LMAO omg i love youhello sala... **bows to khun ying**
LMAO omg i love youhello sala... **bows to khun ying**
hahahaha gp xp lol.. **bows down to khunying sala**
????? lmao we discussed this 93275023750203X lmao ahahha maybe u haven't read my post yet gaha nah GP IS PRINCESS u can be queen haaahaha no forreal ur queen
hahaha omg u r totally obsessed withhaha page 1009 rhymes w/ SIXTY NINE haha
lol..hw do i sound like?funny eh?havin sire throat during my recordingawd lmao i just dl like An's voice? i think so haha woo hooo after this ima listen to all ya'l
haha..yeah,,tortureeeeomg wat r u trying to do to her.. torture her xp lol.. i'll catch up soon.. sorry An .. n all the sis who has there fics up.. hmm that reminds me i shall finish mines soon xp lol.. kekeke..
lol..of coz not...if i do that..i'll get killed for sure..wakakakamuahahaha u sure them being together isnt death?? lol.. im jus kiddin xp lol.. dang my neck hurts..
i will check it out soon.. been busy.. thanks ceci..did you gals see UM in KIM RAIDER CONCERT? ..
i posted the pictures up at ATEAM FORUM .. go and check it out.
i'm heading to eat .. will be back later ..
i luv it An ..... whoohooo ... hot!!my new ateam banner!
hahaha ur so funnie gp.. u inherited from mother sarn lmao ..:loool:
wat was there themesong score?? did jlr get a better score?? hahaha go bau go..xp .. yay.. i cant wait to hear more lol..hey bau .. jus wondering is there more notes/chords to the sheetmusic or is that all??oh my holy shit...i found sb themesong score...muaha you dun kill me if i go post at sb thread cause i wanna show them the JLR SISTERS style of sb themesong in PIANO! yeah, only started practicing for a bit...only got like 10 seconds of the themesong done.
glad u liked iti luv it An ..... whoohooo ... hot!!
=O gah did u see that ring??? lmao Koon Mae i love you lmao im gettin a pair of thos earrings next week hehehe i'l vdotape for ya'll dang she got everythign pearl i just need the ring and necklace cuz i got the bracelet and im gettin the earrings![]()
I post these picture a while back when JLR end. I circle all the pearl jewerly Harit brought for Soriya :wub:
hahaha i'll watch this xp lol.. **watching** hahahha omg she is playing mary had a little lamb xp lol.. kekeke.. hahaha omkg anne is playing it xp lol.. luv anne too besides aff kekeke xp lol..dang reminds me .. i still gotta finish LK .. kekeke soon i hope.. hahaha of course anne will catch the fever kekeke xp lol.. like how aff said in the interview that she would not work on wed or thurs because of sb lol..xp.. thanks bau, it's an old behind the scenes of liket kamethep and jlr but i thought it was funny that p'ann was trying to play jlr on the the lady said "why is she not working again" and then ann said a few seconds later "im trying to play the jlr themesong"...hehe lmao, even ann caught the jlr fever? it's around the 1:50 it, it's funny!
heck yea we still rockin .. shoot i gotta go catch up on ur fics xp lol.. im behind..Wow!! the page is in the thousands! JLR is still rocking on huh..
hahaha cant wait bau...xp..yeah hi an and el...gosh finally finish sb soundtrack hehe...gonna play jlr ending themesong tomorrow!
of course we rock.. WE R DA JLR ROCLSTARZ xp lol.. j/k.. n indeed we do luv jlr super much ..JLR sisters rocks! we love JLR so much... :wub:
Finally got the mv out .. i love this Hindi song so i made a mv out of it. Enjoy na kha.
i wish those leg was Soriya![]()