sarNie OldFart
poor girl... that was very inhuman.. she was butchered into pieces like she was an animal... 
well i thought aum has a famous dad.....Does Aum have a famous dad? Yes or no? I'm confused, some say yes, others say no, then I heard him calling that actor that played his dad in BKST his dad...so is that a man he respects that just calls "dad", or is that his real dad?
hey GPhello honeys <3
dang... less than 3 hours of sleep? I've tried that before and gawd, I felt like I was drunk whole day long!havin class in like 30mins .. i slept less than 3 hours .. i think im going to die
one time i didn't sleep at all..i felt so weird..dang... less than 3 hours of sleep? I've tried that before and gawd, I felt like I was drunk whole day long!