I love oum ruk!! ken was such a nice husband there...so caring...but ann was a little mean to him...love that lakorn so much! I was rewatching episode 8 last night...^_^
lol.. lizard ghost.. xp..LOL Aiko ur hilairious if htat happen to me i would screamm haha lizard ghost
awwwe .. good lukk ks... its funny quotin urself lmao.. hahaha..u guys suck i still have tomorrow my final exam
LOL i was wonder y u would qpute urself haha
yup... u were..Exactly Aiko i'm here hehe![]()
lol.. ur a good spammer though n quoter xp lol..hehe don't blame me aiko i just started spamming today hehe![]()
haha i luv my mom kekek.. yup ur plane.. kekkee..LOL ur mom is funny!
Yeah on my bed airplane hehe
i agree with u RR is only his 'gig' haha LOL luve u RR
hahaha yea if they were only longer but i like it how it ends.. kkek.. yea thaey have lotz of lakorns togetha .. i luv them 2.. kekek..that's what my little sister says, she wishes that thai lakorns are like american soap operas, that go on forever...but that's not possible...i like lakorns the way they are...
yeah, i realized that num and kob have done so many lakorns together...i thought they were married...maybe just good chemistry
omg 31 whoa.. lol.. still young xp lol.. kedkkee.. ken is kute but i luv aum more now muahahaha .. omg andy lau..hmm not very interested in him like tht lmao.. omg i would say donnie yen is super hot for still lookin that fine lmao hahahaa ..tik is 31...aum is only 4 years older than me...but now, i'm leaning more towards ken...i switch a lot...i have phases i guess...from american to chinese to thai, and back and forth...
cuz just a couple months ago, during the Raymond Lam hiatus, i was all about James McAvoy from "Becoming Jane"...then Andy Lau, that man is one hot 40 something year old...then recently, Aum...now Ken...during the phases, i watch anything and everything i can get a hold of that has to do with the guy...
yeah...that sucks to be behind that much...cuz even if it's an hour or so...pages...some sisters love to spam...i can't do it, don't have the patience
hahaha earlier i got scared of that i was like omg it was not me or was it.. ahhhhhhhhhh lamo.. kekkee..wth someone deff. stole my page gona hunt them down now
hahah omg my mom too im not mean but i super hate it when we're watchin sumthin n she jus keeps talkin n talkin n im like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bequiet.. lmao.. hahahaha ... kekeke .. she didnt really show me anione lol.. kekeke.. i learned myself.. muahahahhaha ..Lucky you, my mom always tries to watch stuff with me, and I hate it...it's fun sometimes, when something is funny, we laugh together, but she likes to talk back to the screen, and I hate that...I'm a quiet person when I watch my stuff, so she ruins the mood for me...especially if it's a mushy, cute scene between the main characters...She'll totally talk during it...But, I started watching lakorns because of her...she's seen all those old ones...she introduced me to Num, Johnny, Nok, all those guys from back in the day...But I'm introducing her to Tik, Oil, Aum, and Ken...hehe...She's not surprised when I buy a new lakorn and sees the same guy from other lakorns I have...She knows I only watch them.
yup.. u n me babay lol.. hahahahahah .. i missed ya gp..GP AND PRINCE! ahhhhhhhhh! honey!
lol.. me too .. xp ...it's good to see you guys when i'm on...yay...
im in fresno california.. lol.. kekkee.. i was in lotz of place in cali but now in fresno kekeke.. ooh wait now clovis.. lol.. ahahhaha..where in cali? um...too bad aff already has a man...
haha by potato.. omg i love that song but.. i lost the ost.. T_T..hey sala...miss thai lakorn theme song friend...would you happen to have the theme for Ruk Nee Hua Jai Rao Jong? it plays over and over in the lakorn, and i really really really like it...i like that songs remind me of the lakorn...but there's not enough songs i like from lakorns...
hahaha now i am after so long lol..gawd i'm so glad i found interent WOO! aiko MSN NOW
that super sukks..i tried...that thread is dead...