Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie OldFart
StarryXing*:I love your posters! They're sooooo gorgeous.

Sarn: I agree. I love it that he's so confident. I'm tired of the silly pra'akes misunderstanding and thinking that nang'ake loves someone else and stuff. Harith is a MAN! No longer a boy so yah, he's soooo hot! No wonder why Harith makes us all melt, he's so confident, sexy, and just ALL THAT!


sarNie Hatchling
So, haven't posted any artwork today yet, here's two wallies. I should probably go make my own JLR artwork thread at some point.
** Probably could have pulled up tons more "Top Reasons why..." (so many items scattered across this thread) but limited it down the 10 below. Maybe I'll make a second part to the first wallpaper. :)
Your wallies are so cute, esp. the "top reasons why...".

Wow, everyone here are so artistic and creative with wallies. I wish I can do the same but I can only admire what you guys do. Keep up the good work!!!


sarNie Hatchling
what the heck....My blog has been shut down or something.??

This is a message I got from them.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we are performing some unexpected maintenance. Your dashboard is going to be unavailable for 730 days.

730 days is like 2 years? did I read that wrong. hahahhaah.

sorry, I was just ranting...dont' reply.
Lol. I dont' think so because I can access it. IT's the link you have as your signature, right?


sarNie OldFart
StarryXing*: Forgot to mention, your LIST is WELL SAID AND DONE! :yahoo: I'm definitely pulling an all nighter tonight, finish up Ratree Samorn Subs and at least one music video for tonight!

Alright, I feel the heat again, it's explosive!


sarNie Oldmaid
hahah of course he has to know that she has to have some kinda of feeling for him, esp because of that pearl bracelet..

shoot how can she not love him?....................cause all us girls here does!

hahaha but i like how she gave him a taste of his own medicine too. as for sansanee she can cry or go as crazy as she like cause i dont pity her one bit. (shes actually annoying in the lakorn)

lol lynda, only the one that are crazy can read another crazy persons' mind. anyways its a good sign cause we are still sane...its just a "fever". :lol:

“there is no place far enough that you can go; I will find you " <----agree this line is only cute when the p'ek says it to n'ek in lakorns (hahah you can run but you cant hide!)


sarNie Adult
StarryXing*:I love your posters! They're sooooo gorgeous.

Sarn: I agree. I love it that he's so confident. I'm tired of the silly pra'akes misunderstanding and thinking that nang'ake loves someone else and stuff. Harith is a MAN! No longer a boy so yah, he's soooo hot! No wonder why Harith makes us all melt, he's so confident, sexy, and just ALL THAT!
Took the words right out of my mouth!!! :D
Harit definitely makes me melt!


sarNie Granny
That is such a stalker-ish line... but yet, why does it sound so exciting coming from Harit to Soriya?? :) P'ek stalking n'ek is so sweet (only in movies though). :)

So, haven't posted any artwork today yet, here's two wallies. I should probably go make my own JLR artwork thread at some point.
** Probably could have pulled up tons more "Top Reasons why..." (so many items scattered across this thread) but limited it down the 10 below. Maybe I'll make a second part to the first wallpaper. :)

i love it ..silly girl ! u should go make a JLR section in the Talent secion http://www.sarnworld.com/discuzz/index.php?showforum=160

He's like older than her by like 10 years. He's 30 something and she is like 23. I guess he knows women and can read them.

Well yea, i do agree, he's very cocky.
And he's a little crazy. When he wants something, he fights for it delusionally. He wants her that bad so he thinks she likes him too. ?? i don't know. I can't read crazy people.
he prollly think she have feeling for him cuz she still wearing his bracelet and how she doesn't protest when he put it on --- or maybe he think all girl can't resist him hahah


sarNie Adult
he prollly think she have feeling for him cuz she still wearing his bracelet and how she doesn't protest when he put it on --- or maybe he think all girl can't resist him hahah
I'm gonna sleep early and try to wake up early to catch it live.
what time is it airing again?
8: 30 or 9?


sarNie Oldmaid
can anyone that have the new version of the theme song upload it to wmv. file or mp3?
i really love this song.

i dont have the program to do the wallpaper stuff so i am doing it the old fashion way...drawing it!


sarNie Adult
just wake up at any ramdom time lmaoo...sadly i have to work
Sarn you work at that time? I swear since JLR started you're alway with us watching it live too.
I see your name at the bottom all the time.


sarNie Granny
Sarn you work at that time? I swear since JLR started you're alway with us watching it live too.
I see your name at the bottom all the time.
dat was from work computer but tomorrow i won't be at my work station i be at a school ( still working though ) i just can't get access to a computer till 1pm when i return back to the office


sarNie Granny
Soriya slowly raised her hand with the pearl bracelet. She took it off and threw it in front of him. “you believe now?� Hakrit looked at her with pain. She added, “khun pee loves you. Go back to her. You started this, so you should finish it to the end.�
They both stood still, soriya with no meaning and hakrit full of pain.

^^^ it sounded like she want him to choose bwt/ her & sananee cuz now there two ppl loving him Soyia & Sananee .


Staff member
lmaoo... i know how it goin end . He doesn't try to seduce Sananee. He just take her out and buy her thing and tell her his future plan about getting marry and start a family ( he acutally was thinking about his plan w/ Soyia ) but Sananee have to much confidence in herself and think that EVERY guy dat near her will fall into her CHARM but not Harit . The only excuse for him to see Soyia is getting close to Sananee . I bet ya he have no intension to kidnap/torture Sananee other than to just let her taste her own medicine of being rejected by a man --- that isn't to cruel compare to wat Soyia have to put up with. The reason for him to finally stop his courting and leading Sananee on is when Soyia start feeling pity for Sananee seeing her own cousin falling for Harit w/o knowing all Harit want to do is hurt her feeling to revenge for his brother and Soyia will push Harit to love Sananee for real and he couldn't do it and finally reveal the truth that he is Harin s' brother and the girl he love is Soyai and SAnanee go crazy hahahahha.
crazy? .. .. just b/c she got reject, she went a bit crazy .. no fear, she didn't suffer much then

I totally forgot about Ryan's character. That could be another catalyst to end his vengeance. Yeah, Soriya probably decides to marry Nok-goon and Harit finds out. He pursues her to her mother's house. Then, he is totally afraid to lose her again. He kidnaps her again. At the island, he tries every method possible to convince Soriya to stay with him and be his wifey.
I hope she is pregnant at this part because he can blackmail her into staying by saying, "that kid is mine. I'll tell everyone." har, har!!!
muahah. that's how i would love to hear him say to her .. don't walk away, or this or that. LOl ..
So can have a nice comeback by using the baby as a threat to him .. do this or that, making him feel quilt and stress . :loool:

HOLY .. sizzling hot.. i was gone for 30 minutes and came back with this .. the spoiler is awesome .. happy mood to sad mood :( i'm feeling her pain ..
she did the right thing, play hard to get. make him crawl after her since he already say that no matter where she is, he'll find her :p

: i'll go work i just dont know about celici hahaha
i have to work late tomorrow but have dr appt to go to at 9 am. which mean, i'm missing at least, 30 minute of show *i think* ..
let's hope they cancel the appt tomorrow :lol: i won't skip again b/c the exciting part is over already .. :p

what the heck....My blog has been shut down or something.??

This is a message I got from them.
Sorry for the inconvenience, we are performing some unexpected maintenance. Your dashboard is going to be unavailable for 730 days.

730 days is like 2 years? did I read that wrong. hahahhaah.

sorry, I was just ranting...dont' reply.
haha. that's crazy. what about the other ppl's blog .. you work so hard and those summary and analysis are super LONG AND AWESOME ..and well explain too .. why did they do this .. that suck so bad, if they do this, what would you do, this news already unmotivated you a bit :(

TWINKY thank you .. i'm waiting for your 2nd spoiler before heading to bed .. so much to do tomorrow :(

AIYA i wanna see your mv .. the sub is done? .. should i hardsub it?

STARRY that's a top notch WALLY reasons. Ah! don't forget to post your works in the GRAPICH section :wub: