but he ended up taking her purse and carried her instead. lol. i cried again when he hugged her but she still walked away from him. gosh he was so hurt that he cried his sorrows out once again. i just cannot say enough about his crying. i was so happy that nim came back and hugged him from the back. this scene was so sad and both of them acted so well. the way they both hugged each other so tightly while crying their eyes out was so sad and touching.

the scene with them sleeping outside on the swing looking up at the moon was so cute and sweet and sad at the same time. i especially loved the bedroom scene. it was so cute when mek tried to sleep with nim on the same bed. i laughed when nim started to put those pillows between her and mek. loved the looks on mek face.

like that would pervent him from ravishing her. lol. anyways, they were so cute holding eachother hands while sleeping. hahaa...poor pillows got thrown on the ground later on. i wonder who did it huh? *wink wink* lol. loved when mek was holding her while she was sleeping and the kissed on the forehead was soooooo sweet too. if i were them, i would've run away far from everyone to a nice quite place to be together. just come back after the pregnancy, you know? the whole ep.12 was very heartbreaker for me since there were so many crying scenes between the pra'nang. SAD SAD SAD!!! the engagement part was sad too. i loved how mek is starting to pull away from his ex now. it was so sad/cute when he rushed into the engagement room and smiled at nim. too bad it was short lived when he saw her engagement ring and got all sad. his expression in that scene was so full of pains. also, the part where he touched the glass and put his hand on his heart got me teary eyes again. gosh why do these two have to go through so many pains like that?! i got this big lump in my throat and red eyes after this episode ended. love Chakrit and Cherry! :wub: what a great great great actors they are! BRAVO BRAVO TO THEM!!!!!
next week seems to be a blend of sad scenes with some cute scenes. i am really looking forward to the kissing scene. i love that even though nim is engaged in all, but mek is still taking advantage of her.
i have some questions that i don't understand:
1) i don't understand kong's character in these two eps., especially ep.12. he and micky's character seem to be in love, but why does he still go throught the engagment with nim? can't he just pull it off since micky is the one he loves and he already knew that nim and mek love eachother? also, despite loving micky, he seemed to be happy a little and sad alittle when he put that ring on nim's finger. i just don't understand him. what is he trying to do?
2) why nim's parents want her and kong to engage? why does nim so scare of her parents? also what's up with nim's mom? she seems to be up to something. i think there were a few times that showed her having that smile on her face. does she want nim to be with mek? i ask this because the morning that nim was gone all night long, she looked like she was not worried at all for nim's safety. it seems like she knew nim was with mek so that's why she wasn't worried about her daughter at all. this can be explained only if she approved of mek with nim.
3) why oh why did mek and nim had to come back?! why can't they just run away far to be together? i think i knew why, but i cannot help but ask anyway. lol.
Last but not least, like always, THANKS everyone for sharing all those great and wonderful pics, clips, songs and translations. all of you ladies are so nice and sweet! love you all! :wub: this forum wouldn't be as fun and great without you wonderful ladies in here.