James Jirayu Tangsrisuk


sarNie Juvenile
Yeyyyyy Everybody Nonggg it has confirm from Kim that Lakorn Baung Hong have fiting in 19Feb so exciting hahaha, and will open shooting in the end of thos mouth wahhhhhhh can't wait


sarNie Juvenile
JJ Yesterday  , cr.on pic


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sarNie Adult
Ooooooooooh!!!!!! It's the song in episode 8! Is it really a famous old song in Thailand P'May? Or is it a folk song?


sarNie Juvenile
040156 said:
Ooooooooooh!!!!!! It's the song in episode 8! Is it really a famous old song in Thailand P'May? Or is it a folk song?
Yes it is famous of thai very old song original song by Sharin who is famous singer ,he has many album (spell?) that my mom faverite too. Hehehe


sarNie Juvenile
Nonggg Today it has a litte drama between fc with JJ , because yesterday that someone not photograph with JJ and she annoy and mention to JJ (can y look in JJ'twitter) so then JJ twitt said sorry his fanclub and also he said the after FC can come in and he will photograph with everybody (he send massage to this fc : sorry na Krab , after Y touch me and tell me that y is @.....(name 'twitter) hahaha, also JJ follow twitter this Fc , soooooo cute my boy I never saw stars do like that JJ before, I mean mention and follow that Fc

should I mad to JJ in twitter right? If I want to give JJ follow me too, just kidding. Hahaha.


sarNie Adult
Oh so that's what it was. I saw that too, the person was bragging in Twitter Haha. Poor James ji, has to be level headed all the time. I hope his fans understand too that he may be tired and sleepy :( poor boy. I hope he always stays healthy.


sarNie Juvenile
Nonggggg , Yesterday in twitter Baung Hong had dramatic between fc Kimmy JJ and Bee NamTip who is acting mom'Pimlapat , fc'Bee discredit (bad-mouth) fc'Kim so then someone angry fc'Bee, fc the both of JJ and Kimmy, they said Bee Namtip so handsome more than JJ too hahaha
I think that Baung Hong had high trend becuase about this more than is KraSare truely
They should not like that , if y cheerup or love yr stars , y just concentrate at yr stars not campare or discredit the orther stars right?


sarNie Adult
YEAH! That is so mean! Some fans can be crazy! But that part about Bee being more handsome than JJ is so funny though, I'm so sorry, I laughed even though I know I shouldn't have. hahahaha. Well, James Ji can be prettier than some actresses too... hahahahaha. 


Mrs James Ma
I saw JJ pics with Bee and Kim on twitter. I dont understand Thai so Idk what was happening. Lol even on IG, FCs were comparing who looks good with JJ by posting Bee and Kims pic.
I wish it was Yayaying instead of Bee. But I think Bee also can look fierce. I have not watched her acting so Idk how she acts.
I like this pic so much. JJ with two girls. Sooooo hot :spicy: :spicy:
In this pic, KimJi look very sweet and romantic


sarNie Adult
Today James Ji is taping a segment for a Japanese show with a Japanese boy band from Nagoya Japan. The band's name is "Boys and Men". Personally..... I've never heard of them till now, but I haven't been into JPop since college! hahaha. Well, anyway, this is their website 
If you see their pic, it appears that the costume James Ji was wearing the other day (the dragon like costume) is similar to what the guys are wearing in their website. 
Anyway, they seem to be really surprised at how popular JJ is in Thailand. I suppose the band members haven't reached that level of popularity yet in Japan hehehe
photo cr: Ann_jj

I can't really get what the guy is saying because he has a heavy accent, but what I caught was
guy in red: "they seem to be very happy to see us, there are a lot of people,right?"
guy in yellow: "Yeah you're right!"
JJ:  :lol:
guy in red: "we're lucky to be with this guy, he's really very famous huh?"
guy in yellow: yeah!
hahahahaha I may have heard it wrong, sorry.  
Here in the next clip, the guy at the back is saying: "Seeing it now, I understand, he really is a superstar". 