Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
:loool: you guys are really funny!!! no really! ahahhaha.. aum would get scared but like I say all the time who wouldn't want to kidnap aum man he's so hott@@@!!! hey if yall change your username to that mine will be heartaumpinky i should really change it! lol. -_- be aum don't be scared of us we just like you ALOT cause your hott!

by that way is it just me or is ATC forum not working?
sarahvang, changing your name is not enough you have to wear a mask too when Aum in in here with us. I think most of the girls here already find a mask or a good place to hide. My mask is cool, cuz I cut out Pinky face and glue it to my mask and I will wear when Aum is here. :loool:


sarNie Oldmaid
:loool: you guys are really funny!!! no really! ahahhaha.. aum would get scared but like I say all the time who wouldn't want to kidnap aum man he's so hott@@@!!! hey if yall change your username to that mine will be heartaumpinky i should really change it! lol. -_- be aum don't be scared of us we just like you ALOT cause your hott!

by that way is it just me or is ATC forum not working?

Sarah its not just you i am having difficulties getting in there too. probably something with the site again.


sarNie Elites
sarahvang, changing your name is not enough you have to wear a mask too when Aum in in here with us. I think most of the girls here already find a mask or a good place to hide. My mask is cool, cuz I cut out Pinky face and glue it to my mask and I will wear when Aum is here. :loool:
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: hahaha.. maybe i need to do that too ok!!! :p thanks for the idea~ haha jk.



2. cute animals!!! Gayu and Chum Poo
3. perfect scenery JUNGLE FEVER, island, city
4. the emotions expressed by Harit and Soriya
5. the lakorn's songs are stuck in our heads!!!
6. we can't concentrate at school/work
7. JLR FEVER is written multiple times on something you own
8. we are in the JLR thread 24/7 and spend many hours reading all the posts and still visit the thread everyday
9. we experience many symptoms from our FEVER
10. we are forcing upon Aum and Aff dating in real life haha
11. we've left everything behind us. JLR is the center of our lives
12. everyone spams for the 5 days a week when there isn't a new episode
13. we mapped out every possible emotion Soriya and Harit is feeling
14. the deep meaning of love [between Harit and Soriya and Harit and Harin
15. we have so many pictures of Aff and/or Aum that we look like stalkers HAHA
16. we're all waiting to see Sunsanee get whats comming for her
17. everyone now wants to learn how to read/understand thai so they can watch JLR and read spoilers fortunately we have Twinky =]
18. thers always a group of people reading the JLR thread
19. everyone is getting below the average # of hours of sleep recommended on Mondays and Tuesdays
20. everyone wants to contribute to the JLR FEVER by mvs, graphics,artworks, posts etc. even if they don't kno how to make them
21. when the lakorn ends everyone will be rewatching it again
22. we have both songs (and other versions of it) on our iPods and mp3 players
23. wen we watch JLR we are in the ZONE from the point wen the themesong starts til the end song stops no one and nothing else in the world matters to us
24. the beast inside all of us that has formed from our FEVER burns on for LIFE and cannot be cured
25. we are constantly laughing hysterically at the computer screen (one of our many insane sypmtoms)
26. wen JLR is over everyone is going to continue posting in this thread and start from page one and read til the end (which could take weeks maybe months now since the pages keep on growing haha)
27. we randomly think of a scene from JLR and start laughing randomly in public
28. everyone is dedicating to our JLR baby by naming our future children/pets there names
29. everyone is sneaking at work/school to get on the JLR thread to chill
30. everyone watches/or is starting to watch the JLR cast on the different talk shows
31. everyone makes/talks/thinks about dirty thoughts of Aum w/ Aff ahhahhaha cough... cough..... R-SCENE COMMENTS....cough...cough.. AHEM haha
32. everyone needs someone to be behind them so they can be caught wen fainted hahahha (mainly Prisna but we all got her back =])
33. everyone listens to the songs to sleep/on and on their wayy to work/all the time
34. our fever is seXXXy HAWTNESS like Aff and Aum
35. at work or at school w/ the songs stuck in our heads we lip out the song and people from afar think your talkin to yourself hahah [happened to me today] ahhahah
36. you are caught doing embrassing things involving w/ thinking about JLR in public haha
37. People asked for the college song, you gave JLR song for them to practice. They are pissed esp. the staff meeting is this afternoon and ppl need to practice to sing the college song during the meeting!
38. All the people in the JLR thread knows how one another feels from there FEVER
39. there is a constant temptation for spaming and spoilers
40. hallucinations are starting to become one of the sypmtoms from our FEVER
41. The theme song is now your number one favorite song:).. credit- sarN
42. The song is replayed 24/7 and even the people that don't watch the lakorn is humming to it too..lol credit- sarN
43. you are getting everyone to watch it with you and now they have also caught the fever credit- sarN
44. YOu stare at the spoiler picture w/o a blink of an eye credit- sarN
45. You KNOE who Cecilia , sarN , Lydna , Prisana is . credit- sarN
46. we know each other's specialty, role, acknowledge stranger and make them friend instantly rolleyes.gif credit- Cecilia
47. when guy start coming in this thread just for random reasons ph34r.gif credit- Cecilia
48. on the night before the new episode air, you toss/turn until you get up to check out the latest post loool.gif credit- Cecilia
49. you open 4 screens when do live streaming as if no other streamers exist. credit- Cecilia
50. the many face expressions of Harith and Soriya haha and the things they remind us of haha
51. Harith's and SO's SEXXXY voices
52. MV's are becoming a big contribution to our FEVER
53. every 24 hours the thread goes up like 7 pages or more
54. even after the lakorn ends everyone will still be chilling in here and keeping our FEVER alive
55. everyones spam comments are insane hahah
56. we are going to start a PETITION! woo!
57. everyone thinks Aff's bf is UGLY and she would deff. look better w/ our SEXXXY AUM!
58. JLR thread is the first place we go to wen we get on Sarnworld
59. we count down the days till the next episode
60. our dirty perverted comments......
61. on Mondays and Tuesdays after opening up the JLR thread we have another browser window and go straight to the download section of JLR
62. the screen caps with the insanely hilarious captions HAHHA
63. we constantly think back upon the past scenes of JLR cough...cough... Harith's coffee break...cough...cough...., the pearl scene, the departure etc.
64. Sunsanee is deff. getting on our nerves makes us wana slap her *repeatedly* HAHAH
66. another symptom we are beginning to show is determining whether it is JLR MV proof HAHHAHA
67. this thread is just full of made up words we made ahem....SEXXXY.....SPERMINATED (haha credit to Lynda for bringing the word to us) HAHA etc.
68. EVERYONE is soooo nice in here =]
69. a lot of new people are joining our "support group/thread" just so they can read our JLR posts
70. this topic may be the biggest thread w/ soo many posts and pages
71. our comments are one of a kind and are priceless hahahaahaha
72. OUR (mostly Cecilia's hahhah) BABY ARISOYA IS HERE! actually in Mommy SO's tummy
73. we use the max. number of emotion smileys allowed for a post haha
74. the thread wouldn't be as HOTT w/o the people who make it up
75. when you read the member's names at the bottom of whose in the thread you randomly jump for joy and start yelling the person's name going ___________'s in HERE!!! HAHHaHA (that's how we show our love )
76. we stay online and in the JLR thread and wait for each other to join us haha
77. each individual is different and known for there different personailties but our FEVER and SYMPTOMS is still all the same
78. we can predict so much and hope so high from just a preview or a screencap even though we haven't even seen the episode yet HAHHAHHA
79. we need to start making SARNWORLD JLR merchandise for our FEVER INFESTED! hahah (credit: starryXing) now everyone can join sarN w/ the pillow throwing!!!! hahahha JLR PILLOW FIGHT!!!
80. our JLR ideas keep rollin HAHA
81. everyone credits each other for there contribution
82. even now we are still listening to the theme/end song on repeat 24/7
83. all of us infected Sarnies are going to cram into that JLR advertised car hahah all 32865982365983697923 of us hahhaha (we'll make it work HAH)
84. we are dreaming and hoping to have dreams of our seXXXy Harith!! [the dirty one of course AHHAHHHAHHAH]
85. the many scenes that just make us melt
86. this is probably the funnest and lovingest place you could be on the internet
87. we are sometimes caught multitasking when necessary. for example if we need to do homework and what ever else (chores, work, etc.) we are alongside that reading in the JLR thread and 90% our concentration is going to the JLR thread and the other 10% is for whatever else we are doing haha
88. JLR is the highlights of our day (credit: Raiya)
89. you are experiencing at least 3 or more of the things listed at the very moment =]
90. not only is Sunsanee getting on our nerves her mom is starting to piss me off too hahah
91. JLR is connecting all us JLR infested w/ songs and what not hahah "freaky phenomena" haha its just a FEVER sypmtom haha started with our eyes and head now our ears
92. the many egg scenes hahahha there's like 4 of them!! nope i was thinking last nite and there is deff. like 10 EGG scenes hahaha
93. JLR CLOTHING- we notice EVERYTHING! (Tuay's outfit (credit- agirl), SO's see through clothes , Harith's wife beaters/jeans/t-shirt/suits)
94. we love our seXXXy AUM & AFF's servants/maids ahha Bai and Tuay
95. a GOOD day for us is anything about JLR is associated w/ it (new episodes, graphics, pictures, posts) if not our day SUX
96. when we hear the words J- L- R, Aff, Aum, FEVER its a natural instinct that we look up and go WHERE? JLR FEVER!!! like a dog that hears it's whistle AHHAHAAA
97. we can take all the words out of Harith's and Soriya's mouths and heads hahha even if they don't say anything we know everything that they're thinking to say and what's going on in there heads (such as the night gate talk scene and the supermarket stalker scene)
98. we think about JLR/AUM/AFF/ARISOYA to sleep hoping that they'll be in our dreams =]
99. we are waiting for the perfect scenes to put in our JLR MVs
100. when watching JLR we blast up the volume so we can gurantee that we don't miss a sound making everyone in the house yell ARE YOU FREAKIN DEAF?? and your sitting there eyes glued to the screen and ears listening contently to every word being said
101. while posting in the JLR thread you have clicked the REPLY button 37865926598371673208760723307 times, the QUOTE button 3297326760974339743968 times, and the EDIT button 3895704360943697497367 times AHHA
102. your normal conversation when your friend calls (ever since JLR started airing)
them- hey sup?
you- JLRing *bye*
them- of course *and if you haven't hung up on them first then they hang up on you* haha
103. during the day we think about our conversations we had in the JLR thread and laugh to ourselves out loud
104. JLR is in our daily routine without it we are lost
105. we hike through the JUNGLE of POSTS at least 50+ times a week
106. we want Aum/Aff to come and chat with us but are to ashamed of our posts
107. everyone is talented with there contributions
108. we aren't thinking of how our life will change when the lakorn ends
109. we'd rather stay home and dedicate our weekends to JLR and our FEVER
110. when Aum & Aff's commercial comes out we'll watch it 24/7
111. JLR is deff. our favorite lakorn or at least one of our favorites
112. Aff & Aum are our favorite couple or one of them and/or our fav. n'ek/p'ek
113. if some outsider were to read our posts they would recommend both physical and mental help until they get infected and join us
114. ever since we have caught the FEVER we have tried so many new things that we didn't even kno and would have never thought of doing before or later in our lives (MV making, living off of JLR, dedicating so many things to JLR, etc.)
115. when JLR is over each of us are going to make our own list of which numbers (from this list) that apply/applied to them the most

credit- sarN
116. Harit is muscle bound
117. Soyia gorgeously HOT
118. Revenge Plot , Kidnap , Slap-KIss , R-scene

119. your favorite day of the week is now Monday
120. you tell everyone around you that you've developed "jungle fever" and now everyone's scared you are either 1) highly contagious or 2) totally nuts!
121. you have now become a 24/7 stalker on the JLR thread- forgoing sleep, water, food, shopping, everything else. Who cares if you have to spend the next 3 hours reading comments of "R" crazed fanatics?
122. you have re-watched every episode released of JLR at least 5 times, each time pausing to take more screencaps, ponder about see-thru-clothing, or just sigh happily at the screen
123. you've planned out Harith and Soriya's entire life ahead of them...including the name of their firstborn child
124. you have an intense interest in how the jungle affects the amount of sweat the body releases (how does Harith manage to sweat and still look hott?)
125. everyone in your family is now fully devoted to catching the "fever"
126. you've gotten up at least 2 hours earlier than normal to attempt "Soriya style curls." (And you did have fabulous long, flowing, curly jungle hair afterwards)

127. JLRing is one of your hobbies and interests
128. new word/place JUNGLE of POSTS (in our own JLR thread)

129. we have typed so much in our many posts we get hand cramps
130. the JLR thread will hit 350+ pages on the last day JLR is aired (February 18th) and will skyrocket up to 500+ pages after the lakorn is over because we will comment about everything from the ending and will continue to spam and hike through our JUNGLE of POSTS so we can revisit our past episodes and memories
131. the reason why we have so much time for JLR and post as if we have no life is because we make time for it and devoted ourselves to the FEVER
132. with the weekend here and school out of the way we can now JLR and chat/spam w/ our lovely ladies
133. when you wake up in the morning your first thoughts of the day is "why am i not online in the JLR thread?"
134. prior to JLR we have downloaded so many new programs to our computer, joined so many websites, and learned how to do soo many things
135. throughout the whole day we ask ourselves and think to ourselves about what we are going to post in the JLR thread
136. the time that we spend in the JLR thread is b/c we're trying to catch up and read the JUNGLE of POSTS and watch everyone's MVs and take in all the beautiful artworks and SPAM!
137. your house/room is turning/has turned into a JUNGLE because you have been JLRing and haven't been cleaning lately
138. if an award was given out for most devoted support group for a lakorn WE would win it for JLR
139. you have clicked the REFRESH button 237593645634630708273084608236275858253852 times
140. instead of typing the sarnworld site everytime you open your browser, you have set your homepage to the JLR thread
141. Aum and Aff are our VALENTINES for Valentine's Day
142. for Aum's birthday (Feb. 20) we are going to party at his HOUSE forget his house his ISLAND!

143. ok EGGS deff. play a big role in JLR hahah theres been like 20 egg scenes already
144. we love Aum SHIRTLESS
145. the forum shoots up so many pages overnight its hard to catch up and read everything
146. so many JLR infested people are posting even if they never/rarely posted before (the silent readers)
147. we planned out every way to beat the other JLR infested Sarnies to get to Harit
148. we are so glad Boontai beat Sunsanee
149. with the sweet scenes we pause, rewind, and replay a million times just to make sure and satisfy our watching sensation
150. when Harith said "I LOVE YOU" to Soriya we were blushing and "cun" and we as happy as SO was
151. when SO or Harit say something sweet/mean to each other we react as if it were being said to us
152. we have fainted at least once psht screw one time a MINIMUM OF 5 times during our JLR FEVER
153. we want to beat up the doctor for not being so sure for answering SO while she went to have a check up
154. we loved it when SO came out of her check up and touched her stomach and Harit did the same
155. our hearts about dropped when Sun said "SO you act like your a pregnant lady" and Harit and SO's face expressions man PRICELESS
156. we watch contently when Harit is w/ Sun and how his face expressions show towards her
157. we laugh that maniac evil laugh when we see how Harit is playing Sun and how shes so oblivious to everything around her and how she's so full of herself and we're w/ Harit w/ his evil thoughts and laugh
158. our JLR FEVER has made up X-RATED w/ our posts
159. we have cried so many times b/c of Harit and SO's saddness
160. the people in here are who you call "MY JLR INFESTED FAMILY FROM THE JUNGLE ISLAND"
161. we have officially turned into maniacs about JLR, we can't stop thinkin about it, we've developed JLR FEVER MIGRAINES from thinkin so much about Arisoya, and what's going to happen next, predicting the ending, how everything is going to turn up etc.
162. we haven't had a peaceful sleep since day one of JLR
163. JLR is our DRUG we are ADDICTED to it we have to get some JLR EVERYDAY
164. when its spring break we are all going to rewatch JLR AGAIN and RE-EXPERIENCE THE FEVER
165. before we were wanting to have dreams of SO, Harith, Aff, Aum but now we have thought about it so much they are in our dreams
166. so many lists are forming
167. we have a folder of each category, one for Aum, Aff, Aff & Aum, SO & Harit, JLR *credit to Cecilia*
168. you have downloaded every episode of JLR onto your computer
169. one of these days your computer is going to crash due to too much usage of memory for JLR
170. when the DVD comes out EVERYONE is going to buy it no matter the cost
171. we have watched Aff & Aum's commericial 398639276072 times and have it downloaded on our computer it is too CUTE!!!
172. due to JLR we are failing school and slacking on our jobs and are going to get fired if we don't pick up the pace
173. we have gotten Feb. 18 RESERVED for JLR which means skipping school, skipping work, finding someone to fill in for you, etc.
174. we would love to eat Aum
175. you have said "i can't wait to go home and JLR" to someone at least 20 times in a day
176. you have cussed out all the distractions that are causing you to not be able to JLR cough...cough...HOMEWORK...cough...cough...
177. we now want grow our hair out to SO's length just so we could try out her curls for a day or two
178. we think about JLR as much as SO and Harit think about each other and that is ALOT!
179. we have read the JLR posters names so many times we memorized how to spell everyone's names long and short
180. we are always there for each other when one is in need
181. we LOVE our JUNGLE FEVER HUGS!!! contagiousness wouldn't matter because everyone is already infected
182. we are the most hilarious girls you'll ever meet in your life we make you laugh so hard JUNGLE FLIES fly in your mouth *van~C experienced it first*
183. we have so many fainters we started our own group
184. we live in a JLR JUNGLE FEVERED world
185. we have many memories and experiences from our JUNGLE OF POSTS
186. as stressful our JUNGLE FEVER can be it is also very soothing and calming (JLR is our thearpy for the long days we've had)
187. JLR has brought us to new music; we have started listening to Punch from the theme song and Boyd from the end song and so many more from our MVs
188. JLR is THE perfect lakorn to watch when you are PMSing
189. we love the expressions Harit compares Sun to (the fish sayings) and Sun's too stupid to understand he's not complimenting her
190. after the lakorn ends we are deff. going to have a JLR MARTHON
191. for those of us who are in a relationship we are pissing our boyfriends off w/ this AUM LOVE and JLR FEVERNESS
192. we are probably the top FANS of Aff & Aum and JLR
193. we are counting down until the last episode
194. we are having constant mixed feelings wether to be sad or happy that its ending
195. we are hoping we become sane again when JLR ends but no matter what we will still be INFECTED
196. when you write/see the letter J you immediatly smile to yourself because it reminds you of JLR
197. we have the constant urge to go stand in the middle of a room/class/work/road/inside/outside and start singing the JLR songs or scream JLR FEVER! I LOVE AFF! I LOVE AUM!
198. we are going to print out the many pictures of Aum and Aff that we have and make them POSTER size and hang them in our rooms
199. through our eyes Aff is the only PERFECT PEARL GIRL for Aum and Aum is the only PERFECT KIDNAPPER TORTURER for Aff and we can not picture them with anyone else or doing the things they do with anyone else
201. we have taken an intrest in pearls because of JLR even though we never thought anything of them before
202. when you click on your history on your internet browser all you see is either the SARNWORLD JLR THREAD, Megaupload, Sendspace, Filefront, Mediafire, Youtube, ATC, Aff's website, or anything JLR related
203. when you see a boat you are reminded of Harit's boat and the many times SO tried to escape using the boat
204. we are starting to feel bad for Tawatchai b/c of how Sun is treating him
205. we agree Nok goon is a very intresting character haha him and his accent
206. the characters in JLR are what make up the intresting stuff
207. at the moment we are suffering pain from seeing how hurt SO and Harit are
208. we are probably more JLR experted than the directors of JLR
209. the way Sun treats SO and how she talks to her and abuses her we have to hold our selves back from not attacking at the computer screen/tv
210. we feel so bad for Tuay the servant of Sun's house b/c Sun hits her EVERYTIME! and it seems real and looks like it hurts!
211. we are deff. sure that ARISOYA will be CONFIRMED on the 2nd appointment she will be created out of our faith and love and Harit and Soriya's seXXXy JUNGLE RAPE we are deff. BABY CRAZY!
212. right now we are spending our VALENTINE'S DAY with our JLR INFESTED FAMILY


and SURPRISE!!! the list has passed the 200 mark before JLR ended!!! WOO!!! ahha my goal now is to match the list to the number of pages in the JUNGLE OF POSTS! WOO! so enjoy!! i'll try to start working/finish a MV for ya'll tonite and try out a artwork haha well guys have a list to read so get to it :D


sarNie OldFart
Cecelia, that first picture where Soriya has her mouth open looks like she's welcoming Harith's mouth, don't you think?

Seriously, I don't know how Aff is holding back and not jump all over Aum. I bet she's melting inside too. Too bad she has a bf :( .



sarNie Adult
:loool: LADIES you all are so funny...I'm going to miss this when JLR is over :lmao: Thanks for all the wonderful comments..Gosh I swear I was just on not too long ago...and now it's 315 pages already! :blink: I love my yogurt Aum! YUUUUMMMYYY...Ceda_Lee lol..I have to take back my x-rated comment..what if he comes in here and thinks i'm freaky! lol freaky can be good if your into that..are you p'aum? :loool: :yahoo:


is sarN back yet?? hope she's in here catching up tomara!! ahha where is everyone???? amikrazie, starryXing, raiya, chenling, cecilia, prisna my JLR SISTERS!!!!!


sarNie Adult
:loool: OMG I KNOW WHAT THE CURE IS! IT'S AUM YOGURT..WHY DIDNT I THINK ABOUT THIS SOONER! :yahoo: It cools you down at the same time it gives you this warm feeling...ahhhhh...yes thats the cure!


sarNie Oldmaid
is sarN back yet?? hope she's in here catching up tomara!! ahha where is everyone???? amikrazie, starryXing, raiya, chenling, cecilia, prisna my JLR SISTERS!!!!!

missy, i am still here i am invisible for some reason. i even try to mess with the photoshop but errr i am still having issues with that too. <_<

anyways i am trying to do that window media stuff the program keeps doing some wierd things lol

i also just got my internet back (Sarn's spreading that modem problem to me lol jk) She needs to get back on here--lots of pages to catch up... ^_^

Prisna when are you due? :loool:


sarNie Adult
GP - wow girl that list is crazy! We are all here with you just being silent readers bc we are sneaking onto the thread at work. But for real, I love this thread and all you wonderful JLR fans. I'm totally with number 212--spending Valentine's Day with JLR (my new lover!).



missy, i am still here i am invisible for some reason. i even try to mess with the photoshop but errr i am still having issues with that too. <_<

anyways i am trying to do that window media stuff the program keeps doing some wierd things lol

i also just got my internet back (Sarn's spreading that modem problem to me lol jk) She needs to get back on here--lots of pages to catch up... ^_^
Prisna when are you due? :loool:

YAY! haha yea i didn't see your name in the thing but glad u are one =] hah i see Raiya on too ima experiment w/ the photoshop now haah oi! what happend to ur ineternt? wow i screwed up that spelling haha internet*


GP - wow girl that list is crazy! We are all here with you just being silent readers bc we are sneaking onto the thread at work. But for real, I love this thread and all you wonderful JLR fans. I'm totally with number 212--spending Valentine's Day with JLR (my new lover!).


:D ahah ur still at work? haha how was your day today? like the new job? haha of course! if you can sneak onto the thread hehe


sarNie Adult
:D ahah ur still at work? haha how was your day today? like the new job? haha of course! if you can sneak onto the thread hehe
Yep! I work too much but bc of JLR I like to run home so I can read all the new posts! For real tho, you guys are sooo fast, I was out of the thread for a few hours and it jumped 3 pages (I know we keep saying that!!!).

My day was bad but I just read through your list and it made me smile :D Now I know what to do if I ever get depressed, I'll just read through all the symptoms and laugh hysterically (well my work friends already think I'm wacked out cuz I love JLR so much).

Welcome back btw!!!